Goddammit not a single store has RoF right now, the most common answer I got was check back around 2PM for another shipment, and of course lamestop says today is just the shipping date. Fucking bullshit.
I’ll let you know in a few hours when my store gets it.
Man, the only thing worse than waiting for a game for weeks/months is waiting for a game on the day it’s supposed to be in. :shake: Oh well, I have faith that I will get RoF today.
I feel the same way, I was so excited to play it. The wait is excruciating.
So far.
gow iii related
Just got Apollo’s bow.
Fighting Poseidon was awesome. He had a really cool and unique look to him.
I loved the fact it gave Poseidon’s view of him getting his shit kicked in. Although my favorite part of the boss fights is usually near the end when Kratos just goes beast mode on them.
Kind of lame how they went about draining Kratos’ powers though. River of Styx? Really? I mean, yeah, they were pretty faithful to what Sty actually does but the way Kratos lost his powers in GoW II was a lot more creative so I guess I had higher hopes.
Good game so far.
Yeah that’s pretty brutal. I got my copy of FFXIII on release day and had to wait until about 4 days later for my PS3 to come in the mail. That was pretty rough too. I had a 360 but I just figured I’d get it on the PS3 since I was getting one anyways.
Been MIA on this thread lately due to getting a PS3 finally and FFXIII. Trying to think of what game I want to play next, I’m thinking Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, GoW3, or MGS4.
ModNation Racers is coming May 25: http://www.gamespot.com/news/6253652.html?tag=latestheadlines;title;1
I can’t wait for this game. I should start drawing up some track designs ahead of time. No doubt someone will recreate tracks from the Mario Kart games.
RoF won’t come in until tomorrow for me. Boourns.
I think I’m 12-13 hours into Yakuza 3 and I’m only on Chapter 5. What you gotta do to raise Haruka’s trust level?
I’ve been having Haruka tag along with me sometimes when I go out and do random shit, but I’m not sure if that’s been raising my trust level with her at all. Do you get anything out of raising it?
I only just left Ryukyu, with 19 sub-stories done already with two in limbo (the 7 mysteries of downtown Ryukyu. One can only be done at night, the other has to do with this necklace I bought though I’m not sure how to activate that quest.) I get distracted so easily from the main story, mostly from the sub-stories and locker keys. I’ve messed with some of the mini-games, but they feel a lot more complicated in comparison to the mini-games in the first two games. I’m gonna mess around in the arcade now that I’m in Kamurocho when I find it, but my main goal in my first playthrough is to do as many sub-stories as possible while finding as many keys as I can. I’m gonna try to not get distracted by the mini-games too much.
Resonance of Fate Review:
Seems like the game is either quite challenging or the reviewer isn’t that great with the battle system.
I’m told what they did is make every battle hard and you simply get a full restore after every battle. So each fight is potentially life threatening. I prefer this anyway actually, Last Remnant was the same way
Edit: fuck YES wal-mart got it in!
final fantasy is also the same way
Ugghhhh…VGP didn’t get the game today. :sad: Neither did EB Games…both stores were expecting the game today. I hope there aren’t any shenanigans going on.
Went to Best Buy, Target, two Gamestops and an indie game store and nobody had RoF. So much for impulse buy.
Fucking bitch lied to me. Damnit now I have to wait a whole day!
I need to be rocking some Reanbell.
No one had it, I got FF13 anyway. Made it to Gran Pulse and am running around getting killed by monsters from the Mist. I’ll just pick up RoF tomorrow or something.
shits hard. gotta farm pretty hard at that point, but i didn’t give a shit. walking around gran pulse is one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever seen in a video game. when you take a step back and just look at what’s going on at any given time, it looks vibrant and alive and completely independent of everything you are doing. i only wish it was bigger.
Yeah if you want the best grinding in Gran Pulse this is the way to do it.