Street Fighter 4
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix
Soul Calibur 4
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Guilty Gear XX, Accent Core
SF3, Third Strike, 2v2 team tournament
Exhibition events:
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom Invitational Finals
Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix 5 on 5 Regional Team Tournament
There seems to be more things that aren’t released yet so I’ll try to update this thread as things are announced.
So with that said let’s get this shit on the road! It’s never too early to start planning these things, so post up if you’re going, and like I’ll try my best to keep things organized on here and keep this as the universal thread for Evolution 2009 for Washington, and Oregon.
Whose going (29 ppl as yes, 3 ppl as maybe):
Mickey D’
M. Freeman
Axel Kelly
I am Lothar
Paul Lee
slcs 14
Joshimitsu + Faye
Shin Neferio
Mr. Thadeus
I will be going to this! It’s official, my first evo, and my first time going to vegas as an adult! I’m down to bunk with people so let me know whats up!
How much does it typically cost to travel for EVO? I’d like to see if I’ll be able to save up, or have to look for a better paying job (which I’ll probably do anyways)
back at 2k2 and 2k3, I was able to get away with just going with a paycheck from my $8.50/hr job.
The key here is finding ppl to bunk with, as staying with others is definately cheaper than riding solo. Also and I’m positive that this will get announced in like the next few months, but they have special rates hotel packages that you can get if you’re going to enter Evo.
My only true concern is that usually after Evolutions, that tourney lull comes into effect. I can’t say for sure that that will happen this year, but I want peeps to be hyped to come our event. It can be easy to be burned out for a bit after a massive event like Evo.
Mid July is kinda unsettling for me though. I really really really really really wanna go.
Word, I guess evo should be the final event of the year. Then again, people could be so hyped off of evo that they need more competition, the kind that only the 206 can provide.
Somehow… I had it in my head that Evo wasn’t an open event (closed to only certain/qualified people). I’m going to hazard a guess and say that I won’t be ready (good enough) to go this year, but it’s still very exciting.
I’m gonna go for the following reasons: meeting SRK people, drinking, strippers and possibly gambling. Ideally I’ll be hungover while watching all the actual Evo events.