The Official PS3 thread

nice thats almost a steal at that price

agreed fully even about the school thing (damn midterms, essays and presentations). The game is really good, fun combat, so far I like the story, VA’s are really well done.

FF13 is fun so far, but I’ve been droning through some of the story combat since it does feel like I’m going through the motions sometimes. So far I don’t think the linear sections are all that bad anyways. It eliminates the wandering aspect that really, imo, didn’t add anything to the game anyways. I haven’t gotten to the end, but from what I hear, it’s supposed to open up and that’s usually when the open world stuff matters anyways. I don’t really remember any game for that matter where open world matters at the start where it actually affects your progression in any significant way.

So far it’s not bad, the story and motivations of the characters are understandable and everything is progressing in a logical manner. There are pacing issues, but that might be a matter of preference. I would prefer if there were less battles and more rewards per battle as the battles themselves in the beginning aren’t hard, there are just a lot of them and I’m basically doing the same thing with each of them. There are some battles where I have to prioritize certain targets first or risk getting wiped, but I think they could enforce more of those battles. I also think enemies shouldn’t respawn which increases the value of wanting to clear the room. The way it’s designed now, I think it’s better to not kill everything and just rush through the non-story parts (battles) and do your grinding at the end. Weapon upgrades don’t seem to be significant at all early on and the focus really is on picking the right paradigms and targeting the right enemies over anything else.

Warning…what I’m about to post is a RUMOR.

Rumor: Insomniac Games Going Multiplatform

What really makes this interesting is the fact that the source of this rumor is anonymous and when IGN called Insomniac for comment they gave them the whole ‘no comment on speculation and rumor’ thing. Just don’t be surprised if this does happen to be true.

I’m just surprised that I found that game in particular for 20 dollars. The clearance sticker had it for 30 and I jumped when I saw that price tag, but rang up for 20. And Sears/K-Mart are always the ones that take like a year before they drop the price of a game.

FFXIII is pretty good. Shock of the year.

However, SquareEnix REALLY needs to hire better writers. The plot is mediocre to okay, and the dialogue is pretty rough.

However, Lightning is awesome.

EDIT: I’d just like to say Toshiro Tsuchida is the unappreciated genius of battle systems.

FFX battle system - great

Front Mission 5 gameplay system - amazing

FFXIII battle system - Brilliant

Final Fantasy actually makes my PS3 purchase seem justified, at least for PS3 games. I"ve gotten plenty of mileage out of it as a DVD/Bluray player, as well as a souped up PS2, but finally having something like FF really makes me glad I own the system. Yeah yeah, there are other games, but this was the REASON I got the system and I’m not disapointed.

I think people shitting on the game really haven’t played it or given it any time. Yeah, it’s linear, yeah, at first it’s simple, but the game is a fucking BLAST to play. I don’t need every game to alter my perceptions on reality. I want to play something I enjoy and this really is an enjoyable experience.

It is funny how the anti FFXIII bandwagon is out. Took VII years to amass this kinda hate and XIII has only been out a few days. lol

Hating on popular things is the cool thing to do these days.
Especially on the internet where idiocy runs rampant.

I spent a half hour writing a detailed review of my first impressions of FFXIII on my Facebook, weighing the pros and cons. My friend who NEVER played the game replied, saying it was horrible and designed by Feminists and Metrosexuals.

This is what is wrong with the internet.


I don’t get it…

Whenever did I say I wasn’t playing it? :looney:

I complimented it, albeit in the backhanded manner I feel it deserves.:rofl:

It’s everything I could hope to ask for in a RRPG (rail role playing game ). :tup::tup:

I like Insomniac Games, so if they can do better by going full 3rd party, best of luck to them.

But as I understand, the Ratchet & Resistance IPs are owned by SCEA, so I dunno what that article is talking about with those franchises possibly going multiplat.

Im picking up FF13 and possibly demon souls tomorrow. Its gonna be a good weekend.

They aren’t talking about the IP’s they’re talking about the company.


v I thought it was a given that Ratchet or Resistance wouldn’t be showing up on a different console but you can’t always assume that sometimes when the internet is involved. I imagine they put that there for clarity purposes before PS3 fanboys went apeshit.

That line. I don’t know why they’d even bring it up.

I wish Yakuza 3 had PSN leaderboards for its minigames. Then it would be perfect imo.Without some kind of friendly goal to strive for, I doubt I’ll get too invovled with pool/darts/karaoke/etc. And I’m still not sure if the 2-player minigames (have to beat the game first) are local or online MP.

Well, they have some momentum in that out of FF7-12 it’s almost the worst selling FF in Japan. Within like 4-5 weeks used copies would go for around 1500 yen, about $15, and new copies were less than 4000 yen, about $40(MSRP is about $90)

It just hasn’t done well there. I haven’t played it myself, but I’m not in any hurry, though I do plan on playing it eventually. But SRK loved FF12’s battle system and I hated it, so yeah lol

Who the fuck cares about Japans numbers? This isn’t japan.

I was just replying to RC, the hate isn’t just from a few days.

I’m in the middle of NGS2 as well now. It’s not bad at all.

Is it just me, or is Rachel more fun to play as than the other characters?

was wondering if any of you guys have exp with the 3rd party VGA cable for the ps3. im trying to reduce lag on my TV and i heard that is one of the options.

Go to hell, VSlash. :rofl:

Enjoy your pretty straight line. I however will not.