If you do decide to show up to the NY Comic Con PM me if you want. I’ll give you my cell number and hey I can meet another SRKer.
are you going all weekend or just one day?
I’m going all three days. Grant Morrison! :rock:
^Hell yeah I hope he signs my gothic and arkham asylum:sweat:
Any of you guys willing to pick up a extra figure Metal Gear Raiden figure. I’ll paypal the amount of the fig plus some extra for your troubles.
I’ll be there all 3 days. (well, half of Sunday)
Hanging out at the Arcana/Platinum comics booth, around Artist Alley at David Nakayama’s booth and Evil Ink Comics booth.
Plus various other sites.
Sure I’ll see if I can get one for you. LOL I’m currently trying to wrap up MGS3 before part 4 comes out in June. I’m like 10 hours in and I got past one part where I had to dress up like a scientist and I had my Raiden mask on. LOST IN A DREAM! SNAKE EATEEEEEER! :lovin:
K Sano, I’ll see u one of those days
cuz I know I’ll be missing a day are there gonna be cosplayers?
Hopefully I’ll see you there, Sano!
I’ll be there all three days as well. If you see me on Friday, be sure to say Happy Birthday to me:woot:
Yeah there will be cosplayers every day lol!
Pwauahahahaha the Bison is pretty cool
I propose that it be moved to Iowa so I can attend. All in favor?
Actually I propose itll be moved to Baltimore. Even though we have one coming up in september but that is too long
disamn!, my unreliable friend didn’t preorder the tickets so now i cant go. do you guys think they’ll sell at the door? i probably only have money for Sunday now since i wasted all of it. great i
If you remove the cap, shoulder pads, n wristbands you got ermac:rofl:
Are u in NYC?
Go to Jim Hanley’s Universe they selling the tix
ooo, thats kinda far im gonna try forbidden planet since its closer to work. thanks!! though hopefully they will still have tickets.
so its you, sano, kourin chan ( are you the cvs2 player at the cf fair?), o zoolander?
I’m leaving now, i’ll be sure to get some footage:tup:
i want updates sano