:eek: I’d like to take a shot at this, if I may.
First, I would very strongly recommend using Spencer’s grapple assists. Especially in the case for your team where the other two characters have wallbounces already, making Armor Piercer redundant. As for Wesker, I’m assuming the traditional Samurai Edge assist; some players use Jaguar Kick, but you don’t need to because both of your other characters can link into snapbacks and supers on their own, which is where most of Jaguar Kick’s spinning knockdown utility comes in. As for Vergil, his assist is entirely up to you–you can probably use Rising Sun (I’m a big fan of this move) as a DP assist that becomes very hard to stuff, especially in Devil Trigger. Most people use Rapid Slash, and it’s plenty good.
Next, the order. I think to really optimize this team in terms of matchups, characters, and assists, you can switch up the order some (if you’re up for it). I would recommend: Wesker (β)/Spencer (β)/Vergil (β or γ). I’ll explain some of this, but I don’t like building other peoples’ teams, so please only take this as a suggestion and not a directive, haha. First, putting Spencer in the bridge spot does two things: 1] maximizes his broken assists and 2] keeps him safe since your team doesn’t tailor itself to the character. What I mean by the second point is that neither of your other characters directly impact Spencer’s overall gameplan in a very positive way. You can get creative and perform some utility setups, but it’s not as general a boon as Unibeam or Tatsu. With Spencer as the bridge, not only do you stop him from getting murdered at neutral at the beginning of the round (since you don’t have the super buff assists for him), you get great DHCs and superb assists.
Wesker up front instead of in the anchor spot is important. Wesker gets infinite mileage out of Spencer’s Slant Shot assist via command grabs and trip guards. If your opponent is not quick enough to adapt, you can faceroll entire teams with just these two characters using that strategy. Either of Vergil’s assists (Rapid Slash moreso than Rising Sun, but both are rape) is fantastic in the corner when Wesker is on point, as you can perform :l: and :h: Phantom Move mixups that leave you safe if they guess right and in spinning knockdown if they don’t. Lame. Wesker also uses Spencer’s assist on incoming characters with Phantom Move to make a very simple but effective welcome setup that is pretty gay. Wesker up front also slows the game down if the opposing point is too quick and has the capability to speed the game up if the opposing point is too passive. He has great pace control, especially up front, so you can gain an early foothold in terms of match momentum.
Vergil in the back is more about Spencer or Wesker not being here than it is about Vergil needing to be the anchor. The thing that Vergil does benefit from, though, is the fact that he will have plenty of meter to use for Devil Trigger. One of the reasons I don’t enjoy Vergil on point is because he is pretty much an incomplete character. He has the worst frame data in the game pretty much and he also cannot double jump, air dash, or whiff cancel, all of which are necessary on some level in this game. If Vergil were the bridge, his meter usage would be strictly for Spiral Sword Storm kill combos, as he is the reigning DHC king. However, for your anchor spot, you won’t be DHCing into him all that much. In order to beef him up to full BS status, you are probably going to be focusing on Devil Trigger, which makes him into a complete character, and one of the better ones if I may say so.
The overall gameplan isn’t terrible and may take some creativity on your part if you decide to use this setup, but I saw it and I just had to type about it for some reason. Well, I hope this helped. Let us know how it goes, regardless of which team format you use.