The Not-So-Bionic-Comrades: MvC3 Biocom Assist and team thread

I noticed on the team/assist thread that alot of players are having trouble finding a third partner. Try not to repeat characters with the same assist unless there something truly unique that wasn’t mentioned. I’d like this thread to be organized and accessible for a quick reference for players, so try to post in the following format:

Role they play with Spencer, or in overall team. Try to describe the focus of your team, and what roles Spencer and the named character play in that bigger picture.

Dagger/Fire bottle
Golden Armor Arthur assists are some of the best in the game. They act as great coverfire for a zipline. Arthur plays a keepaway role, and Spencer a more rushdown type, as my team is attempting to be a solid and sturdy blend of archetypes.

Double Lariat
Being the only totally invincible assist in the game, it’s applications are somewhat obvious. It is possible to time the assist with an arm swing so that the double lariat is spaced properly while you are moving towards your opponent which allows for a slant grapple from the air, or to come down and start a magic series. Hagger plays the obvious damage dealer, grappling role, as opposed to Spencer’s in and out quick damage.

The main use I get out of it is throwing it out there and fishing for :qcf::l::h:. If they’re sucked in, it automatically combos for a bunch of hits and leads to whatever combo you want. It will also work after those near-the-wall OTG->Wallbounces. I haven’t found much use for that yet, but you can probably reset them right after and go for mix-ups.

If it doesn’t work you’ve at least got a decent anti-air out there for a while. Just be wary of random hypers and your opponent gunning for assists.

Doctor Doom
Hidden Missles

I’m sure almost everyone has tried this one already. I’ve been using it over the past couple days instead of Molecular Shield and I like it much more. Since Spencer is gifted with so much mobility, I usually chill out at full screen, call the Assist, and either dash or grapple around until they’re about to hit. Pretty self explanatory.

If the opponent tries to predictably jump/airdash towards you to avoid them, I like to use:qcf::uf::l: or air :qcf::m: to keep them pinned.

Another thing of note is that from close up it tends to trade with many other assists or stop them outright (as the missles are on their way up). As of yet I’ve only done that accidentally, I don’t think there are many viable deliberate setups. You need to get used to the timing a bit as it can very easily end up hurting you (if they hit in the air your combo is probably getting interrupted) as much as helping.

If someone has better writeups/uses for these, I’ll gladly let you take my place. I’m not very creative when it comes to these things.

Wesker is a better character than Sentinel overall, if you put him above Sentinel you’ll make him even better using the Drones assist. Plus he builds a lot of meter, since he doesn’t need to use his hypers to deal good damage. Putting Wesker on point gives you a lot of benefits, that in my opinion outweigh the cons of having Sentinel last.

Might be useful info for those of you considering playing teams with spencer followed by a few specific others who aren’t normally able to DHC glitch.

Ah, yeah. As long as you can keep the super from hitting, you can make it work with whatever. If you’re willing to burn an X-Factor, you can make it work with any character.

yep, just thought it was nice for those characters since you wouldn’t have to burn the xf. Chops quite a bit of damage out of bionic manuevers but may still be worth it (see: the chris combo, probably a good jill combo, ect)

Spencer : Wire Grip H Shot
Wesker : Samurai Edge
Wolverine : Berserker Barrage

A good team with pretty good coverage team is designed to destroy Sentinel at all costs

this team actually has good assist energy causing combos to extend.

Spencers assist is needed to provide a level 3 start up for Wesker or Wolverine.
Wolverine allows Spencer to zip line behind the opponent from medium distance
Wesker allows Spencer to otg for extended combos and damage
Wesker makes good use of Spencers H Grapple after a samurai edge on the end of your combo you can reset it then use h grapple to level 3 special.

