Looking to set up a team with Spencer and Storm. Who would be a good 3rd person to add? Not sure whether to put Spencer on put or at anchor.
:eek: You can use the Slant Shot or the Armor Piercer to set up combos into your S fireballs for maximum gayness.
The cool thing about Morrigan combos is that she can do the majority of the early combos with normal jump height fly stuff, so you can call assists during those parts. I believe she has combos off of standing S Soul Fists on standing opponents and if you have Astral Vision up, you can use the wallbounce on Armor Piercer to set up juggles for your regular or S Soul Fists. Nothing too outstanding, but it’s still pretty good.
I actually play this team. Akuma is perfect in the 3 spot. So delicious.
want to runa team of cap(shield slash or charging star)/spencer (slant shot)/modok (beam)
anyone know of ways to extend combos with my assists into UVGs or whatever? i need modok beam to keep my cap approach safe, so, yeah.
Uhh well it’s a bit limited and this might be pushing it, but maybe you can play around with shield slash assist on the way back to get another UVG.
IIRC, I think it was kensanity that found the way of adding another UVG using Shield Slash assist using bomber (as you can’t use bomber to get a UVG after GX loop without an assist).
Just thinking outside the box for a sec, would Spencer’s Zip be safe with the Modok assist? Also thinking even further out of the box, if you end a long combo with Bionic Maneuvers, can you use the DHC glitch to get more damage or get a load of analyse cubes as you will be able to use the Spencer assist if you didn’t use the Modok one before the DHC. I’m not too familiar with Modok’s combos and how it is affected by HSD so it may not work.
Captain America (Charging Star)/ Spencer (Slant Shot)/ Hawkeye (Greyhound)
How does this sound as a possible anti zoning/zoning team?
Sounds amazing to me.
Spence (Slant Grapple), Viper (Seismo), Hawkeye (Triple Arrow)
Fun ass team to use. I love THC with spence and snatching your enemy out of the air after viper’s hyper is done.
Spencer (Slant)/ Morrigan (Soul Fist)/ Ammy (Cold star)
THC brokenness out the ass (meter stocked means your opponent can’t call assists ever), good assist and anchor in the back, safe DHC’s back and forth, AV + Slow is godly, Morrigan gets godly meter positive TOD’s in the corner while draining a bar from the opponent.
Now I just need to not suck with Spencer and Ammy and we’re all set :). I think in due time I can switch Morrigan to maybe Harmonizer assist, but right now Soul fist is saving me too much when I inevitably screw up in my Spencer pressure.
Spencer(x)/Doom(missiles)/Super Skrull (Orbital grudge)
Such a fun team. Doom’s missiles give me the option to zip around like there is no tomorrow (even though I like to try and play more solid then that), skrull’s orbital grudge isn’t a tatsu assist but it’s pretty damn close, he moves forward marginally but has armor and the hitbox is deceptively big. Not sure which assist to run with spencer but I’ve been using armor piercer so that I can extend doom’s combos a teeny bit if the opportunity arises.
The missiles can also help extend combos, although I can’t figure out how to extend them from his little base shooter OTG’ing.
Get to corner, do an up grapple, call Doom, one UVG during OTG, another coming back down. You don’t need to dash or jump (I personally don’t), but you can and I think it’s necessary for smaller characters.
Oh I see. Alright thanks, I’ve been playing spencer/Doom(missiles)/Skrull(tenderizer) mostly lately, it’s really nice having the OTG move not wallbounce because of tenderizer.
Damn, this thread done fell off. Well I got a question, I already asked in the dante forums but figured why not here as well, Im currently working on a dante/akuma team and have been searching for a point character for quite a while, now recently I’ve been considering spencer(and by recently I mean from like 4 days ago). On paper I think it should work relatively well, dante should allow spencer to make his bionic arms safe both the the DHC and the THC, which should also lead to some foolishness. The DHC also gives spencer another way to get more damage off a bionic arm. Dante’s assists don’t seem to offer spencer much, I’ve seen a couple people run spencer with jam session but in general it doesn’t seem to be as effective with him, while weasel shot seems to overlap with tatsu in terms of use. Ill definitely need to test that part out, but overall I think the team has some potential.
What do you guys think though?
I think it’s a great team. Akuma is good for pretty much everyone and sets Spencer up for jump loops on hit, and Jam Session can always be used for an extra UVG as well as providing another means of lockdown for command throw setups.
And then there’s their THC synergy which is ridiculous.
Do not underestimate Spencers added lockdown with jam session. Remember that a move like that hits top screen, which can help a ton in the air game if you can learn how to convert high up hits. As you said already, Dante provides the safe dhc with his devil trigger that a second for spencer really requires, and the thc tech is purely awesome at the end of the day. I don’t know how we’ll Dante/akuma works but I’m sure you can find some tech with it.
Oh yea dante akuma is sick, akuma does everything dante wants from an assist other than covering full screen teleports, and I know from knives spencer/akuma is pretty slick so I was just worried about spencer/dante(which happens to be a models name apparently). But Im loving all the positive feedback the teams been getting, my only worry now is I’ve historically had problems with spencers combo’s, hopefully with a little more practice I can get it down, if I could learn to bold cancel I don’t think zip loops should be that much of a headache.
Thinking about playing Marvel again after a 4 month absence. I’ll need to overhaul my team though. I think Spencer Doom with missiles is a good foundation. But who else? Ideally I’d like to have a rushdown and a zoning element to my team. Spencer of course is the rushdown, so who fits best you think? I would play Spencer either first or second and would play Doom second or anchor. I was thinking Dorm, but Dorm can’t dhc to Spencer unless it’s off of a raw Chaotic Flame or has spells charged. I love Taskmaster but he’s too fair in an unfair game. Good at everything, great at nothing. Ammy works and so does Strange I guess but I’m a little iffy about him. Don’t think he’s that strong other than the flame loop. Any other suggestions?
Well when you have a pair like spencer/doom, the possibilities are literally limitless. Depending on what assist you have doom on you could go with dante, dorm, ammy, sentinel, vergil, taskmaster, strider(more for doom than spencer) if you have him on hidden missiles, with wolverine, wesker and nova, benefiting more off plasma beam, but most of these characters can work with either assist. Honestly just look through the character select screen and look for the character you wanna play the most, chances are they’ll fit on that team.
Optimal order/assist won’t come into play until you’ve selected your third, if your running logan for example, wolverine/spencer/doom would probably be your best order, but if you were running ammy, spencer/doom/ammy would definitely be your best order(or doom/spencer/ammy depending on the match-up tbh).
I figured I would go around and post this on character forums so folks can check it out: