The Not-So-Bionic-Comrades: MvC3 Biocom Assist and team thread

Dorm/ Doom / Spencer Team BST

Spencers wall bounce assist is awesome for corner NJ loops.

I’m going to start running Spencer (H. Shot), Chris (Gun Fire) and Dante (Jam Session). Kinda what you are RyoDragoon. Instead of Iron Mans Uni Beam, I use Chris’ Gun Fire for assist (which has more priority points), and Dante as anchor. I use Iron man a bit and I can’t seem to get in on people without an assist with him. Dante is better without an assist then Iron Man is without one I think. Then again, I’m a beginner so this team is subject to change.

Zero / Spencer / Dormammu

Heyo, I’m trying to come up with a team based on my 2 favorite characters (I know, not a great idea normally) Zero, and Spencer. I may have stumbled into a happy accident though, because Zero and Spencer seem to have very good synergy:

1A) Sougenmu powered Hadangeki assist (the double sword fireballs) allows Spencer to 6C (almost full screen overhead :rock: ) into a magic series based combo easily instead of relying on Armor Piercer and using up a wall bounce immediately.

1B) Double Hadangeki assist is a lot of ground cover when trying to close in with Spencer from the air.

1C) You can DHC Bionic Maneuvers into Rekkoha or Genmu Zero (L3 Hyper) easily if you need to swap them out or just want that extra damage.

1D) Zero benefits from Spencer’s Armor Pierce assist because he does not have any wall bounce attacks of his own.

1E) Leading with Zero can potentially help you build a lot of bar for Spencer before you use Sougenmu and swap out. Or, you can gamble your first bar on immediate Sougenmu, hoping to swap out immediately and take advantage of Zero’s powered up assist while playing Spencer.

The one major problem I have with both of these chars is trying to fight Hulk, and I imagine Haggar and Thor would present similar problems. Hulk can 6C through anything I do on the ground with Spencer or Zero. I am trying to learn Dormammu for a 3rd that can zone and deal with beef like Hulk, but I’m open to suggestions for alternatives. I’ve been told Amaterasu would compliment this team, and I’ve played Arthur a bit, but it just seems like Dormammu has all the right answers to my major gaps. Oh and I’m not going to ignore Sentinel because he is fotm, either, I just haven’t tried him yet / don’t know how he would compliment my core duo.

What I know about Dormammu:

2A) Dormammu’s air dash, flight, and teleport, combined with fire carpet 3C move seem like the perfect combination of tools to stay away from big slow guys and chip them to death.

2B) If they make a mistake they eat a Chaos Flame hyper, or a careless assist does.

2C) If I make a mistake, Dormammu has the hp to potentially survive it even against heavy hitters like Hulk.

2D) He has lots of strong uses for the bars Zero builds.

2E) Zero can cover the ground with the Sougenmu Hadangeki while Dormammu teleports for a cross-up.

2F) Spencer can DHC into Chaotic Flame from either of his hypers to tack on more dmg easily.

Spencer’s Armor Piercer assist could benefit Dormammu by getting someone out of your face and setting them up for a Purification into Chaos Flame, but I’m not sure when you would use this instead of Dormammu’s own 6C wall bounce. Suggestions?

I’m also not sure what the best Dormammu assist would be, though I’m leaning towards Dark Hole because Spencer and Zero already have OTG moves and don’t need Purification to extend combos. Any thoughts on this?

I’m hoping you Spencer guys can help me establish some more connections between Spencer and Dormammu, specifically. I’m going to go practice my Dormammu some now :love:

I’ve got a couple of ideas with Dante’s Jam Session assist that might make him go off the charts… unfortunately not enough time to test now.
Spencer/Dante/Sentinel for top tier. let’s go.

Been using Spencer/Hulk/Doom for the last few days, and I like it. Spencer on point, primarily using Doom’s rocks assist to get in and mess some fools up. With two bars, an opponent slip-up or poorly placed assist can easily be responded to with a quick Lancer DHC into Hulk’s Gamma Crush. Hulk’s armored AA assist is nice for getting some breathing room, and Hulk himself is a secondary character that I’m very comfortable playing. I still don’t find that I’m super comfortable with Doom, but I’m working on it. It’s either picking another ranged assist that I can play better when push comes to shove, or getting better at this one, with likely the most useful assist itself, for me.