Late to the party, brand new to Spencer; I suck with him right now but holy shit is this guy fun to use! Gotta put in some practice with him (and in general) after this game:

Still trying to figure out which spot to put this guy on my Spencer/Trish/Morrigan, Hulk/Spencer/Trish or Haggar/Spencer/Trish teams, but wow I’m loving this guy’s mobility and craziness.

:eek: I don’t know how you guys are playing this character without a beam assist.

I mean, you can do it and it seems the best Spencers don’t use one, but like…I just don’t get it. If Spencer is not in my anchor spot, I need to use beams to move around without getting blasted by random ass amazing normals (Wesker, Dante, etc.) and wavedashing crouch shorts (Magneto, Wolverine, etc.).

Even though Doctor Doom is pretty much this game’s go-to beam assist, I did run with Iron Man for a while when I was using the assist and even though it scales damage a bit, the opponent remains grounded, so you make up for it with an extended ground combo with decent proration instead of a juggle combo with much more limited proration.

On this topic, how DO you guys move around without beams?

Sentinel Force.

Doom imo is a bad beam assist for Spencer since it knocks the opponent over. And even if you catch them it’s harder to follow up on it. Since you’re usually flying in with a zip-line, if you really want a beam assist, Iron Man’s Uni-beam is the better choice as you said. The great thing about Drones is that it’s both an assist that will give you an oppurtunity to get in as well as a mini-lockdown assist. However, it doesn’t keep your opponent in blockstun, making it easy to zip in covered by drones then pick low-high. Also it’s easy to continue a combo with Drones after a crossup zipline.

And with Sentinel you get immediate access to the DHC Trick which is really valuable and they DHC into each other well (B Arm -> P Storm and vice versa)

The only thing holding Drones back is that it’s a little slow, but honestly I don’t see the problem much… If you know how to block and when to advancing guard, using Drones should give you the ability to force an offensive opponent into a defensive position, barring some characters with big beam/shockwave hypers like Magneto, Akuma etc.

Also new to Spencer. I’ve liked him from the beginning, but ultimately made the switch to jump on the DHC glitch bandwagon. Before I was rocking Joe(Upper)/I.M.(Unibeam)/Tron(Fire). It’s a pretty solid team for maximizing Viewtiful Joe (my best char), but I’m pretty ass with Iron Man, so losing Joe was like losing 2 characters.

Lately I’ve been rolling Spencer(Slant Grapple)/Joe(Voomerang)/Tron(Fire). Voomerang isn’t as good as Sent drones, but it has good durability for helping Spencer get in. Spencer BnB > DHC Glitch > Joe BnB nets 1.3 mil, only needing 1 meter to start. Tron assist is pretty self-explanatory at this point.

:eek: Speaking of Tron, one of my for-fun teams that I actually want to get really nice with is Spencer/Haggar/Chris.

It’s a very fun team to play, but unfortunately the Gun Fire assist seems absolutely necessary for Spencer to move around. Otherwise, the Proximity Mine would be an awesome way to extend Spencer’s ground juggles. Similarly, Steel Pipe is really ridiculous for an assist, but admittedly I haven’t come up with any crazy combos for it–Double Lariat is there because Spencer and Chris both suck ass on defense. >_>

This team sports great DHCs and very consistent damage. The problem is that I really want to start this team with Chris because he’s good at setting the pace of the match if you can get an early Double Lariat to slow down the opponent. Unfortunately, I’m never comfortable with Spencer in the anchor spot, but because this team DHCs so much, that might not be an issue. Spencer on point is a little less reliable than Chris on point, but it ensures that he’ll have the Gun Fire assist to move around with. The goal for Spencer is to take the enemy to the corner and then DHC into Haggar for a KO. After that, I try to snag the incoming character with the Slant Shot to guard break into an Aerial Backdrop or :h: Hooligan from Haggar. From there, I can kinda position myself how I want instead of blocking on their entry or risking a Double Lariat and eating shit for it.

