The Not-So-Bionic-Comrades: MvC3 Biocom Assist and team thread

I decided to go back to playing Spencer on point. Spencer/Wesker/Taskmaster. Spencer can’t battery by himself, but with an OTG assist, he’s not bad at it. Also, I just found a combo where if I start the combo with as little as 1 meter (and really, I mean exactly 1 meter), I can generate enough meter with Spencer to have 2 meters by the end of the combo so I can DHC glitch to Wesker. Even with no meters, you can still generate about a meter and a half with Spencer using the Wesker assist.

Mind sharing that combo? I’m interested in a spencer/wesker with spencer on point.


hey guys, i’ve been playing spencer as either point or anchor since day 1, but the rest of my team has just been constantly changing. right now im most comfortable with deadpool/hulk/spencer. but i’ve been messing around with ryu, sentinel, and haggar as well. i kind of feel like my team right now lacks some synergy (hulk gets nothing from spencer’s assists), but these are the guys i’ve played as the most.

should i go something like hulk/spencer/sentinel? any ideas on how i should pick a team from the six characters above? i really like spencer and i’m pretty comfortable with hulk too, so i’d prefer to keep at least one of those two. thanks.

If you really wanna play Hulk you should put him second and Spencer first. Spencer can benefit well from Hulk’s anti-air Gamma Charge so he can play a good defensive game. You can use Spencer as your battery and charge up the meter for Hulk to use and just keep comboing into Gamma Tsunami/Crush etc for big damage. From those six I’d say you should go with either Deadpool to extend your combo’s using Katanarama or Sentinel for Drones. But I think you’re better off with a beam assist and a faster character like Iron Man or Magneto.

Thanks, doesn’t seem too difficult :slight_smile:

If you’re currently running Hulk on point due to Spencer healing from low health, why not use the slant shot? grabs people jumping around and throwing stuff at hulk (Wesker, Chris, Arthur etc.) and you can use it to extend a ground series combo.

I’ve been getting really good results with Thor’s Mighty Spark assist. When calling it from a jump, its semi-long startup gives me enough time to zip line across and cross it up. If they’re in the corner it’s ambiguous. It will hit them if they’re holding back and Spencer will remain in front of them when he lands.

I would never use any assist besides Armor Piercer. The grapples just don’t give you that much of a reward for such a high-risk option… and against certain characters using it outside of combo’s just means getting your assist killed. And if you’re only gonna use it to extend combo’s, why not go for Piercer (wallbounce + big damage)?

MD, I didn’t even know you played Spencer. I recognized you because of that avatar lol

LOL. It’s not the best avatar, but at least people will notice it. But yea, I main Spencer with Haggar and Thor.

I use slant shot because my team benefits more from reeling people over to them rather than knocking them away against the wall. I usually have to chase people as Haggar and Slant shot helps me close the gap better even when it’s blocked. I throw it at a distance where I can stuff a punish attempt with lariat. With Thor I use Mighty Spark or Mighty Strike to protect Spencer in case he’s unsucessful. If he is sucessful though, it puts the opponent right in front of Thor/Haggar to do just about anything.

I think both of Spencer’s grapple assists have a lot of potential because they have some very unique properties compared to other assists. Armor Piercer is pretty standard by comparison, though the damage and easy combos off it is nice.

I’m using Armor Piercer currently with Wesker, but I’d love to find some teams that could get good mileage out of the other assists. I think leaving them standing next to you could setup some gross reset options with a command-throw character, for instance.

I want to run SheHulk(Torpedo) Spencer(?) Doom(?). I think Doom fits best as the Anchor, but should Spencer be Point man or second? and which assist would benefit best here?

currently playing Spencer/Zero/Sent. i keep going back and forth over the anchor spot. i don’t really like sent but he helps the team out a lot. other anchors i’m considering are:Doom, Dorm,. Dorm is probably the best character but his assists aren’t as good for spencer as the other two IMO. Drones is pretty dominant when sent doesn’t get zapped sending them out. Doom is probably the most versatile out of the three.

i’d rather start zero if anyone has any air tag combos that can get you to bio manuevers from mid screen or corner.

:360: I find that any character who relies on or can exploit a heavy reset or command grab game…

…will benefit from Spencer’s angled assist. I’m not terribly sure of the timing She-Hulk has for action after her OTGs, but please give it a shot and see how it works for you. You may be pleasantly surprised. Because of this, Spencer would probably be best second unless you plan on doing lots of DHCs or aerial exchanges.

