The Offical MarioKart Wii Code Thread

I’ll try to add you again in about 15 minutes when I’m done lookin’ through SRK.
And I believe the 30 code maximum is per file, so a total of 120 friends can be had.

Well Daigo Jr…your code worked and I saw you online, but I couldn’t join your game for the entire half an hour we were both on. WTF?

Yeah, Same thing happened with my friend yesterday too… I guess it was just some flaw that happened, Hopefully that’s fixed the next time I’m on.

Thanks for adding me too… :lovin: no homo… "

Daigo Jr I took care the code for you if there’s any other code problems hit me up on pm later peeps.

I’ll be adding you later

3308 5408 0615

Thanks Divine!

I’m only really aloud to play one weekends because Of school.
So yeah, Don’t delete me or anything…
My sister lives two doors away btw… She stole my Wii!!!

>: (

One week holiday starting from Tommorow… I’ll be on the wii and Xbl All day everyday… YAH BITCH YAHHH!!!

Added a few of you in here. FC is in the sig

IF anyone wants to add me my Wii mario kart code is 2879-1434-8856 if u add me let me know so i can add u also.

Anyone Playing Right now?


Did you add me?

I’ll be playing today… I’ll add you then…

More of you bastards needa add me I only have like two friends =/

Am I one of them? cause I thought I had added you already. most of the time when I jump online i’m playing brawl though. I do pop in MarioKart from time to time.


I’m going to be on kart from now until my next class within the next hour

Edit2: damn…I can’t get a race with ANYBODY…people must be too busy playing fallout 3 or somethin lol. I guess I’m gonna go hop on brawl and see what’s good.

Add me please.

3308 5408 0615

If your Mii is some blue cat-like thing then yeah…XD

0559-9679-2877 ADD ME!

I’ll try to add everyone on that list tonight.

Edit: Ok, added everyone on the list.

Add me, I want some good comp.

I’ll add you later on. 3308 5408 0615 is my code.

hello all,

3910 1962 9753

0001 7917 8713 add me whoever wants to play, I will get you back.