The official Final Fantasy XIV thread

I agree too, Moogles were only playable last, in FF6 right? Even then it was cool… FF has to bring back some of the old gameplay

I’ll eat your falafel with my Galka.

Yeah…about that.

I don’t like where your going with this. lol

From what I can tell, Final Fantasy XIII is the basis for this game’s battle system. If I’m wrong, then somebody please correct me before I go to far.

Well lets assume it is. I can still stay optimistic in the fact that you won’t need to stagger every enemy and their mother in order to kill them. Also you will be able to actually move your character during combat. Two HUGE improvements over XIII right there.

Also will get to hear the classic victory music for every level up. Which was not in XIII, least to my knowledge.

Played FF XI all throughout high school… fun game, but it took wayyyyyyyyyy too much time to get anywhere. I always found it funny that classes were called jobs in the game, because that’s what FFXI seemed like at times; a job.


While I’m glad someone posted a video of character creation I’m already getting tired of everyone picking Tarus. Damnit can’t we see something else?

edit: Found a video of a guy fighting. It’s a fucking Taru again goddamnit I’m going to start raging.


The theme song is gdlk. I seriously think that Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest have the best theme songs in any video game. Instantly recognizable and absolutely epic.

After watching that video of fighting, obviously low level stuff, it still seems like the slow boring combat system from XI is present in XIV.

Yeah I’m hoping that it becomes faster but I doubt it. I should maybe call this thread the official FFXI thread lol.

Here are some of the more detailed articles about the classes, battle system, and guildleves.

Classes, Battle System, and Interview
Classes and Beta Q&A
Partying, Passive Mode & Active Mode
Alpha Test Hands-On

From what I understand, you have your basic ATB bar that lets you perform any command and you have a separate Effect Bar that charges up for specific skills after the ATB bar is full. The effect bar has 3 levels so everyone basically has monk buildup for any attack in the game. Other things that stood out to me:

[*]Timing, positioning, and orientation matter a lot in battles. It seems like tanks have spell interruption and manual defending while lancers can attack two enemies at once if they form a line.

[*]You gain tp for weaponskills by dealing and receiving damage but it no longer resets to 0 when used.

[*]Hp recovers gradually when you are in passive mode (i.e. running around not engaged with the enemy)

[*]Mages no longer have to rest mp. You cannot restore mp without touching a save crystal or using some special ability. I guess this will encourage stuff like roaming parties instead of camps and pulling.

[*]Skillchain-ish things still come into play. One example had a lancer stab an enemy with a marauder attacking with an axe shortly afterwards to inflict a special defense down effect.

[*]Everybody has access to teleport and warp from the beginning of the game. Travel will be similar to crystal warping like FFXII.

[*]Quests warp you to the place you need to go and give you a portal back to town when completed.

[*]There will be a combination of manual and automatic stat allocation for character growth. Certain stats can be freely reallocated, but not much else is known about character growth at this point.

Eh, I liked ff11’s battle pace. I have no idea wtf goes on in a WoW battle. Random running/jumping with clipping animations and shit flying all over the place. I like to be able to see what I’m doing.

wonder when the beta is gona happen.

Sounds like FF11-2. This is not a good thing.

Dr. B skillchains Meteor into Ultima into Mad Sexy.

Anyone know estimated date when game is gonna come out ? Last I heard maybe xmas 2010 … I passed on so many games (ff13, sf4) but this seems too tempting to resist after reading some of those links lol

lalafell … i hope they make afro’s available

They pretty much guaranteed it would be out by the end of the year. Probably sooner.

All I know is that it better come out before Diablo 3 or I won’t even touch the game.

If it ain’t p2p I would be on this game’s ass. It looks amazing.

Or maybe I should get a job.

Playing a FF MMO IS a job. The difference is you’re the one paying to play it, not the other way around.

Pretty good articles in those links, I’ll play as whatever class sounds like is best suited for soloing/playing for 1 hour a day.