Thanks for the link, though it seems he has run into the same issues I have. He omitts part of the combo whereas I want the entire BnB + OTG assist at the end. In the end the damage he gets is similar to the damage he could get solo
The combo you want to be doing is LMHS, M, DF Wire Zip, H, Vertical grapple, otg assist, c.H, S, TK vertical grapple, TK Medium grapple, S, F wire zip, DF wire zip, vertical grapple, maneuvers for midscreen
Going to mix up my team a bit. with spencer on point with zero second which assists would you guys use for an anchor with these characters. Dante or Skrull. I’m thinking weasel shot and orbital grudge. only bad thing is most likley i’ll have to burn two bars to hit 950k damage. small price to pay for a more solid team i think.
Currently rock Spencer (slant) Frank (cart) and Sent (drones)
Really want to work out sent. Im thinking beam assist…should i just buckle up and learn doom? Ironman for something different? Any amazing assist you recommend?
i’ve been rocking spencer (slant) taskmaster (vertical) and wesker (gun shot) since vanilla
i feel like the taskmaster assist is really strong with spencer. it helps cover space in the air (and can combo if vertical arrows hit) and allows you to do zipline shenanigans while being safe. It surprisingly covers a large area and a dhc into taskmaster up arrow super does around 1.15 mil with your basic spencer bnb combo. just something to consider as i rarely see the vertical arrows as an assist.
I use Vertical assists for Nova/Frank/Task myself. I consider them a softcore hidden missiles that scales better. I agree that they’re viable, but there are better assists out there. Given the slow startup of his horizontals though if I’m ever running task I’d rather take vertical as well.
What’s the best horizontal assist to go in the middle spot of Spencer/???/Doom(Missiles).
I basically want something that can replicate the effect of Doom Plasma beam and Horizontal zip mixups but I want the missile assist for extended combos. I’ve tried Thor and Magneto but neither of them work quite right. Sentinel was also quite useful. Any suggestions?
I’m using Captain America, Spencer, and Doctor Doom. Having him as my second character (the bridge?) helps provide Cap with resets, which could kill a character without using meter, in most cases. But my problem therein lies with Spencer.
Assuming I’m playing a competent opponent, I find it hard to get in with Spencer. I’m finding his mobility to be hugely reliant on his zip-lines, and these can only be made safe with assists. I would prefer to have Doctor Doom’s Hidden Missiles assist for damage with both Captain America and Spencer, but with the latter as the bridge the missiles don’t provide adequate cover.
As I’m new to Spencer, I’ve tried analysing his usage matches such as Yipes vs PR Rog at Final Round XV. I noticed that with Spencer on point, most of their direct approaches came when they’re respective assists where available to cover the Zipline. And though we all know about Combofiend’s comebacks with Spencer, he’s now using Spencer second with Hawkeye’s Greyhound tracking his movement.
Can Spencer be less reliant on assists? Or if I were to implement the above, would I need to start Spencer on point, with either Captain America’s Shield Slash or Charging Star assist? or would I need to change to either Doom’s Plasma Beam or Molecular Shield, if I were the keep Spencer as the bridge?
Iron man, Task Master, Hawkeye, Rocket Raccoon. These all work if you are going for the mixups but you could always go for Tatsu/Cart assists.
When I use zip lines, I usually go for diagonal ones but really you should be patient and try and get staying on the ground. I know it is tempting all the time to jump and zip line across but since you run the same team as me, I recommend to go in once Doom Missiles puts them in block stun. Once you are in, just stay in their face.
Thinking about using felicia with spencer do you guys think the utility of the low assist will pay off more in the long run instead of using the sand kick? getting an extra 80k is great and all but the hard blockable stuff should pay off more in the long run right?
Hello everyone. So I’ve been trying to formulate my team for the longest time, and I would like some tips on my overall team synergy; what works, what doesn’t, what I can do to improve my set-up, or what to change.
As of right now I main Spencer on point with the Slant Shot as an assist, Hawkeye as my secondary with Greyhound, and Strider as an anchor with Vajra. I’m pretty much looking for general direction, and I’m usually not sure what to look for in my particular team synergy. Like, what I could do to benefit Spencer the most.
It’s kinda like how almost every character has an assist that can let Frank do his reset in some capacity. Don’t bother; let 'em figure it out for themselves instead of hand-holding ;).