If you have Spencer on point, you can take advantage of She-Hulk’s OTG for extended combos without using up a wallbounce and if you have Dr. Doom with you, you can use Plasma Beam or Molecular Shield to move in with relative impunity (be careful for air throws when you use zip line to move around). Plasma Beam works better for long-range approaching and Molecular Shield works a bit better for short-range or immediate cross-ups and corner pressure. You should even be able to OTG with Spencer after having used your wallbounce in conjunction with the Dr. Doom shield assist to hold the enemy in place for a hyper by time you land.

Dr. Doom is probably this team’s unassuming anchor, but only because he doesn’t lose as much from not having teammates as the other two do. He has pretty fantastic use of meter and some cool combos if he catches people unaware. This team should also not find itself down by a whole lot given average circumstances (indeed, the assists in this team outside of Plasma Beam, if you use it, are combo assists, so they shouldn’t get tagged by the enemy very often), so Dr. Doom doesn’t have to worry about fighting multiple characters, which I don’t think he excels at very well.

Sorry if a ton of this seems really obvious. Just wanted to see if I could help out.

I’m trying to just run characters that feel right to me. So I’m running Spencer, Taskmaster and the third I don’t know. Wesker is good for the dhc trick, but he doesn’t feel natural to me and I think they will eventually remove the glitch. I’d like a 3rd that can punish assist full screen and that can help both Taskmaster and Spencer. I’m think Dante and Akuma would work as well. But I’m interested in seeing what you guys think. Spencer, Taskmaster and who else? Is Wesker the best fit?

If you’re set on having the new character in third spot though I’d go with Dante. Wesker has trouble punishing assists at high distances and is only going to spend meter on a level 3, only sometimes on a Maximum Wesker or THC. Dante has more ways to spend the meter you might’ve been stocking up. Both can be used to get the DHC Trick but Dante can start it as well. Wesker benefits from having a Spencer assists in his combo’s and Dante doesn’t need it, so that makes Dante better in this team’s third spot. However, Dante does have lower health than Wesker and is harder to use.

Both characters assists help both of your characters - with Wesker Spencer gets a combo that always brings your opponent to the corner, which is a simple relaunch combo with otg gunshot. And with Taskmaster you can create easy unblockables after spidey swing setups.
However with Dante’s Jam Session you can up Spencer’s defense against rushdown characters and help Taskmaster out with his zoning game.

I wouldn’t consider Akuma since his assist imo doesn’t bring much to the table for Spencer outside of being a good assist. It doesn’t help him specifically, dunno about Akuma with Taskmaster though.

Akuma + Taskmaster is great together. Tatsu assist can combo easy to Shield Skill into big damage. This has been working as great anti Wolverine combination. I had trouble with Akuma + Spencer though. Not great synergy from the little time I spent using that combination. I worry about my execution with characters like Dante. I’ll mess around with him though. Maybe I can get it done.

You can stick to basic stuff with Dante and still be pretty effective in my opinion. You don’t see Sentinel players always doing fly-unfly combo’s either even though they do more damage.

I’m actually thinking of using Taskmaster as well, but alongside Wesker, in the order of Wesker/Spencer/Taskmaster. Wesker is just an incredible battery, giving Spencer and Task the ability to use more meter. Although I actually plan on using them more as a three-way team, using more tags, more DHC’ing and more TAC’s so the order will change more throughout the battle, rather than my old team which just has Wesker and Spencer tagging.

:360: Three-way teams are pretty brutal.

They let you really take advantage of the assist synergy you have with characters that rarely get out on the field with assists on deck. They also utilize TACs, which can infuriate any brand of player and get you in and out of matchups of your choosing. I try to play this way when I can; I should force this issue more with my teams.

Yeah I’ve been experimenting with TAC’s. So far I’ve gotten some pretty good stuff but heavy on the meter. The obvious Wesker OTG -> TAC is there but Spencer has some nasty stuff with it as well.

EDIT: For now I’ll stick with Sentinel until my next tourney this month. If I see he’s really a liability, I’ll switch, but I probably just need to get better with him.

After a lot of comp tweaking, I’ve settled with Spencer, Sentinel, Wesker in that order. It manages to meet my criteria of characters that are strong, I have fun using, I can use (low to moderate execution req), and can DHC glitch.

I originally had Sentinel as anchor, but found that if I DHC glitch Bionic Maneuvers into HSF, since it hits rather than whiffs, you can’t drop the combo. One downside, is that so far I haven’t been able to top 1.14 million damage unless I have an extra bar of meter to use or pop xfactor. I haven’t needed to since more often than not, the opponent has taken some damage prior to my combo starting, or I’ll land a command throw, spit or a frying pan to finish them off. On top of that, I don’t seem to fight too many with 1.2 million health anyways.

I’ve been getting some criticism about using Wesker as an anchor instead of Sentinel. He’s got more health, good damage, gun spam and better mobility. Any opinions on this?