what do you guys think about spencer/dorm/strange(bolts)? i’m considering using the lame dorm assist so that spencer can thc with the ball behind him. or would it be more beneficial for the extra vert grapple using pillar
Trying to come up with a team that uses broken characters to rack up some wins on xbox live. Still I can’t seem to pull away from some of my favs like Arthur. So how is this squad?
Nova/ Spencer (slant)/Arthur (daggers)
Damn this thread is pretty dead now. Well, if anyone ever sees this, please let me know what team you think is better and/or more versatile.
Spencer/Doom/Strange or Shuma/Spencer/Doom
i was messing around with spencer/doom/strange this week, i really don’t like it because you’re sacrificing a good lvl 3 xfactor anchor which you could have like vergil/akuma/hawkeye and bolts does next to nothing for doom. imo its either spencer/doom/x [spencer/x/strange [nova/spencer/strange
I’m really not feeling going out of my way for an x factor level 3 anchor. If the character makes sense on the team then ok. But I’m not going to throw Vergil on a team because he’s Vergil. I’ll throw him on because he makes sense on the team.
it’s not going out of the way, there is no need to have doom and strange they have 0 synergy and spencer only needs one, you’re hindering yourself by having both
Strange and Doom does not have 0 synergy. You can run a very good zoning game with Strange and missles or you could choose to do mixups with Beam instead. Missles help with neutral and add 2 UVGs for Spencer and gives another rep of Flames loop for Strange. I guess Doom could benefit from Bolts lockdown but Doom should be last anyways. The order should be Spencer/Strange/Doom which is a very good and solid team.
Anyone else tried out Spencer/Doom/Ammy, I saw Marlinpie use it when Chris G and Marlinpie were doing Spencer teams vs eachother. I like the synergy a lot, I personally don’t like the no horizontal assist but the pressure you can put with Spencer/Ammy is quite godlike.
I know the thread is almost dead but i’ll post this here anyway. I dont know if this is old tech but i still see a lot of Spencer/Doom players DHCing into Sphere Flame after Maneuvers. Actually DHCing into Photon Array is surprisingly much better, it does around 250k on regular characters and even 300k on Sentinel/Hulk. You just have to wait a little bit after Maneuvers so the opponent wont spin like the vanilla DHC glitch.
I’ve been looking for a character to run point for doom and dorm. I use dorm as my anchor and was wondering if I should be using purification to extend combos and missiles to get spencer in. How does dark hole work with spencer? Does it allow for combo extension of just to be used as a tool for lock down. Lastly, aside from the easy otg assists (ex. Wesker & sents) I have trouble using assists to extend my combos in general. Can anyone explain how to properly use doom and dorms assists to help get that extra damage for spencer? Thanks
So I was a long-time Spencer hater until about a week ago, when I decided to buckle down and learn the character to understand how to fight him better, and I ended up liking him and here I am now.
I’m playing Felicia/Spencer/Akuma for fun (Felicia can confirm off of Sand Splash/Spencer a assist nearly full-screen), but I think if I take Spencer seriously I want to play Spencer/Doom/Ammy. Team does hella damage and has setups, helps Spencer zone and seems really flexible. The one thing I’m wondering is how important a horizontal assist is for Spencer. Coming from playing this team with Nova in front, I’m used to Plasma Beam because he absolutely needs it to get in. Is this true for Spencer as well? Can I start an offense with him using just Missiles and Cold Star?
I was thinking of playing Spencer/Taskmaster/Doom (missiles). How does that sound?
hey guys im been playing spen for about 7 month and have everything down with him just need help making a team with him and dok. any advice? im keeping dok 2nd cause the crazy damage he do off TACs but but point and ach or both open i was running thor/dok/RR. but some but most can keep thor out. any help appreciated and thanks in advance.
From what I know of the character-which admittedly isn’t much-a horizontal assist will make your life a lot easier. Its not a necessity, one of chris g’s side teams is spencer/missiles/wesker, but it definitely makes life a lot easier. Spencer can’t zip in without a horizontal assist to my knowledge, he will get air-thrown and AA’d all day.
With that said, why not just play plasma beam? I know you want the 2 extra 80k’s missiles gives you, but it won’t mean shit if you never get a hit. And you are gonna have a hard time getting in with missiles and cold star in the back. I think sirius black plays that team though, so PM him, he would know a lot more than I do.
Now that this game has changed a little I’m going back to spencer and using a more ground based approach with wave dashes etc. I use Zero behind him so one hit usually leads to a kill. what is are some of the top rated assists to help spencer get a hit. bonus if they have an obscene THC too. I’m pretty much considering all beam type characters. I wish shuma was just a tad better and that the assist did more damage full screen. Hawkeye, Task, Doom, Dante(weasel), Ammy are all being considered. Tron w/ Rock assist seems like a pretty interesting option(THC bonus). Akuma as well but i get happy birthdayed like no other whenever i use him for some reason. I know mag beam isn’t that great for spence…but is it really THAT bad?
Well the two assists I’d probably recommend would be jam session(funny enough) and plasma beam. I guess it depends on who you want to focus on, zero benefits greatly from jam session while spencer does from plasma beam. They can both benefit from the other assist but neither is optimal for them.
If I had to pick one i’d probably go with jam session, it gives spencer some ariel cover and he can overcome its awful scaling. Plus he gets access to a really sick THC with dante in the back.
Good point…I’ve come to grips with the fact that if i’m going to play Spencer/Zero…the third character is going to be influx. Task,Frank,Strider are who i’ve been using at the plug and play spot. Luckily i can take my time at the character select screen and pick accordingly.
What do you guys think about spencer, vergil, frank ?? Currently I’m using doom anchor on this team but never really tried shopping cart assists with spencer.
this is one of my teams…super rush down heavy…spencer with cart can be very annoying to deal with…and the team has a ton of ways to level frank up easily…just be careful vs certain matchups…hardest i would think would be magneto/missiles, morridoom, and trish