The number direction thread

to all the scrubs complaining about number directions…

deal with it. We tvc players have been using it since CGoH. It’s the standard.

For me, the number directions take a second to figure out, but I don’t mind. You can’t control what notation people want to use. What works for you may not work for others and vice versa. As long as eventually it makes sense, that’s fine for me.

it’s not changing, it’s been like this forever. I’m not going to argue about the merits and flaws of the system, if the basic notation for the game is numpad notation then that’s what it is, noobies whining about it isn’t going to make the people who are already used to it change. Especially sine the people who are used to it are usually the vets IE people who know and share information the most anyways. I just tried to post a combo using :snka: :d: etc… and not only does it not seem to work all the time(a couple of the codes have spaces in them making them appear as :snk a: even though that space is not in there when I edit or quote it) it takes a lot longer and is hard as hell to read when I’m posting it.

I advocate it for games like this with only 3 attack buttons because saying stuff like c.A or d.B is confusing (whereas c.LP is obvious). It’s easier to read 2A in those instances.
I prefer saying qcf to 236 but it’s not like its hard to understand when it’s written.

I don’t see how the differences between these 2 subsets of games mean anything. The basic motions are the same, right? Unless you imply that only fans from the latter group will play TvC… Those of us who play or have played games in the former group will be more used to QCF, DP, etc. ABC isn’t too hard to pick up since it’s just alphabetical order but not everybody is familiar with keypad notation.

Excuse us if we didn’t import CGoH and debate movelist lingo before this notation somehow got set into stone for the VS series games. I personally think using graphics is the best approach if you want the information to reach as many people as possible. If it’s so unwieldly to use, why have it programmed into the forum in the first place? Pretty sure those were implemented before CGoH came out, so ummm…deal with it? :wink:

Arguing aside, I appreciate the effort to educate us on the notation system. Could do without the blatant elitism though. :slight_smile:

It’s not so much blatant elitism as it is just people who don’t want to take 2 minutes of their time to learn how the notation works and instead take 20 minutes to bitch about it.

For the basics threads the graphics for QCF should be used so we could actually get people into the scene and overall easier on the eyes.

In discussion numbers should be used because they are quick and easy.

Compromise has been met.

Granted it doesn’t really matter to me. Both sides have a good point. But yes, don’t complain and just deal with it.

I’ve got enough numbers inputting friend codes!!

What’s wrong with saying QFC like they do in the SF4 section?


You can say whatever you want.

And I can say whatever I want.

If you don’t like how I say quarter circle, ignore my posts. I’m already ignoring you anyways.

I see the need to have one system but why use this cryptic system?

If I say QFC then A does a hadoken people will understand that way easierthen if I say 235 (or however this works) it’s just seems like needless busy work.

Example: Joe sees an awesome combo on SRK and the video explains it and everything!! Joe is phsyced!! This is a relatively simple combo but Joe’s been wanting to get into a fighter for a long time now and he’s even read around at the forum a bit to get the lingo, NOW HANG ON!! Do you think Joe would go this far if the system looks like a math problem!? I’m thinking not.

I don’t see how this is an issue. Everyone just post it however you like, and whichever method is more widely used will just float to the top and become the standard. No need to argue, this is silly.

That’s basically how it already works from what I Can see, all the threads that have a large list of basic info seem to have the graphics used. I’m sure as hell never converting every single post I make into the graphics system again though.

I was kinda curious about something. Is 5 (neutral) even necessary? It seems weird to me to say 5C, why not just say C? When I see 5C I assume it’s some kind of command or crouching normal then I look at the numpad and it’s like “oh”.

I’m not out to change anyone’s minds nor do I expect anyone to bend to my will, just found it personally frustrating when I see a string like 5A, 2A, 3B, 5C, 2C or whatever and I have to spend like 10 minutes trying to figure out what moves that corresponds to. Especially for super long combos (which there are no shortage of in TvC)

Whereas, if I saw this: A, d+A, df+B, C, d+C I could easily parse what the combo was in like five seconds.

seeing something like 2A, 2B, 6C

is much neater than seeing

D+L, D+M, F+H

in this game, there are long, drawn-out combos. It takes ages to have to type out ever signel HCF MID or whatever when you could instead be using number notation, which is much quicker and imo much more easy to understand. I get really confused when I have to use anything other than number notation. Because it gets annoying very fast to contantly have to check what QCF means again, and what RDP stands for so I don’t get it mixed up with FDP.

Wheras with number notation I can just look at my numpad. Easy.

That’s funny because I like how when I go to the move list on the game it’s directions not numbers. Guess what it was directions when it was in japanese also basically find me one game that when you look up the moves in game it shows you some damn numbers.

Like I said it was cool when CGoH was around who gave two shits about a game on the Arcade in Japan that might not of even made it to america. Let’s be honest real talk.

Are you not reading the other people’s post it’s blatant elitism.

It’s not really a debate. One said is full of elitist who played CGoH so there’s no way the system can change from that because their either too lazy to make the needed changes or they want other people to learn some non sense that they learned. Also I can find threads from CGoH where people used the motions. Then people use the numbers because it’s easier for them.

Stop contradicting yourself. Your elitist because you played street fighter and there is no way the system can change from that because you are either too lazy to make the needed changes or you want other people to learn some nonsense that you learned.

Why should I learn a different system for a lesser game?

lol you went there

to be honest, when you look at in-game movelists they say neither QCF nor 236, there are arrows which are obvious visual indicators of the direction that the joystick has to be moved in.
We have that at SRK and people have already been using it even before TvC came out.

Now here’s the thing, you’ll fight it tooth and nail but you’re going to have to learn the number system because that’s what is already accepted among many players.
Every game uses one system or another. Tekken uses u,d,b,f and the numbers correspond to attacks. SF uses u,d,b,f for directions, abbreviations for motions, and LP/HK, etc for attacks (or some people like to use RH instead of HK). Guilty Gear uses the numpad to signify directionals and motions, and it’s attacks are P,K,S,HS,D.
Guess what? TvC has its own notation too.

It’s like studying engineering and then going to study medicine and then asking why everything isn’t in engineering terms. They are different fields of study, just like how TvC and SF are different games

This is totally blown out of proportion. This angry fellow has most likely learned the system by now wether he likes it or not, just by arguing about it. That’s how easy it is to learn.

If you feel so strongly about it, just put people who post in numeral on ignore and you won’t have to see their combos. Problem solved, move on.

Hi! I like numpad notations! They’re comfy and easy to use!