I ran Biocom-Y/Ammy-B/Task-A at Winter Brawl and I was happy with the results. I made a couple adjustments since then, namely starting Ammy on point and bringing in Biocom with some meter to throw around. Not unlike having Cable now with three or more bars, because the match is one Bionic Lancer away from effectively being over, and I have Okami Shuffle or Arrow Super to DHC into if I guess wrong. Both Task (far) and Ammy’s (close or when a character is entering) projectiles are good to cover either a horizontal or diagonal grapple rushdown. Tacking on Armor Piercer after Ammy’s fire sword ground chain is a nice way to extend the combo (although I do realize Taskmaster is actually better in this group for that…leaves them on the ground close enough to do another string and still get the air combo at the end…after Armor Piercer, I have to hope I can follow fast enough to continue to an air combo or just burn a super for guaranteed damage. It looks cool though, with the wall bounce).

For what it’s worth, these guys did well against the wave of Phoenixes all weekend.

Zero works good on point, in place of Ammy too (except my Zero is garbage). The supers work better together. Lancer + Rekkoha + Legion Arrows.

My team: The Swingers!

Spencer, TaskMaster, Spiderman

Every body can zip around like an idiot. It’s fantastic.

With Taskmasters assist (Horizontal shot) spencer can instant overhead (sentinel!!) with J.H, J.S, and combo you of Taskies assist for big big damage combo (this is a slight modification of the combo video on the front page of SRK right now.)

I use Spider mans SRK assist. I haven’t tested it yet, but I think it ‘should’ work as an emergency snap in assist while blocking, cancel in to d,df,f + AA and get a free hyper combo hit off of it.

DHCS on this team are GREAT, if you connect with bionic arm, you can cancel in to Tasks d,df,f + (L+H) and then combo in to Spider mans stuff. This DHC can almost kill captain America after a juicy combo.

Taskmasters assist is just wonderful for Spencer. You can do a swing from the top, cancel early with heavy and then combo out of a hit from tasks assist, or you can call tasks assist and zip right over, or you can jump, call task, zip horizontally and then J.S in to monster combo.

i thought about making this team but taskmasters a dick… id rather leilei pendulum
feel free to use the name i was gonna use… “the sultans of swing” :razzy:

Alright, Spencer, Chris and Dante weren’t working for me and since I just have to use Spencer, I’m now trying Spencer, Sentinel, Deadpool. Both Spencer and Sentinel will have unblockables with Deadpool, all characters can DHC to each other just fine, Spencer can use Drones to get in, Deadpool can use Drones to keep out. Spencer can combo off of Deadpool’s OTG assist, free super if Spencer’s assist hits for both Deadpool and Sentinel… This seems like it will work.

Another reason to use Spencer and Dante: Shoryuken - The DHC Trick 01 - Full Damage & Hit-Stun Scaling Reset!
DHC B. Maneuvers into D. Trigger = juice
EDIT: lol why does this work with Sentinel? I can hear the tears
Spencer/Dante/Sentinel baby can’t go wrong

Ok, damage and hitstun reset is so godlike. I found a relatively simple combo with Spencer and Zero that can kill Sentinel (and by extension, ANY character) and only requires 2 super bars, no assists, no x factor. Just do Spencer’s normal BnB corner combo into Bionic Maneuvers then DHC into Sougenmu D Loop! Unsurvivable damage and lovely meter economy. What can your team do with only 2 bars?

You can also apply this technique to easily attain your powered up assists such as Arthur’s Gold Armor, Hsienko’s hyper armor, Dante’s Devil Trigger, Wolverine’s Speed Up, and of course Zero’s Sougenmu. Just DHC into the power up and do the combo of your choice into a relaunch and Team Aerial Exchange back into Spencer. You get your powered up assist while hurting your opponent for damage that can easily surpass 900k or even 1 million.

can Spencer grapple down assist be OTGable with Sentinel’s Light Rocket Punch?

Ok, I think I’ve made the final change to my team. I’m taking out Deadpool. While he went well with Spencer, I needed a get off me assist. So now I’m going with Spencer (Armor Piercer), Tron (Gustaf Fire) and Sentinel (Drones). I can’t be lame at all, but Tron’s damage output is insane and both Sentinel and Spencer’s assists work to extent Tron’s high damage combos. The only “issue” is dhcing from Spencer to Tron is not the easiest thing to do. It’s possible with some practice though I think.

