The Not-So-Bionic-Comrades: MvC3 Biocom Assist and team thread

:eek: I’d like to take a shot at this, if I may.

First, I would very strongly recommend using Spencer’s grapple assists. Especially in the case for your team where the other two characters have wallbounces already, making Armor Piercer redundant. As for Wesker, I’m assuming the traditional Samurai Edge assist; some players use Jaguar Kick, but you don’t need to because both of your other characters can link into snapbacks and supers on their own, which is where most of Jaguar Kick’s spinning knockdown utility comes in. As for Vergil, his assist is entirely up to you–you can probably use Rising Sun (I’m a big fan of this move) as a DP assist that becomes very hard to stuff, especially in Devil Trigger. Most people use Rapid Slash, and it’s plenty good.

Next, the order. I think to really optimize this team in terms of matchups, characters, and assists, you can switch up the order some (if you’re up for it). I would recommend: Wesker (β)/Spencer (β)/Vergil (β or γ). I’ll explain some of this, but I don’t like building other peoples’ teams, so please only take this as a suggestion and not a directive, haha. First, putting Spencer in the bridge spot does two things: 1] maximizes his broken assists and 2] keeps him safe since your team doesn’t tailor itself to the character. What I mean by the second point is that neither of your other characters directly impact Spencer’s overall gameplan in a very positive way. You can get creative and perform some utility setups, but it’s not as general a boon as Unibeam or Tatsu. With Spencer as the bridge, not only do you stop him from getting murdered at neutral at the beginning of the round (since you don’t have the super buff assists for him), you get great DHCs and superb assists.

Wesker up front instead of in the anchor spot is important. Wesker gets infinite mileage out of Spencer’s Slant Shot assist via command grabs and trip guards. If your opponent is not quick enough to adapt, you can faceroll entire teams with just these two characters using that strategy. Either of Vergil’s assists (Rapid Slash moreso than Rising Sun, but both are rape) is fantastic in the corner when Wesker is on point, as you can perform :l: and :h: Phantom Move mixups that leave you safe if they guess right and in spinning knockdown if they don’t. Lame. Wesker also uses Spencer’s assist on incoming characters with Phantom Move to make a very simple but effective welcome setup that is pretty gay. Wesker up front also slows the game down if the opposing point is too quick and has the capability to speed the game up if the opposing point is too passive. He has great pace control, especially up front, so you can gain an early foothold in terms of match momentum.

Vergil in the back is more about Spencer or Wesker not being here than it is about Vergil needing to be the anchor. The thing that Vergil does benefit from, though, is the fact that he will have plenty of meter to use for Devil Trigger. One of the reasons I don’t enjoy Vergil on point is because he is pretty much an incomplete character. He has the worst frame data in the game pretty much and he also cannot double jump, air dash, or whiff cancel, all of which are necessary on some level in this game. If Vergil were the bridge, his meter usage would be strictly for Spiral Sword Storm kill combos, as he is the reigning DHC king. However, for your anchor spot, you won’t be DHCing into him all that much. In order to beef him up to full BS status, you are probably going to be focusing on Devil Trigger, which makes him into a complete character, and one of the better ones if I may say so.

The overall gameplan isn’t terrible and may take some creativity on your part if you decide to use this setup, but I saw it and I just had to type about it for some reason. Well, I hope this helped. Let us know how it goes, regardless of which team format you use.

Thanks, I’m (hopefully) going to a tournament this week and I really want this team to be battle ready for it. I’ll let you all know how it goes, if I can get there.

Messing with a team of Spencer/Felicia/Sentinel

In theory, this team should be godlike right? Felicia has an OTG assist for combo extension, Slant Shot is a great combo extender and sets up command grab resets… and Drones

Well problem is I can’t seem to find a way to consistently get H grapple after her OTG, is her OTG just too crap or am I doing something wrong? Heck, does anyone even play with this combination? I was hitting 1.2 mil combos with her assist but am struggling to get it consistent at the moment

:eek: If you’re having trouble hitting the UVG, try doing a forward dash just before Felicia fires off her sand.

Fire off the :h: Wire Grapple while you’re slightly underneath or to the side of the opponent and you should get it a bit more consistently. I can’t remember how high her assist lifts the opponent since I only use Rolling Bucker.

Ok, for my Spencer/Wesker team, I think I’m settling on Akuma as my assist. The assist is as fast as Hawkeye, I can do over 1 million with 2 meters and he’s a strong anchor. With this team, I always have the possibly of a comeback factor.

