I think I’m actually going Spencer/Taskmaster/Wesker. Spencer to Taskmaster or Taskmaster to Spencer DHC does 800k with two meters. Every character can DHC to one another and the team isn’t totally crippled if any one character dies. Wesker is a solid anchor (I’m told) and I have unblockable setups as long as he’s still alive. My only concern punishing assists full screen and Taskmaster on point I’m still not sure about. But we’ll see.
After playing around some… I believe I have a really broken team… Taskmaster it just a stupid character and with Spencer they are even more stupid. DHC trick to either Wesker or Taskmaster is why this game needs to be fixed. I just have to get my skills up. But I believe this team could be a creation from Satan…
i remember when people were hating on spencer and tasky but now there used so often now
Taskmaster is the new Sentinel. He does almost as much damage, has more life, has a good assist and he can give or take a DHC from almost every character. I know this is the Specer forum, but Taskmaster is just retarded.
Taskmaster is so boring and predictable on point. I’ve fought some of the best taskmasters around and he has no mix-ups, he is literally going to have to chip me to death or kill me with airgrabs. The more experience you have with task the easier he is to handle. Though he does suck playing against him online cause of lag making projectiles hard to get around and his advance gaurd baits are 10x more effective.
Anywho, I’ve currently been playing wolvie/spencer/shuma team. Mystic ray assist is a really good assist for wolverine. Though the chemistry isn’t as good, spencer with ray assist is still good. You can combo from air f heavy into mystic ray into combo, or mystic ray into air f heavy into combo. Basically ziplining with mystic ray and j.f.:h: protects you from airgrabs and gives you a good mixup chance. Also if they trying dashing under zipline hoping you attack or block wrong the shuma assist easily protects you.
DHc potentianl is ok between spencer/shuma, I can do a mediocre damage dhc from bionic arm or bionic manuevers into shuma. I can however do a good dhc from shuma to spencer, wolvie to spencer, shuma to wolvie, and an incredible one from spencer to wolvie. Also Hyper mystic smash DHC makes a blocked bionic arm safe.
both spencer and shuma can be very dangerous with lvl 2 or 3 xfactor both getting 100% combo’s on average health chars from either. Wolverine can do a very nice combo off airgrabs with spencer’s slant shot assist. With shuma assist you can also freely take shots at grapple hook (grounded or air) from mid to full screen knowing that if its blocked or dodged shuma will protect you no matter where the opponent goes, even dorm above you teleports get stopped.
Honestly the one big thing that holds this team back from being really well rounded is phoenix. mystic ray assist does help stop phoenix run away but is risky. I can go for snapbacks and such but you can’t really stop phoenix from zoning until d.phoenix especially if spencer is on point. This and keep away hidden missle teams are both kind of rough on wolvie and spencer offence. I’m currently trying to make a team to counter these and I don’t think spencer can fit well into either situations.
P.S. I’ve nick named the team bionic tentacles.
I use Chris, Viper and Spencer as my main team. I have 3 of them. I use Chris Grenade Toss for an assist to deter advancing opponents (depends on who I am up against) or Gun Fire (opponent dependant). I have Viper use Burning Kick to cross up an opponent as well.
Anybody got a good idea for an anchor for Spencer/Doom? Right now I’m using Amaterasu but I find myself not using her assist as much since I already have Hidden Missiles… And her XFC lvl 3 isn’t particularly scary so I’m not too sure about her.
Why not make Spencer anchor, Ammy on point. I have read this whole 3 pages and heard 2-3 times that works pretty well. If anything Spencers X-Factor is disgusting regardless instead of Doom but just my opinion.
Hey totaly new here but a Vs. series from the getco. Been loving Zero/Spencer synergy. They work awesomely together. Been in situations where my third got creamed and these two handled the other 3 team beautifully.
I tend to use Spencer (between graple A or Piercer) and Zero (handongeki or Ryunenji) usually with Spencer as anchor and Zero as point or 2nd.
Ive tried multiple people for as the third character will only list the ones that worked best
Storm as anchor worked. Maybe just need to practice.
