The Not-So-Bionic-Comrades: MvC3 Biocom Assist and team thread

I’m making a new team consisting of Wright (Dog)/ Dante(?)/ Spencer(Diagonal Grapple). Which assist should I use for Dante? I’d really like to use Crystal, but I’ve never used the assist for Spencer. Does it help him at all, or should I just give him Jam Session or Weasel Shot?

Give him Jam Session. It’s one of the best assist that triples for offensive lockdown, defensive capabilities (for Wright), and combo extension for Spencer. Imo, I’d rather have Spencer/Wright/Dante but ultimately it’s up to you.

So decided to take a break from my main characters (Wolv, doom/akuma, nova, frank not in any particular order), and start from fresh characters that would benefit multiple ones from that list So I’m think Wesker/Strange/Spencer (Wolv, Spencer/Wesker, Akuma/Doom … Nova, Spencer, Doom/Strange etc,).Perhaps backwards order. Strange obv will be on B.O.B (and having him second allows my happy bday all day er’ day:) And as for Spencers assist, I’m torn. I’m sure there are good resets involving slant shot, but hard shot allows for gun teleport mixups on MOST crouching characters (if the bullet hits you can otg after… Wolverine, Morrigan felicia rr duck among others) and generally you can combo like you would with slant shot ( not as effective but still lets you extend combos). I like it as an option against opponents who are ducking the bolts…and also allows strange teleport mixups. Anyhow Spencer obv gets BOB and an OTG, and Strange gets a low and an otg. So thoughts? Also posting on the other forums:) Thanks for your opinions ahead of time guys
Thor mighty spark and doom missiles are very good

Hey peeps. Getting back into Marvel again and I need a little help with picking an anchor for my Spencer (slant shot)/ Dante (Jam). Team. If I do stick with Jam, which anchors and assists would help me out? What about if I used weasel shot? Thanks!

=/ To be honest, you’re stuck with the usual suspects:

-Taskmaster: H. Arrows
-Hawkeye: Greyhound
-Dr.Doom: Plasma Beam
-Frank West: Shopping Cart Team Bee aka BeeBall

If you want something “different”:

-Rocket Raccoon: Spitfire twice *a friend of mine uses Dante Raccoon and it’s OD
-Iron Man: Unibeam Perfect for Spencer because of its lockdown and combo extensions but 1. It’s attached to Iron Man and 2. On hit, it might scale Dante combos to hell
-Dr. Strange: Bolts of Balthakk Good for Spencer but I don’t know how good it is for Dante since it’s so slow
-Sentinel: Drones Great for Spencer, not sure how much synergy it will have with Dante
-Shuma Gorath: Mystic Ray Not really sure how this would work to be honest…but it’s a beam and it’s OD. Moonz has a Spencer Shuma team
-Akuma: Tatsu Purely a lockdown/mixup assist
-Arthur: Dagger Toss Kind of like Rocket Raccoon in concept

Also, I think Jam Session will be your best bet over all because of incoming mixups and combo extension.

Awesome. Thanks man. I’ll give all these characters a try. TO THE LAB!!!

So I’m pretty confident in my spencer/doom(plasma beam)/sentinel team but I figured I’d come get some opinions on it in case there were some weaknesses I was overlooking. I’m not a fan of spencer/missiles because I feel like it doesn’t do much for him in the neutral plus plasma beam does SO much more, while also still giving him at least extra 80k. Spencer also does enough damage to negate the scaling from plasma beam, while also getting some vicious confirms thanks to the absurd amounts of hitstun. I’ve also seen some nice incoming mix-ups with spencer/beam but I’m working on implementing those into my game.

Spencer/drones is something I’m still struggling with, drones seem to slow for spencer to really work with and I’ve been trying to figure out stuff with it so any input on this would be welcome. I do know a few spencer/sentinel players so I’m just trying to study their playstyles.

Finally when spencer dies doom/sentinel is amazing(if a little hard to play) so I’m pretty confident in that.

How do y’all feel about the team though?

