The Official PS3 thread

I actually had a pair of those and thought they sounded like shit, which is why I got the astros. No offense. I kept hearing interference if anything was between the wireless receiver and the headphones, and even if it wasn’t blocked, I could still hear a low pitched whine.

Also, let me clarify, the mixamp has something called dolby headphone as well. The astros only have two speakers in them, but it modifies the sound field so you get directional seperation in both the front and the rear, as well as side to side. I’ve found (just personal experience) that 5.1 headphones sound like shit because they have a bunch of small drivers in them and can’t create a uniform sound that has clarity as well as good bass response. Dolby headphone basically recreates 5.1 with two speakers and uses the space inside the headphones to create that kind of sound field. Just like Drunken Geordie said, headphones that do this sound great. However if you’re going to get a speaker system, don’t fuck around and get the real shit.

Mirror’s Edge PS3 $10 shipped:

Not a bad price for a pretty underrated game.

I have the same thing in mine when I’m not playing a game. It’s like a constant static sound and it gets multiplied a lot when I plug in the microphone cable. As soon as I’m in game the noise is gone (still there I guess, but I’m unable to detect it) but yeah I definitely know what you mean. So far I’ve had no real problems with interference however I’ve been noticing a bit of a jump in lag spikes while playing the likes of MW2. I have a sneaky feeling that my X41 box is interfering with my Wireless Adapter since I guess they run on the same wireless range? I literally have them right next to each other due to lack of space on my desk.

I’m definitely going to check out the A40’s though on your comments. Is the microphone compatible with PS3 also?

I’ll ask since I’m on topic also. Do you have any experience with the Tritton AX Pros?

i like the idea of ff13 that everything can be accessed from the outside (no more towns or flying airships, just buy, go wherevr you wanna go directly), this speeds things up a lot. but the fact that you dont have the option to do these things if you would want to is what kills it from being better. especially with the current level design, only 1 path with some small corridors at times. they should still do dungeons and have level designs where you can actually still get lost or find some secret shit hidden.

i need a good old school jpn rpg, personally i would love to see a new HD 2d new style rpg in the same style as ssrpg or ff6/chrono trigger. ssrpg looked great, if they something like that with better animation in hd that would be so fucking awesome. especially if they could get the character designs and story right.

anybody know a good place where i can order some US psn credit? (20 dollaz?). (need to snatch up suikoden 2 and maybe something else).

last quick q for the eu stores. i got 2 euros and a few cents left on my account, is it possible to add only 2 euros more instead of byuing the 20 euros one again (so i can get vc dlc).

man i want to play God of War 3. i don’t want to buy a ps3 just for one game though, i made that mistake with xbox 360


All of those setups are awesome.

But I’ll settle for my pair 2.0 Bose attached to 23’ Evo until such a time as there is a monitor that is both considerably larger than, and equal in regards to lag, to the Evo one.

is anyone going to pick up GoW3 at midnight/12:01?

I’m not really a fan of the GoW series, but I’m tempted on buying the game and not playing it just to piss of my roommate,who can’t afford the game a.t.m.

Besides, I’m still playing FF13.

I’ll probably roll into Ghey!Stop! either tomorrow or Wednesday.

Whichever day Resonance of Fate drops.

Then I’m set 'til Super.

Gonna cop dat RoF tomorrow. Hopefully my store of choice will have it.

God, I hope so.

I’m pretty pumped for it.

I think I’m gonna go to the midnight release(2nd week in a row, lol) for my GoW3 ultimate edition cuz I have to rush to work right after class tomorrow. Though not sure when ill play. I have ff13 and yakuza 3 to play too. And not gonna get RoF just gonna wait because I have too much as it is :rofl:

Got my confirmation email from Amazon that my GoWIII has shipped and it will arrive tomorrow! Wooooooooooooo!

So I’m copping Resonance of Fate since my boss just offered me a crazy deal for watching the store while he works on tons of repairs. Trading in one of the recent games that came out for one brand new one. Pretty cool. Trading Heavy Rain since I don’t see it selling here so I can still play it if I want to do the other endings. Or if it does, whoever buys it will probably just trade it back in.

I hope you guys have fun with God of War 3. I encountered some glitches near the end of the game and some of the basic gameplay mechanics really bugged me, but overall I think the game breathes some much needed fresh air into GoW3 and is probably the best of the 3 games. Now back to FF13!

If you’re interested in a mild spoiler-y impression and review of the game I posted one in the God of War 3 thread. Don’t click on the Ending spoiler tag, there’s a warning there already, but double warning here.

If you saw my setup you would probably cry.

If you saw my setup you would probably cry.

Given the headphones that you sport, I’m weeping at the very suggestion of it. :sad:

I’m exactly the same, I know that whenever I see GOW3 I’m going to buy it even if my hands are already full with Yakuza 3 and FF13 (loving both games…linearity on the later is not a negative to me, on the contrary)

FF13 opens up at the end anyway and it’s actually quite daunting becuase it’s a pretty big open world there, where you almost wish the linearity was back.

Assassin’s Creed II at Bestbuy for 29.99