The Official PS3 thread

Hello ps3 fans. I myself am gonna make the purchase sooner than later, and was wondering what you guys had in terms of audio setup…

I have hdmi cables and the exact evo monitor (vh236h), but i would also like to take advantage of the hi-fidelity offered to me by the ps3. It looks like I have audio out and spdif on my monitor…am I able to take advantage of 5.1/7.1 soundtracks and whatnot? I’d appreciate any advice and/or links to helpful material, thanks…I’m also kinda clueless about optical audio as it relates to ps3s…

Does anyone know any good programs to convert .mkv’s to a file type playable on PS3. Speaking of which, what video file types does PS3 play aside from .avi?

three hours in isn’t anything either. the game only gets better as you progress. its easily my favorite thing about the game… the stuff they give you and the shit you unlock is fun to incorporate and shit like launch and paradigm switching are an absolute blast that actually involve strategy in using.

i’m sure there are dumb ways of playing that are absolutely boring and sound, but trying to think of ways of clearing hordes efficiently is always entertaining, and the battle system itself its exactly what JRPG’s needed.

it sucks that people hate the direction of the game, but those people don’t realize that being stagnant is what is going to kill the japanese video game market in the not-to-distant future. and it sucks to hear that square-enix is going to listen to the guys and dumb down ff15 for them and go back to traditional style.


The PS3 can also play .mp4, .mpg, .wmv, and I think .flv. The vids that are on the PS Store are mp4’s.

If your lucky you can get it off ebay,craigstlist etc. Since it’s pre-order DLC I am guessing it’s hard to find.

How the fuck are some of you guys going through games so fast? I bought Valkyria Chronicles LAST November and I’m still only like 3/4ths the way through it. =[ School draining my life away.

Pretty sure it can play .avi as well.

I get the same error when I try to activate it. It would be GREAT if there was some actual documentation on this error, but there isn’t. So I have no clue what it’s even trying to tell me doesn’t work. I’m just pissed because I’ve bought $100 worth of stuff to use on my PSP and I can’t even do that now.

Gasa already mentioned.avi.

Also man call Sony. I know it’s a pain in the ass but it’s better then just letting 100 bucks wither away on your HDD.

For those who played MLB series, is 2010 the Show any good? I do not want to pick it up if it has the same baserunning and fielding problems 2K10 has. Stealing is nearly impossible in 2K10 and fielding is a pain as well.

Gonna pick up Warhawk today. I had no idea how huge this game was online.

Any quips about Resistance 2 online?

Resistance 2 is pretty generic. Nothing special, imo. I’d recommend KZ2 even though I wasnt a big fan of it either.

I played FFXIII pretty much all day yesterday(thank god/zeus Hawaii doesn’t observe Daylight savings), I love the game soo much. Like many have said, the battle system is great, and trying to figure out the most efficient way to kill enemies is great. I think the story is pretty good, and it’s being told pretty well. Overall, it is a great game. We should add it to the list of recommended multiplatform games.

Yeah. I added about 9+ hours last night. I didn’t go to bed till almost 7AM because I was up playing it.
This game just keeps getting better and better.

What the fuck is with every summon being a mech? :lol: Fucking japan.
Shiva is a motor cycle, Odin is an extra from beast wars, from what I hear ifrit is a car.

What the hell.

yo transformers summons kick ass.

if you want another online multiplayer fps, pick up bad company 2.

Oh I’m not complaining about it. It’s just fucking random. :lol:

Happy to see FF13 being enjoyed by many (figured it). I’ll be picking up my copy soon along with a mini HDTV.

Was trying to finish DAO before I picked FF13 though, now both are going to be fighting for my time.

That’s okay, if I can’t finish FF13 today it’s going to be put to the side for God of War III.

How’s Darksiders? Sounds interesting.

Finished it last week and enjoyed it. It’s not innovative or anything, but I found it fun in spite of that (and the long stretches with no story advancement). Good first try by Vigil Games.

You can target multiple people really fast, albeit not in the way you mention. You just have to hit triangle or whatever button it is before the action is done and it will be cancelled and you will have that ATB meter back. So if you want to heal hope twice and then heal fang twice hit triangle after the two hope heals.

To make the battle system perfect it would justneed an ability to set up detailed gambits like in 12 (I want Haste cast first ALWAYS Sazh DAMMIT) and the ability to switch party leaders during battle.

Tyson loves MLB the show, and Clint has also been quoted as saying how good it is. I am not a baseball game player, but I’ve only heard great things.

It’s only linear story wise. The maps are circles and all sorts of stuff. You’d be surprised. It’s nice to not have towns, I could give a shit about towns. I mean if you want to get technical, it’s the purest form of a role playing game. You are in a role and play that role throughout the story. It keeps on moving and never really feels stale.

One thing is neat, is that when you are actually in a town (yeah, there are towns, but like no world map to go and visit new towns, naw mean?) When you run by people they just speak. You don’t have to hit X. Its pretty cool to run around and just hear people talking.

I mean it’s still the same ol’ save the world from something something something Square jive, but I’m not rolling my eyes during cut scenes like I was in WKCs. The VCs are very very good. Surprisingly good in fact. I’m also really digging the weapon upgrade system. It’s like they finally figured out how to add the farming crap from FF11 to a game without making it totally boring.

With a few tweaks FF13 could be one of those rare almost perfect games. Gambits alone would have made it a ten for me. Shifting is very fun and makes battles exciting and challenging at the same time. Even when I’m power leveling my mans I can’t just zone out and mash on X without shifting because Hope might have 5 robots attack him at once and almost be dead.

So yeah, FF13 is fun. Looks real purdy too.

On Tuesday imma cop dat RoF gunplay version (not the steam powered robot version)

I have to get new glasses too, my eyes are so fucked.