IMO, it’s probably the best point Spencer team. Like if Marvel was literally just pick a point character and 2 assists, it would probably be the best for Spencer. As for Spencer Sentinel players, watch Knives.

Spencer/Dante/Strange man. Perfect neutral control, combo extensions, strong shell when Spencer dies, and derp 2 bar THC. Spencer/Doom/Sent is easier to use though.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, I was getting a little worried that I may have overrated the team but after watching a few people do some downright nasty stuff with plasma beam my confidence in the team has gone back up(now if I could just find some time to practice those damn zip loops). I’m very happy with doom/sentinel so my only fear was it wasn’t good enough for spencer.

And thanks, ill go check out knives and see if I can find some nice spencer/drones shenanigans. Maybe even check out GCyoshi and some of infrits old stuff.

On a completely unrelated note, do you guys tihnk we should have a general discussion thread? I’m thinking about making one, but not sure if the thread is too dead to really bother. I also figure if I’m going to make that, I might as well add some frame data while I’m at it. How do y’all feel about that? It’ll be a place we can just discuss general strategies and weird shit that’s happened to you.

Wow it’s really dead in here these days. Well may this little poll / question will get a few responses. What do you guys think is the best team out of these 4?

Nova, Spencer, Strange
Nova, Spencer, Doom
Spencer, Vergil, Doom
Spencer, Vergil, Hawkeye

My boy actually says that Spencer, Vergil, Hawkeye actually has no weaknesses, but it is a hardest team to play especially on the ground. All opinions welcome. :slight_smile:

That’s a tough one, ill go through my opinion on each team and you can come to your own conclusion.


I feel this team is very solid, it probably has the best “best case scenario” of all the teams since it just runs through characters. However I feel it also has the worst anchor of the 4 teams in strange and is a very top heavy team. Still I prefer this order to the order nemo actually runs but that’s just me.


I prefer this team over nemo because while it builds less meter and does less damage it has better options for when things don’t go according to plan. Doom, for all his bad match-ups, just always finds a way to get it done on anchor.


If I had to pick one of the four teams you displayed I’d probably pick this. I’m surprised this team isn’t more popular, spencer does a shit ton of damage and so does the vergil DHC so barring your carpal tunnel acting up in the middle of a match every hit should lead to a dead character. Also vergil gives spencer a very damaging DHC off any random bionic arm in addition to a decent neutral assist. Vergil + plasma beam is a very solid combination that more people should probably play. Finally anchor doom is anchor doom, no secrets there. Spencer also has two assists that allow for 80k extensions so yeah, damage out the ass.


This team is solid, but I’m personally not a fan of anchor hawkeye at all. I feel his incoming mix-ups aren’t strong enough and neither is his solo damage.

So I guess my personal choice for best is SVD.

Thanks for your input dude. The only issue with Spencer Vergil Doom is if you land your first touch starting with beam first, Spencer most likely won’t be able to get a kill off of it. Plasma Beam ramps up the scaling really high. Can’t get any up grapples if you lead with beam first.

Actually, while beam does scale the shit out of your combo, you can still bet some solid damage. First off, rapid slash gives you an extra 80k, but if you preserve your wall and ground bounce DHCing to vergil will guarantee the kill on all but the beefiest of opponents.

Of course I don’t exactly have the numbers to back this claim up so I might be wrong, but I do think I’m right on this.

You don’t need to save groundbounce for Vergil, as Maneuvers resets groundbounce.

Good to know, thanks for the info.

Hmm this is hard for me to decide because I play Nova/Strange/Spencer so I’m really biased. The Spencer/Doom counterpart is more of a brute force type of team that even though it suffers less damage, because of Xfactor and raw tags, it actually doesn’t fall very fall behind, if at all. As for the Vergil/Hawkeye with Spencer, I actually have to disagree about the ground war weakness. Hawkeye is a great and fast assist and coupled with Vergil’s dominant ground normals range, should provide great control especially on the ground. Same goes with Spencer because he gets really good pressure with Arrows. In my opinion, in the order of teams that you’ve listed I like the following in this order: 1, 2, 4, 3