It’s a very fun team and anybody who likes Spencer and Haggar at the very least should try it out. Chris is a bit of work since he’s not particularly easy, but he has great health and scores big damage off of pretty basic combos; his more advanced stuff hurts REALLY hard.

I’ve been using a Chris/Spencer team too, and I’m finding his Greande assist way too fun. My only issue with this assist is when I use Chris’ OTG gunshot into team super, I get grenade launcher instead of sweep combo.

If you call his assist during a ground series into Bionic Lancer, they’ll land on the mine and you can follow it up with :L: grapple or another super. Ideally, I was able to do 1,200,200 damage with 4 bars, no xfactor, no DHC and no 2nd assist.

My favorite use of it is calling it before you do an OTG grapple and after you’ve used up your wallbounce. It pops them up again and you land just in time for an Armor Piercer>Bionic Manuvers. I get about an extra 150-200K damage off these and it looks a bit prettier than his usual combos. Sadly it’s just for corner combos.

You can also use it for extra pressure when killing an opponent/snapping in another, dropping a mine, then dashing/zipping around, but that’s fairly easy to react to.

Right now I’m using Deadpool as my 3rd member with low assist. It allows me to do some unblockable stuff (and piss people off with Chris’ air gun shots), but also can combo off of it if I change the timing. He also DHC’s pretty well off both characters.

Team Mercenaries= Spencer (slant shot), Taskmaster (hard arrows), Deadpool (quick work)

Spencer greatly benefits from both assist as the arrows help him get in, and Dp’s quickwork allows unblockables for both Spence and Task. They also DHC well into each other in any order, and as a Bonus each one has a DHC glitch. They’re all strong anchors so it doesnt matter who is the last man standing.They also can play a variety of styles. If the team I’m facing is a run away Ill start with Spencer to get in. If its Hulk,Haggar, Sentinel team, Then I start task and play keepaway. Slant shot catches them jumping for a free combo. Its also a good mixup when they come in.Very fun team and Incorporates my Fav characters in Task and Deadpool.

Note: If I face a phoenix team, I usually swap Deadpool out for Zero and keep Spencer as anchor. Zero can land a hit much quicker and has easy snapbacks. Then team name is Team Sunkist! (Orange Uniforms)

Spencer(Slant Shot)/Doom(?)/Haggar(Lariat)

Which assist for Doom? The team is focused on Spencer as a starting character, with the Doom assist choice being more important to benefiting Spencer than benefiting Haggar.

So I’ve been flipping through this thread, and noticed a lot of people are using Spencer in combination with Deadpool. I started messing around with a new team (Spencer/Armor Piercer, Deadpool/Katana-Rama, Sentinel/Drones). I picked Katana-rama assist because of the additional OTG I could get from it, I could double juggle with Spencer before finishing with Bionic Maneuvers. I noticed everone else picked quick work with Deadpool. I was wondering why exactly you chose that one.

Deadpool’s been my best character since release, and obviously his assist is more of a niche thing for me, but I usually don’t call his assist when I pick anything else, so I figure if I’m already using Sentinel drones, I have my way to get in with Spencer. Is there something with quick work that I’m not seeing (besides the air launch)?

Any of the three should work nicely, really. I personally prefer Rocks assist for Spencer if I use Doom, but you could make a valid case for Beam and Missiles as well. Time to experiment!

How about unblockable setups? Quick Work hits low. Low assist + f+H overhead = unblockable (provided they’re on the ground). Or any air attack after zipline + Deadpool’s low assist = unblockable.

How viable is it to run Spencer on point? I would love to play him but I keep getting all this jazz that he’s only a great anchor…

Edit: Im going to try to run Spence/Ammy (Cold shot)/ Kumz (Tatsu) but I don’t think this team covers all me needs. Both Tatsu and Cold shot cover the same portion of the screen (about half a screen to 3/4’s screen) and lockdown for roughly the same amount of time.I think it would be great to have a beam in there.

I’m gonna answer this with two words:

DHC Trick