Super-Skrull was pretty nice i just felt cheap using him might go back. (his assist aren’t the best though)
Iron-man was pretty solid but he sucked as anchor. Might go try that one again.
hsien-ko as point armor her up before she dies and abuse her armored assist. That one worked nicely too. Not sure why i gave it up.
Also had arthur as point with his fire bottle. Again armored him up let him go to work as a power assist. Awful anchor if the other get ruined though.
Anyways thats it. Guess i just need to play people and see what works.
From reading this thread looks like ironman should work.
I actually have Amaterasu on point and Spencer second; Armor Piercer is so good for Ammy, but Spencer really wants another assist to help HIM out…
I run Spencer/Skrull/Doom and it works nicely for me. Doom is a pretty great anchor if you’re winning, but otherwise nothing special. Since you mentioned XFC->Level 3 though, with 4 frame startup his is one of the best. You can punish just about everything. Once you get someone with it, if you end up in that situation again they will be terrified to try and chain any normals lol.
If you land a combo into loop and end with sphere flame, you can xfc it on the way up (like Zero’s pillar) and it does about as much (7-800k) for just 1 meter. You probably knew that though.
I think Skrull works moderately well with Spencer. You can do a bunch of neat tricks with Tenderizer (especially in the corner, can extend combos for days), and Inferno after a combo ending in Aaaarrm or Maneuvers does 7-800k easy. He also DHCs nicely with Doom (end the combo in air photon and drop them into inferno).
You could always change the order and use Skrull third, but I wouldn’t know how to use him as an anchor really.
I’m gonna try different teams, Skrull/Ryu as anchor with Doom and switch up the order putting Ammy on point. I used to go Spencer/Skrull/Doom which is a ballin’ team but Skrull devours meter, which Spencer also wants. Maybe the order of the team just didn’t work for me.
With XFC lvl 3 I meant just the X-Factor, but if you’re on your own it’s a “Level 3 X-Factor”. But Ammy in X-Factor imo isn’t particularly frightening. I really wanna make Spencer work on point though, but if my team does better with him anchored then so be it
Spencer on point benefits a lot from Doom’s Plasma Beam assist. Probably benefits the most from that than the other 2 assists. Not to mention that with Spencer’s Armor Piercer behind Doom, you can one shot 90% of the cast in the corner for 1 meter. DHC from Spencer to Doom is great too. Although I run Zero on point and Spencer as my anchor since his mixup is a million times more deadly in X Factor especially since his overhead links into jab. Zero with his Ryuenjin assist gives both Spencer and Doom a good defensive option outside of supers.
The more and more I play Spencer, the more I like him in the #2 slot on teams. Here’s why:
[]He wants to threaten with Bionic Arm. Bionic Arm is the best way to slow people down to Spencer’s speed, and to keep them from calling nonstop assists. You need some meter saved up for this. If he’s on point, he only has 1 bar from the start. It’s great to have 2 or more bars because…
[]It’s great if he can DHC from a Bionic Arm to something safe. If they call an assist and you punish it with Bionic Arm, but they blocked the arm, you want to make sure you can DHC it into something that’s safe on block. Ideally, it will also own the assist while you’re safe (Sentinel’s Hyper Sentinel Force is a good example).
[]He loves the DHC Glitch. One-hit kills make Spencer awesome, but he has to have someone he can DHC into that enables the glitch.
[]He struggles against badass runaway. Phoenix, Trish, Storm, etc, can all give Spencer problems. It sucks to be left with just Spencer alone at the end against these types of characters.
[]His assists are not great. You want to get a lot of assist call mileage out of your anchor character. Spencer’s assists are functional but not great compared to others.
[]He’s best at a neutral position, or when in the lead, when he can play defensively. Spencer’s pressure is mediocre without assists to cover his approaches or mix-ups. If they’re ahead in life when he’s your anchor, you have to go on the offense, and he’ll be alone without assists to do it.
All of those details above don’t make him awful on point or awful as anchor - he still seems to do pretty good in those spots. I just feel he’s strongest when he has some meter saved up, and when he still has an assist behind him and someone to DHC blocked/missed Bionic Arms into.