I’ve been running Spencer (Armor Piercer), Task (Horizontal), and Haggar (Lariat) since day 1. I still think Spencer needs a cover projectile assist to fully establish his offense and realize his offensive potential. Task’s horizontal is perfect for this, and as a character, his arrow super DHC’s perfectly out of either lancer or maneuvers. The versatility of Task, being able to alternate between rush down and runaway compliments Spencer’s pure rush down well. Strategically, the team reminds me of mvc2 santhrax, where you rush down until you do damage, and then runaway once you gain the life lead. I think it’s Haggar’s lariat that makes this strategy work for this team, as it counters intense rush down which tends to be the only answer for a competent Taskmaster.

The problem with the team is Haggar’s on point ineffectiveness. I’ve been tempted to switch out Haggar for Tron as the above strategy (which works for me against competent socal players) wouldn’t change much, and for the time being I’m sticking to it.


I have Chris gun fire and Magneto’s elect. disruptor, but chris is good because its slow enough to zip full screen and be safe. Sometimes I zip in the air to cross’em up.

I actually ran this team for quite some time also, but I ultimately switched Haggar for Amaterasu and made Ammy my point character with Bloom as assist (yep not cold star), Spencer as second… Although the team setup builds enough meter that DHCs happen frequently and in the middle of the match who is out is not dependent on who was where at the start. I do miss having a ‘get off me’ assist but as I am never low on meter I always feel like if worse comes to worst I can XFC from guard into a super to escape with Task or Spencer and Amaterasu doesn’t care because her normals are amazingly fast and she can escape pressure just by exercising standard defensive options well.

I’m switching from Spencer/Storm/Doom to Spencer/Task/Doom

I’m quite surprised there are a few Spencer-Piercer/Task-H.Shot/Doom-Rocks out there. Doom and Task assist really help with Spencer getting in, mixed with an over head that goes 1/3rd of the screen and zip lines it can be hard to get Spencer off of someone. The challenge is getting rushdown off of you, so I tend to keep attacking.

Task with Doom-Rocks is almost like a trap, Spidey swing and Shield Skills are both moves that bring you forward and are command normals, so you can call Doom in the middle of it to keep the character locked into place.

Doom isn’t as good as he was in MvC2 but, is not so bad on point with projectile assist like Task. I haven’t played much of Doom/Spencer though.

There’s still some lameness possible! I’m guessing you’re going in that order for Sent’s drones to help both Spencer and Tron move in?

While Spencer can’t DHC glitch with Tron, Tron certainly can with Sentinel. Landing a combo into her :d::df::f: + :p: sets it up. She DHCs into King Kobun, and then out to Sentinel’s Hyper Sentinel Force. It should kill anyone dead.

Also while this team loses the ability for Spencer to get one-hit kills, it does let him do safe Command Throw resets using Tron Asssist to set them up. It’s very similar to how Justin Wong uses She-Hulk with Tron in some recent tournaments. At best, you get the command throw reset. At worst, they get hit by Tron or are at least in blockstun which sets up at least one more mix-up.

So while it’s technically not a 1.2 million damage combo, it still may be enough to kill people dead if you hit a full combo into a command throw (vs. ground or vs. air) reset.

Thanks for the input. I’m still trying out different characters to team up with Spencer to see which works best for me. But no matter what, it seems like I have to team Spencer with Sentinel. Even with Sentinel’s damage nerf, he works all too well with Spencer. Spencer is not very fast. So I have some problems comboing people in this situation; If I try to call a normal projectile assist, Wire Grapple to the other side for the assist to hit as a cross up, then dash or grapple back to the other side to combo off of it, the opponent is usually out of hit stun by then and can block. With Sentinel, this is not a problem at all because Drones hit so slow that I can get back over to them and combo without much of a problem. No other horizontal projectile seems to allow me to do that except Sentinel’s Drones. So no matter how much they nerf Sentinel, if I’m using Spencer on point, I don’t think I have much of a choice when it comes to assists.

Drones are definitely a great assist for Spencer. I found that in many cases, the drones hit and pushback in a way that lets the person out of blockstun momentarily, and it happens a lot when you’re doing a horizontal zip-line in the air over someone’s head.

Basically you fly over them and they just start getting hit… that has to be frustrating. It’s also easy to setup cross-ups and high-low mixups etc like you noted.

It’s really good, but I also feel relying on it was detracting from more ‘proper’ play with Spencer. I wasn’t figuring out other, safer assist-less approaches and that sort of thing. I think it’s a good combo still though. I’d recommend Spencer in the second slot and Sentinel in the third slot now. It’s nice to have meter built up for Bionic Lancers to protect Sentinel when he’s throwing drones, in case they go for a punish.

I’ll still probably play something like Wesker/Spencer/Sentinel just because the team gels so well.