review for yakuza 3. havent had a chance to read it yet
I cannot fucking find RE5 Gold.
I’m about step on an infant if I don’t get what I want.
ff13 is growing on me. pressing x repeatedly is all i do so far.
i found myself doing that in the beginning of the game.
you’ll be mashing R1 switching roles constantly towards the middle of the game.
ff13 was the only new game i’ve bought since nov09-now. not having a job and being busy with school has made me super far behind on all the good shit that has come out recently :bluu:
Amazon is your friend.
When you start to use 5 paradigms, the L1 switching gets hectic.
Yo good looking out! Copped it too.
is this all the sears branches?
Like Sears Essentials? Not sure. But Chula Vista Sears had it for $20.
I’ve pretty much assured myself that I am buying the PlayStation Move, but the only reason I can give myself is Ape Escape 4.
The PlayStation Blatant Wii Ripoff can go to hell until they show me games I actually care about with control beyond that of launch Wii titles, like devs are saying they’ve got as of now.
When that happens, sure I’ll get it.
Good review but I lol’d at the complaint for no mini-map for side quests. This dude is too scrub.
Never played a God of War game. Should I play through the collection first, or just buy GoW3 on Tuesday?
I’d say play thru the collection just to get an overview of whats going on, I dont think its really needed to understand 3, but they are such great games that it would be a shame to deny yourself
Hmm, I may have to pick up Yakuza 3 sometime. Sounds like a game I’d like.
My Wal-Mart had plenty of them yesterday. I thought about picking it up, but I dunno. I already have the CE, so I might just download the new missions.
I’d recommend playing the collection first. You can find it pretty cheap now, too. At least from what I’ve seen online you can anyway.
lol’d at the 1up review, they took the words out of my mouth!
Goddamn I wish I could afford Yakuza 3. I hear the game does a decent job at retelling the past plots of 1 and 2 but I also saw copies of those at HMV for $20 each and I can only assume that the majority here thinks I should actually pick up the first two.
Ok you guys convinced me I shoud get the God of War Collection. Now gotta wait for the postman to arrive next week.
The 1st two are awesome but if you feel you don’t have the time or money you can jump to 3. I was kinda surprised at the good job 3 does of retelling the story.