Ill be updating the list later today or tomorrow.
Otter do you have the right FC up and if so ill fix that sorry for the messup later peeps peace.
Actually it’s 0473-8661-3917, it’s my bad but I would appreciate it if you could fix it. :china:
It taking care of pimp also the list has been updated everyone please check to make sure I have the right code for all of you also there’s a new message under the list I would like you guys to postup on thanks peeps later.
Hey I’d like to play some people from SRK.
Tag: Crickey!?
Code: 0259-0556-9691
I’m about to update my list to the current one…so if you’re on the list on the front page…add me
Yo Epidemic…it says your code is wrong
Added everyone on the first page.
lets have a SRK Room my code is 0345-1115-1234
Iv’e Added everyone on the list… Add me Back… Code’s: 2363-5905-6389
Epidemic, I can’t Seem to add you, It says Your code is Wrong…
Speaking of which…yours is wrong too.
I’ve added a lot of people who posted codes late in this thread, so if ya wanna play…4253-3872-0435.
Added all codes almost. Add me plz
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Add plz, 1246-9499-4361
Add me please. 3308 5408 0615
I’ve got to add on codes from this thread. What times do you guys normally play?
my fc is 5069 6612 0013
I will be sure to add the other people to my friends list, I am always up for a fun race anytime as long as I am not working that is.
Sup guys sorry it took so long to update the list. If any problems come up with codes please let me know and if I’ve missed any one let me know. All code are on the first page and keep posting new codes later.
Add me
Give me codes
3308 5408 0615
I play Karts only (for the most part)
I’ll add you next time I start the game up.
Fo’ Shizzle? I thought I was hated on SRK… Phew…
I’m going to my sisters’ house in a few mins, I’ll see what’s up with my code… I’ll add you too. Cheers.
Sorry guys… My bad…
EDIT: What the fuck?! Maximum 30 friends?!?!?! YOU CAN’T HAVE TOO MANY FRIENDSS!!!