You realize most of those points are actually an argument for putting him on point, right? The only argument I see there for putting him second is the first one: getting a bunch of meter. DHC Glitch, you can do that on point, Spencer struggling against runaway, if you have him on point you have two more characters you can use, DHC’ing from Bionic Arm to something safe is also something you can do on point, when you have him on point you start at a neutral position and having him first means you can get two good assists to cover him, rather than putting him second where you still put him in an assist position.
Although I don’t disagree with you. But I’d only put him second when you can really use his assist in combo’s and with a really good battery character. Wesker can easily use the Armor Piercer assist using his OTG gun after an air combo.
In fact I probably should be using Wesker/Spencer/Sentinel because it’s way better than what I have now lol
Haha, Wesker/Spencer/Sentinel is my team for those reasons. Also it’s really easy to Aerial Exchange from Wesker to Spencer, then OTG assist with Wesker into Bionic Manuevers -> DHC Glitch back to Wesker for instakills. If Wesker dies, you can still DHC glitch pretty easily from Spencer to Sentinel, etc. Just lots of really good synergy there.
I agree that many of those points work for him as your first character as well, except the big one which is having a stockpile of meter to work with from the start to throw out arms and make them safe.
Yeah, and it is a really good argument. It’s gonna keep opponents on their toes if you have Spencer with 3-4 meters out, even if you don’t plan on using them.
I might end up going with Wesker/Spencer/Sentinel as well. Although I’d have to practice with Wesker since I haven’t played him often.
The only issues I experience with the team are once Wesker is dead, it can be tough to combo into Bionic Maneuvers (to DHC glitch to Sentinel) off any hit at any spacing. It’s easy enough near the corner, but when you’re midscreen it takes specific combos or shortened combos, which I’m still figuring out.
On the plus side, the usual tactics to shut down Sentinel drones assist absolutely get demolished by Bionic Arm.
Wesker is super easy to play also. His combos are totally braindead, so you can focus mostly just on pokes, spacing and playing safe with gun shots and teleports until an opportunity happens.
I try to rarely call assists when I play to reduce risk (except in combos of course), and that’s very possible with Wesker, too.
Midscreen you can try comboing into overhead, link it to Armor Piercer and then do B. Maneuvers. Although you should only do this if you know you aren’t gonna reach the corner with a launcher combo.
Wesker so far is pretty easy to play but I need to make sure I’m gonna get full damage output on my combo’s. In the corner it’s more damage if I use OTG -> Spencer assist after cobra strike, otg, launch rather than the usual cobra, otg, wallbounce combo that Wesker has. Midscreen I have more trouble connecting after the gunshot, but hey it’s my day 1 Wesker.
Also I use Sent Drones all the time when it’s safe. With Spencer you can protect it by calling it and dashing forward right away to keep him out of sight. People who aren’t aiming for it shouldn’t be able to catch it that way. I love Sent Drones but they’re kind of slow to get out there and don’t really protect themselves like Doom’s Missiles do.
Do you switch out Wesker before he dies to re-use him as an anchor later on, by the way? Or do you just make the most use out of him while he’s in there and let him die first?
I typically just let Wesker go until he dies, unless he’s really badly hurt and there’s an opportunity for me to safely tag out (like I just killed someone, for instance)
In that case, it can be worth saving him just for his OTG assist in combos.
The pain of it is, if you swap Wesker directly with Spencer, then it breaks up your order for safe Bionic Arm DHCs. Bionic Arm to Phantom Dance (Maximum Wesker) is pretty safe, but some people do know how to punish it.
What you can do is swap Sentinel in to put Wesker in the third slot, and then swap from Sentinel to Spencer. It’s very doable after Wesker kills someone. Just call drones with Sentinel on point, and Sentinel can then safely swap out to Spencer during the drones.
That’s a lot of work compared to just letting Wesker die, though
Yeah, I’ve just been using him as a battery… I usually save him if he has a bunch of red life though and it also depends on what characters the opponent has… Having Sentinel last when the opponent has Wesker or Ammy lined up isn’t the best idea.
Swapping twice is actually a pretty good idea, can’t believe I didn’t think of that.
BioArm to Maximum Wesker is only safe if you DHC immediately, he ends up near where you start the hyper. But anybody with a good fullscreen punish like Ryu, Akuma, Dormy, Deadpool can punish it from everywhere I believe.