I know the DHC trick, but I’m wondering how viable he is for actually landing a hit against the likes of the big boys. Also tell me what you think of the second part of my first post that I just added.
I personally don’t like Akuma for Spencer period. He’s basically there to tank through projectiles and cover your approach, but why should you bother when Spencer already does really well against keepaway? No doubt that the assist is still great though. Ammy assist has a different purpose: once you’re already in there, you keep them there using the assist. I’d keep Amaterasu there, maybe reconsider Akuma… He’s one of the best assists in the game for sure, but I’d personally rather have a projectile assist like Taskmaster arrows, Sent drones or even a beam like you suggested.
Also, Spencer isn’t gonna help you land a hit. That part is entirely up to you. He’s a more than capable character by himself, but you’re the one that’s gotta make it work in the end.
I’m aware that landing the hit is my responsibility strategically, I’m just wondering if his overall options to open up characters ranks failry decently versus those of the top tier characters.
This is actually my team, including order and assists. I like Akuma as a get off me/covering my approach (or to protect the space beneath me if I’m trying for an air wire grapple M, which I tend to do more than most for setups/pushing towards the corner), And Ammy’s defensive/pressure aside, she does a great job for setups
and combo extensions for Spencer (you can OTG + Ammy assist to either save your wall bounce for more combos, or just do it straight into armor piercer xx manuevers in the corner. You get -that- much time lol). Having one of the easier DHC glitches (that allows full animation for Spencer as well) is a nice perk too.
Beam’s are definitely nice, but with Spencer’s mobility getting into range where tatsu can cover your approach isn’t difficult. I also prefer having tatsu in instances where I want to keep my opponent at bay (Hulk, aggressive Weskers, etc) over a beam.
As for overall team synergy, the whole team can DHC fairly well (though landing a Maneuvers/Lancer off an Okami shuffle is a bit tricky since the lightning doesn’t knock them down the same way every time). The major goal is to push them into the corner for DHC glitching/mixups with Ammy/Spencer (I use Wire Grapples to help push them there, with Air Wire Grapple Zip Line Air S S MMHS you’ll take them from pretty much anywhere to corner. For ammy if you do a standard reflector combo into an Aerial it’ll usually get them to the corner as well, and you can still call the assist during the OTG!). And if you need to get Spencer tagged out for any reasons or to punish assists, Lancer into Shuffle works just fine. Akuma’s there mostly for assists and cleanup; if he’s got meter and X factor he becomes a one-man army.
Hey, I gotta question for anybody else using Tron with Spencer. What’s the best way to confirm off a regular/anti-air Tron hit? It’s easy with Joe, his cr.H slide goes far enough to confirm a full combo out of any Tron hit, but I’m having a hard time getting a ton of damage off of it with Spencer. If I’m close enough, I’ll just go right into launch > BnB > Bionic Maneuvers. I’m not always close enough for a launcher or cr.M, so if I’m too far away when Tron hits, I’ll just do Bionic Arm > OTG > Bionic Arm.
Any other good options for maximizing damage off dat fire?
Okay, I was able to “dominate” my way up till 4 Th lord rank with my Team Spencer/Wesker/Taskmaster. The thing is that for 4th lord and up Task arrows and zipline are a bit too obvious, I was thinking on getting Tasky replaced by a better projectile assist like Dr Doom or Dormammu. And then i thought about Akuma Tatsu.
Do you guys think that they can work good together Wesker/Spencer/Akuma?
I’m trying to implement Akumas Tatsu due to its semi lockdown when blocked.
Let me know what you think ,
I don’t see why it wouldn’t work; Spencer/Akuma work just fine for having tatsu cover the approach, and Wesker compliments nearly any team/fits any role thanks to his versatility, combo/damage potential, and stupidly good OTG assist. You might want to consider putting Spencer on point so you can DHC glitch into Wesker though.
As for tatsu’s lockdown, I highly encourage learning your ways you can combo off tatsu/mixup your offense when it’s blocked. When it hits you can just do dash into launcher if you’re too far away, but if you’re closer you can easily do Air M H S into either Launcher or straight into Armor Piercer/Maneuvers. If it’s blocked and you’re close you have all sorts of options; short hop zip line for a high/low, sweep, ground zipline into another blockstring, or even tic throw Jawbreaker (the blockstun on Tatsu ends just about when Akuma lands on the ground).
Fighting game newb lookin for some advice here. Im currently running Wolverine/Akuma/Spencer, just wondering if anyone has advice on how to use this team or if i should switch the order for better synergy or anything like that. tyty
what are you guy’s opinion on doom? i’d like to replace task with doom. I’m thinking rocks assist to help keep spencer in once he gets there. plasma beam would be a great choice to plow through projectiles but spencer can already do that with arm. wolvie/akuma give my spencer fits how does rox hold up vs those two clowns?
