Heh, yeah I’ve always considered Yakuza to be more of an RPG than anything else. But anyways I’m loving this game & am gonna take my sweet ass time with it. And forget the content cuts. Unless you can read Japanese & import Yakuza 4, just buy Yakuza 3 if you’re a fan of the series.
I’m not endorsing that content be removed, but I also know when not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Ryuu Ga Gotoku probably earns its keep on just Japan sales alone. Sega of America probably stands to lose as much as they can hope to gain by porting each iteration over to NA. I’m sure they could just ignore the series altogether & continue to get by with whatever new Sonic game they make (which despite whatever general consensus over the Internet is, ends up still being purchased anyways apparently).
Because I OWN Yakuza 3 and the list is in the start menu.
Also there are around 619 things to accomplish in the Yakuza NA version. This game is worth every penny cause a completist like me will struggle doing everything. Some of the objectives require you to get the highest score and every mini game. For those who own the game they know how hard it is. At the end of the day it’s your choice if you want to wait for a price cut but I’ve read about the missing missions and they don’t seem important. Unless your a hostess bar fan or something. BTW you can still date plenty of girls in the game but I only do this to complete all side quests. I lol at people pissed about missing dates, hostess bars etc. Right now I am getting r8ped in pool, the game has realistic physics and I just suck lol. I know your frustrated at the missing stuff but if you can complete all 619 things at all then you should be very angry. But even the most hardcore gamer will give up half way, I won’t though
Do yourself a favor and get it. TRUST ME, when you start playing it you will forget any issues that you hear about the game. You also might want to get it now because there is so much to do that by the time other games come out you won’t have time.
Truth is I hear companies look at initial sales. So I hope people go out and buy this game, sadly because of the sloppy shipping job by Sega and bad press by Japanophiles saying the game is butchered I think the damage has been done. I wish Yakuza fans were like Sonic fans and bought the game regardless of the internet consensus. Sadly people shit on it over minor cuts. I’m having tons of fun with the game but for all those peeps complaining about dates and hostess bars, aren’t there tons of datings sims? Go buy one of those games on like the ps2 or something.
EDIT: For those trying to import the Japanese version, just know that even the FAQ on gamefaqs does not have a translation for the hostess bar. The only way you could enjoy it is if your fluent in Japanese I guess.
Regarding the Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn Anime. Yeah it looks like most places in the US will get it next Tuesday. Drat… Oh well only a few more days away.
There is a bonus for people who have already played SF4 when they pick up SSF4. Unfortunately we don’t know what the bonus is or if it is even worth the hassle.
But I dunno, maybe you can rent / borrow SF4 once, create a save file and pick up SSF4 and then you can still get the bonus. MAYBE. Kind of have no idea how the getting the bonus will work.
And yeah Copy Protection BS means you won’t be able to borrow a friend’s save file.
If you really don’t give a crap about whatever the bonus may be and don’t care about seeing SF4’s anime scenese since SSF4’s scenes will be entirely different then just get SSF4 since it has all of the same characters, backgrounds etc. Just more moves and characters and things like that, and better balance POSSIBLY.
Proud to be back in the game. Sony hooked up and replaced my out of warranty PS3 for free! It came in today! Thought it wouldn’t come for at least 2 more weeks.
Sad part is that I have to download everything again (replaced ps3, so back utility doesn’t work).
Cant wait to play some heavy rain, just sitting there and tormenting me…
Now that everyone and their mother is playing FFXIII, they feel the need to share their epic adventures with me while I play something else alone. Must…resist…urge…to FUUUUUUUUUUU
Alpha and Jab are coming off like hipster **** for not playing FF13. Gameplay is exactly like I thought. It would be perfect if you could set your AI teammates actions like in 12. The switching is and quick action is great.
i think anyone not picking up this game because of some preconceived notion that the game was going to suck is in the wrong. i can understand other reasons… i really shouldn’t have picked it up because of school… but this game is hot.
those who haven’t really messed with the system, here are some good tips with the battle system:
Shifting paradigms during down time is a quick way to take some ticky tack damage while all your characters jump around and pose one at a time. to cut down of paradigm shifting cutscenes, where your characters are inactive, there are a few things you can do:
Paradigm shift just as you are finishing an attack. this will cut out your leaders paradigm shift animation entirely. everyone else not in an attack will perform a single shift animation simulaneously.
Paradigm shift while in an airborne state (i.e. melee attacking an airborne enemy or while juggling off of a launch) this cuts out you entire team’s paradigm shift animations
Paradigm shift while you’re being stunned by an attack. not too many situations where this is useful, but it cuts out the leader’s shift animation.
switching paradigm like this lends itself to hella strats, since usually when you paradigm shift to another, the ATB Gauge is automatically full for that paradigm, allowing you to attack immediately after completing an attack, giving you the possiblity of 6 uninterrupted attack strings. you can go in, with com, com, rav, switch to set the stagger bar to slow, then switch to an all rav team and get the stagger bar up super fast in one whole clusterfuck of an attack. there seems to be recharge on dormant ATB bars that you’ve used up, so don’t think you can switch back and forth between two and just go complete rushdown, but overall, its a great way to maximize ATB’s and helps out in those tough situations.
summons also revives your entire team to full life if there are any ko teammates and recharges your leader’s life as well. sometimes its better to do that than switch paradigms and wait two full atb bars to revive each on individually, or waste 2 bars reviving them with skills.