The number direction thread

You know what I heard, Salt clears those tears away.


They are like the fighting game equivalent of shorts!

This thread is bad and people who are arguing should feel bad.

this was in this thread:
for a long time now.

anyways, I still have to think about it any time I read something here, but it’s only because I’m not actually playing the game, cuz i don’t have it. If I was playing and trying out the things these guys say, I think it would sink in much faster since i’d actually be using it. same prolly goes for everyone complaining about it.

I never played CGoH(ok that’s not true I played it a couple times, but I never looked up combos online), but I have played about 4 or 5 other games where numpad notation is the standard. We have two communities coming together for the same game with different notations, numpad already won out though, I suggest you just learn to deal with it and stop pretending people are doing it just to screw over noobies. Big posts that are going to be up for long periods of time in all the character specific threads are ALREADY the graphically arrows, no one is going to use those graphical representations for anything involving discussion because they are unwieldy, and most people who play this game/know things are used to numpad notation as the default so they are going to use it.

The fact of the matter is several communities are more used to numpad, IMO it’s elitist to think an entire community needs to change to suit a different communities standards because the other communities way is ‘better’. I grew up on HCF and DP etc… but the game I moved on to use numpad, and honestly I like it more. I find it much quicker to type and read.

It’s easier for you harder or new players/ players that aren’t used it. So because you don’t want to change to the direction you say fuck the new players. It’s pretty clear how you guys who are using the numbers after the direction have clearly been used since the onset of CGoH really feel.

what about new players from games that use numpad notation, unless you’re talking about people who have never played fighter at all. Are you claiming somehow that someone who has never played fighting games whatsoever is going to have an clue at all what QCF or HCF means? Somoene playing fighting games for the first time are going to have to learn either system, both systems are easy to learn. People coming from games that use hcf are gonna have to learn numpad, and people coming from numpad are gonna have to learn HCF and such. It’s all equal.

I’ve played fighters before and I’ve never heard of this num pad shit before.

that’s fine, and if we used HCF and stuff you’d be fine, but anyone who has mainly played GG, MB, BB and many other games they are going to have just as little idea what a HCF means as you do with numpad notation. there are two groups, one of them is gonna have to learn the other groups notation, and a 3rd group that is going to have to learn either. What makes YOUR notation so special that it has to be the right one?

Then play more FGs.

TvC, GG, BB, AH, SC, Melty, Jewpuncher, Jojo’s, many, many other games, they ALL use numpad.

I don’t like playing bad games.

TvC is in that list. Why are you here then?

Stop trolling.

Keits, please close this thread.

I agree. I was just trying to help…but it was turned into some big argument. I would delete the thread, but I don’t want the info to go completely to waste. So, close please.

Shame on all of you for derailing this thread, but also, this info is in the Basics sticky thread already anyway.

No one cares if you prefer number notation or traditional notation. No one. Write it the way you like, learn to read both like a civilized human being.