All of dooms assists are great with Spencer.
Plasma Beam - can use it as a cover to Zip-line in from full screen, can combo if it hits ( dont remember,does it knock down?), Dirty beam cross-ups.
Rocks - use it as a cover at mid range to zip or roll forward. Helps mildly in combos, decent mix-up games with it. I dont think Wolvie or akuma lose any sleep over this move, as they dont have to worry about projectiles. Beserk slash gets projectile invul as he gets ready to cross you up.
Hidden missiles - opponent has to respect it once they’re out, giving you pressure, really nice in combos, can kinda keep you safe, but doom is most vulnerable here. probably the best Anti-wolvie assist.
with Task:
Horizontal arrows - CAN help you get in and can combo off them if they hit, but its harder overall than a beam assist, I dont think the combo is scaled as bad though. helps mildly in combos.
Diagonal arrows - jsut a general anti-air projectile, spencer doesn’t really get anything solid off this.
Parabolic arrows - similar to hidden missiles, they occupy a lot of space, gives spencer a second to cross up or advance. I dont know how it does in combos though.
If you want to beast some ass with Spencer, go doom for the better assists. Not saying doom is bad, just he has problems.
If you want a more solid team that can fight if Spencer’s down, go Tasky. Tasky can DHC glitch too.
Probably more than you needed to know, but I felt like typing a lot.lol
Doom also DHC’s better with Spencer. The Bionic Arm & Bionic Maneuvers go right into Doom’s Sphere Flame (the 2nd one takes timing,) and an air combo into Photon Array can be DHC’d into Bionic Maneuvers off of the fall with good timing.
There is now a 3-hit Team Hyper Combo.
going back to the drawing board after evo. i’m not sure exactly how dorm works with spencer as far as keeping the pressure on but i’m going to give it a shot. i really don’t have a problem getting in with spencer its staying in that i’m having trouble with. I think dorm’s assist is better for this. have any of you guys experimented with spencer and black hole assist much?
Spencer assist with my team. Random stuff, but spencer is the reason this team has such strong combos.
Using chris without spencer is pretty pointless because of that assist…
Wesker/anyone/spencer is soooooo good.
Wesker abcs bbcs into otg gun plus spencer slant shot creates the sickest reset oppertunities. They land right in front of you, and if you time it right you can do a command grab with wesker that will kill them.
Just doing with wesker/akuma/spencer (ending with level 2 team hyper combo)
L, M, H, Launch, M, M, H, S, OTG Gun + akuma tatsu, wavedash, launch, m, m, h, s, otg gun plus spencer. Hard command grab reset, dash, launch, mmhs, otg gun into team super combo. does 1.3 mill i think
I’m thinking of going Wesk/Spencer/Task instead of Spencer/Wesk/Task for this reason. Not sure if it’s worth dropping the DHC glitch atm though.
Well if you land the reset it should kill any character, you get a better point battery, and you can have lvl 3 x factor spencer.
spencer can still DHC glitch into task, also
yeah I just found out about the Spencer/Chris DHC, now I can have my team order how I had it at the start or MvC3
I’ve been using Spencer since the game came out (though just now trying to start learn his more complex stuff), and now I’ve finally found a team I can do well with.
Hulk (AA) - Spencer (Slant) - Doom (Rocks):
Hulk [AA Assist] - Current point character, which I’m debating as his assist is more useful than Spencer’s in most situations with my team. I hear there’s a DHC glitch for the two, but I haven’t seen it in action. I mostly use Hulk as point to be pure muscle, punishing people for throwing a limb with H or campers with Gamma Wave. The main reason I have him on the team is because my roommate uses a pure rushdown/combo team of Ammy/X-23/Morrigan, who all have low health, so finding that one hit means they’re dead.
Spencer [Slant Assist] - Middle/Anchor character, primarily for DHC’ing in when Hulk is in a bind, as well as trying to catch people jumping to get around Hulk. I’m still complete trash at completing OTG combos and such, hence why he isn’t point (he probably will be once I get his combos down). If I ever feel that Doom will not do well as an anchor in the matchup, I switch Spencer into anchor when he’s taken damage.
Doom [Rocks] - Assist/Anchor, depending on what I need from him. I just started learning Doom a week or so ago, so I’m not really that good with him, especially with aerial combos. However, his assist is amazingly useful for Hulk, so I’ve been having him in back chucking rocks. I never use the assists with Spencer though, so I’ll have to fix that.