You can up-grapple off of greyhouse and vajra? I mean I know you can UVG off a lot of things but sometimes the best overall assist for a character probably isnt something you can use for UVGs
What exactly does spencer need when it comes to assists? Which second characters can guarantee the tod? Wesker? Doom? What about this team: spencer/doom/ammy?
Anything+Doom+Ammy works
Anything + spencer + ammy also works, and Spencer/Doom is a pretty classic combination
It seems like best friends all around, I’ve thought about playing that team, but then I realize I don’t know what I’d do without a projectile assist that kept the opponent standing for my particular playstyle
Hmm. What about plasma beam? And… I’m new to spencer so i don’t know this, but does he need a horizontal assist?
It’s just really useful for hitconfirms. Plasma beam launches the opponent, so you can’t catch someone surprised with your assist mixup and then get a full bnb because you have higher hitstun decay (Spencer is one of the character whose hitstun decay is reset when launching a standing opponent).
Okay hey there, I know there are a ton of people constantly coming in here asking for team suggestions, so I figured I would too. So anyway, here goes. I’m having a serious character crisis. Spencer is by far my favorite character in the game. For the longest time, I played Nova/Spencer/Akuma or Skrull. That team was great and I still use it, but recently I’ve much preferred Spencer in point position. I’ve messed around with a ton of teams. A TON. And thus far, nothing seems to stick. Right now it’s Spencer/Skrull/Akuma, but even though he’s one of my favorites, Skrull as a second really has very little synergy. Tenderizer hits too high for good lockdown, I don’t need an extra OTG/wallbounce, and Orbital Grudge is eerily similar to Tatsu. I’ve tried Skrull, Sentinel, Felicia, Hawkeye, Taskmaster, Wesker, Doom, and Ammy in that second slot, and no one seems to stick. I love Spencer/X/Akuma, I just can’t seem to figure out who ‘x’ should be. Any suggestions? I know that rules out most of his traditional partners, but there’s gotta be soooomeone else.
I know someone that uses Skrull extremely well with Spencer utilising resets with command throw and everything with him but has Skrull on point instead. Since you have Akuma already, you don’t really need to worry about lockdown as Tatsu does the job nicely. I can’t remember but I think you can get an extra UVG if you were to use Skrull’s tenderizer after a H Grapple OTG with wall bounce already used.
You could always just go for V.Joe for infinites all day
Oh wow, I feel kind of dumb. I never really considered Tenderizer’s combo potential. So it would basically just be like [Insert random combo into corner] —> UVG, Assist 1 + TK Wire Grapple H, land --> UVG? Something like that? God that seems to simple! Looks like I don’t even have to change my team O.o
And yeah, Skrull point has absurd mixups/resets with Spencer. Even just calling Spencer assist + Meteor Smash to the other side or in front can be pretty nasty.
How well do spencer and trish work together?
corner combo (without using the wall bounce) into bionic maneuvers…DHC into round harvest…raw tag back into spencer…UVG into whatever combo ender you like, into another bionic maneuvers
i just love doing that, dont really like playing trish all that much though
im in a character rut right now…i normally play spencer/task/doom…with pretty good success, but getting a little bored (been my day 1 vanilla team) …dont dropping spencer AT ALL, but wondering who i could substitute in play of either of those characters…if i were to replace task, i would need an assist to get me in (preferable one that i can extend a combo with UVG, which i know not many exist like vergil or ammy) and if im going to replace doom, i would need a character that i can extend combos with
tasky is easily my second best character, and some would argue my best. doom, i dont really care TOO much for, but the double UVG is just amazing. wouldnt mind replacing doom for another character that would just let me have 1 UVG.
im not HUGE on execution either…lol
-not playing wesker or strider
-tried ammy, like her, but idk =/
-vergil, always a good choice
-hawkeye-is fun
-Cap- could possibly work, can his assists do anything, or would i play him on point?
-Dorm, can i get anything from his assists?
any other suggestions or expansions on these?
I don’t know if anyone has tried this out, but I found a Tron UVG off of a Bionic Bomber. It allows you to get 2 UVGs out. It’s also possible to get a UVG using Tron assist off of the sj tk medium grapple, too. But then again, you have to play Tron lol. I may pick her up though. Been inspired by watching ABEGEN play.
Side note: I don’t know if I’m imagining things, but it seems like the video is slightly choppy. To the people who post marvel on youtube, shoot me a PM of your render settings. Thanks.
So, I’ve been playing Spencer/Hulk/Doom but I feel Spencer really needs a horizontal assist to get things started. So I was thinking of running Spencer/Taskmaster/Doom, anyone with experience with this team? Taskmaster/Doom is a good shell in my opinion, it can zone people out super easy.
I use Cap/Spencer/Doom and the way I get the extra UVG is after the ‘GX loop’ (as people seem to call it now) into UVG, Call Cap assist (shield slash) and jump and then do Bionic bomber slightly delayed (so you are basically at the maximum height of the jump) then the shield will come back and you should be able to UVG then into whatever you want with the missiles for 1.2mill with 2 meters.
Also shield slash has a vacuum effect so you can actually bring them out of the corner for some unsuspecting crossups but I mainly use Cap on point so I don’t utilise it very much.
this has been my team since day 1 vanilla…very very solid team…spencer benefits from the arrows to get in, and the missiles for mixup/pressure/UVG’s …tasky benefits from the missiles to help zone/combo extend and he benefits from spencer for combo assists as well…plus in most cases, bionic arm into arrows is a safe dhc
I was playin a mixture of nova - spencer - add assist, but now i’m thinking of a spencer - RR - Ammy
anyone know a better fitting spencer ammy team ( i really wanna for learn ammy for some reason) I might make another team specifically for nova also because his playstyle is very telegraphed so he may need a team built around him, more than just combo extend assists
Is it better to use dooms plasma beam or hidden missles for spencer? Im thinking about doing Spencer\Doom\Ammy. I am not sure about assists yet. Any opinions?
Allo allo, been playing ammy since vanilla but I’ve been wrestling with back up choices. I recently landed on spencer and after realizing that he can get a command grab during the okami shuffle THC, I decided why not. So at the moment my team consists of spencer/ammy/hawkeye, I think its a solid team, but I worry a little about the lack of damage at the bottom of the team, neither ammy nor hawkeye have particularly damaging combos or dhc’s so I feel once spencer dies my damage output will dip substantially. Now on the flip side, both characters make up for their subpar damage output in other ways and damage isn’t everything(despite what everyone seems to think) so do you guys think the team has enough to make up for the severe lack of damage? Or should I find someone else to replace hawkeye?
So, there’s a cool character who is a lot like Hawkeye but with a greater variety of tools to cover more situations and who is better in areas Hawkeye is traditionally weak in like the ability to deal with people at short range yes but also the ability to deal solid damage off of random hits solo. This character’s name is Taskmaster. Taskmaster is pretty great support for both Amaterasu and Spencer, and if DHCs switch around your order they both support him pretty well also. I think you should consider Taskmaster to alleviate some of the concerns you have.