Tatsu assist isn’t what it used to be though; That was my vanilla team and it worked fantastic. But the priority of tatsu downgrade is noticeable, the flip out doesn’t make hit confirms as free and you can’t use Tatsu at the end of wesker combos for free damage anymore. It’s still workable, Hawkeye isn’t as good at comebacks as Akuma, but for me it feels like playing a team past its prime.

what do you guys think is a stronger team Spencer/Dormammu/Hawkeye or Spencer/Wolverine/Sentinel

Spencer/Dormammu/Hawkeye is better since wolverine really can’t cover sentinel assist against a lot of set ups.

Plus Dorm can get you +1 unscaled grapple with pillar assist, although sent can get +2 against the non-small characters.

Thanks, been having a little more success, the hitstun on her OTG is quite low though so the dash under timing is tight… it might be be character specific also. Some characters just don’t seem to get hit. I tried doing S beforehand but hitstun seems to run out just before the grapple connects. I feel like I’m just a fraction off achieving perfect Spencer synergy without having to slap Wesker or Doom on my team. Ugh, almost there

PR Balrog uses Spencer Felicia and he does H, S, H grapple, not just H grapple. I think you also have to do it pretty early in the combo.

Should be in there somewhere.

Currently running Wesker/Spencer/???

Was tossing up between Akuma and Hawkeye. Suggestions?

Thoughts on Spencer synergy with Dorm and Doom with Spencer as anchor? If playing Dorm on point is there anyway to extend his combos midscreen with either Spencer grapple assist? I’m using Plasma beam for Doom. I really hate to rely on Wesker so I wanna pick someone new up, I’m just not seeing great synergy with my team order but I’m willing to mix it up. I think I read Spencer benefits off Dorm pillar assist? How so?

:eek: The best thing I think Spencer gives Dormammu is a guaranteed way to land his 0D3C Liberation, which essentially guarantees an unblockable.

If Spencer gets anything from pillar assist offensively, it will be news to me (and probably pretty sexy looking to boot). It is pretty solid as a defensive assist though, but Spencer tends to need more horizontal eye-level defense instead of anti-air stuff.

Man, I remember my first first first team ever was Hsien-Ko/Dormammu/Spencer. It was so weird, but so fun, hahaha.

I’d probably recommend Dormammu/Spencer/Doctor Doom for your order, but that’s just for standard stuff. If you’re trying to get uber-creative, you’ll probably want to brainstorm a bit harder.

You can use pillar assist as an otg for more vertical grapples, but since it comes out slow you can only do it after a vertical grapple (hope that makes sense).

I wanted to try Spencer/Dorm/Hawkeye or Akuma due to this, but Wesker’s otg is so useful it makes me mad.

What sucks is that Spencer’s assists wont grab out of Dorm pillars and if you use flame carpet both grapples tend to miss if your timing is off. Then if you do snatch them I don’t believe Dorm has anything that reaches far enough to extend his combos. But I’m determind to make this work.

In vanilla, a friend of mine was briefly playing Dorm/Spence, and used flame carpet after something (This was kind of a long time ago) while calling Spencer slant shot to stand them up in the flame carpet as he dashed forward and did a launcher into an air string before pillar > chaotic flame. I dunno if it was actually good, it was just what he did.

Wesker Spencer Hawkeye is a really strong team, alternatively with spencer on point ( ToD with a 2 meter dhc putting wesker on point with full hp and no glasses is really retarded too ).

Wouldn’t even consider playing dorm doom spencer in that order, spencer assist doesn’t offer anything worth anchoring him for on that team and it severely handicaps your doom. either spencer dorm doom or spencer doom dorm ( I’m not a fan of doom anchor either because of how easily you can waste his entire xfactor if you dont get stuck in a corner, and against characters like hawkeye and zero theres literally just nothing you can do to win a match unless they fuck up really badly ). Could keep ranting but I think having an anchor with very strong comeback potential is really important in this game because of how easily characters are getting killed right now, and its only going to get worse in the future. tldr spencer doom dorm probably offers the best potential out of that team and dormammu is a ridiculous anchor to boot

Yeah I think I might roll with Wesker, Spencer and Hawkeye. Not sure what order though… Surprises me you can ToD with Wesker’s bad DHC damage using only 2 bars, guess the OTG assist makes it viable? I like the concept of Wesker always coming out with glasses off :slight_smile:

I can only get 900k-930k with a DHC to Wesker, which is kinda a ToD. With a better DHC partner you can get closer to 1.1 million though. Could put Wesker last, but I’m not a big fan of that. Spencer/Tasky or Dante or Virgil/Wesker seems solid though.

you should be doing 900-950k off 1 meter with spencer wesker, what combos are you doing?