The Official PS3 thread

I’m getting bored with my PS3. All I have to do now is play Street fighter IV for preparation. GTA4’s boring me. It seems like a step down from GTA SA. I’m finding more things taken away in this game than added, plus most of these missions seem like repeats I might not mind as much if there were more new features.

Fuck yeah man. I have tomorrow off so I’m gonna get breakfast, get the game and play RoF THE WHOLE DAY.

Have you tried any of the exclusive games? Ratchet and Clank, God of War collection, Infamous, Uncharted, Resistance, Killzone, and Demon’s Souls are all very popular, and for good reason. If all you’re playing is GTAIV and SFIV, you’re going to get bored of any system very quickly, I’d imagine… but then again, I’m not a big fan of GTA. :stuck_out_tongue:

Lucky bastard.

It doesn’t get here until Wednesday.

damn, why is gow3 coming out during finals week. lol

1 hour 30 minutes to go before i leave for gamestop and get GoWIII. NEver played 1 or 2 but the graphics and sounds sold me hahah

Lucky bastard.

It doesn’t get here until I have the money.

shit, some GS are having a midnight release for GoW3?

i’m going to get it eventually. i’ll prob get the collection first, though.

Got God of War III. Fuck yeah. Now to disappear.

My U2 came back from my friend’s YLOD’d PS3.

I fingered the hole to express my general delight of its return.

Thinking about all the homework and general shit I have to do Tuesday, that’s about all the play I’ll get out of God of War 3 too. Damn it.

Ronin, thanks for the rundown concerning the audio! Very informative…didn’t foresee true 5.1 sound to be as pricey as the console, but the knowledge is definitely gonna be useful later on.

I have RoF pre-ordered, so I’ll be ready when it drops.

The only bad thing is, I’m still playing Demon’s Souls. :rofl:

I put over 100 hours in Demons Souls and had to force myself to take a break. It’ll get another 100 out of me when I go back to finish the platinum and then start a magic based character. Game is too good.

On the downside my TV died and I refuse to play GoW3 on the sd one I have to use until I fix it. So not gonna buy it for a couple weeks. I will be jealous of all of you playing it, but will be patient so I can enjoy it in hd greatness.

I put over 100 hours in Demons Souls and had to force myself to take a break. It’ll get another 100 out of me when I go back to finish the platinum and then start a magic based character. Game is too good.

On the downside my TV died and I refuse to play GoW3 on the sd one I have to use until I fix it. So not gonna buy it for a couple weeks. I will be jealous of all of you playing it, but will be patient so I can enjoy it in hd greatness.

Demon’s Souls is one of the best games this gen.

Yakuza 3 is great. You guys really need to play this game, considering most of you guys here like action games/RPG’s, you’d love this hybrid of the two. Game is amazing. I’ve been playing through on Hard while doing a bunch of side-missions. I suck at the few mini-games I tried, though, I can’t catch fish for shit.

Get Yakuza 3, guys. You can have the game re-tell the story of 1 and 2 at any time as well. I still suggest getting the first two games, considering they’re also great, and are cheap buy.

Here`s hoping Yakuza 3 does well so Yakuza 4 gets over here.

Same here man. Even though I don’t have the time right now, I still got Yakuza 3 on release to show my support. I’ll get to it once I finish FFXIII and GoW3. Also, Yakuza 4 gets released later this week in Japan, and the demo is pretty damn fun. I might try to import it (or Kenzan and pray/wait for a Yakuza 4 release). I hope the whole cut content fiasco doesn’t hurt the chances for part 4.

Amazon has RoF temporarily out of stock for both the PS3 and 360. Get they only got a limited quantity of the game.

Really? damn, I have mind preordered but was going to cancel it because there is simply too many games out right now. But limited quantities always sucks. I hope this game (if it turns out to be good) isn’t too hard to find

Jesus Christ Superstar just the beginning segment of GOW3 defines new levels of “epic shit”. That’s one hell of an opening sequence. They’ve raised the bar to insane levels. Most big-budget hollywood action movies don’t even have shit on this.

haha, and I have to get up for work in a few hours…but it’s just so damn good! I still haven’t beat parts 1 and 2 yet, but of course… I can’t just let a fresh copy of this legendary game just sit on the table without getting played. I had to at least check it out.