Um, I’m not exactly sure how spencer wesker hawkeye can’t kill characters when the normal bnb does like around 950k for 1 meter depending on optimization… kinda renders a lot of what you said irrelevant.
the biggest issue with the spencer wesker doom team is if a player is generally smart enough to either avoid or punish hidden missiles then you have literally no way to create mixups or pressure beyond the occasional unblockable ( H, call assist, wire zip forward, j. S before landing ,etc. ), space coverage assists are just too important if you want to play spencer on point or in 2nd slot
Wow, that’s quite the list! Fantastic post. Don’t wanna sound greedy, but I have to ask if you’re planning on adding more assists to the list. Character’s like Arthur also have great assists to help Spencer get in, and even less-used assists like Trish’s Low Voltage projectile can do the job, but aren’t usually considered because the character is usually associated with her more prominent assists…
I never said I was the best player in the world. I’m still learning. The Spencer bnb I do does 850k with one meter. If you have one that does 950k with one meter, then I can dhc to wesker for 1,050k damage. Please spill the beans! Tell me this combo and I will correct myself. That would make me more then happy since I wouldn’t have to change teams at least for dhc purposes. Hawkeye still isn’t that great by himself. That would also make Magneto more of a viable option as well…
People people want more, I could do more. The point is to learn.
You know, I’m not so sure about that. Missiles may be less free than arrows in terms of startup, but because of the two grapples they ensure you’re going to kill off anything at minimal meter usage. More importantly, Hawkeye isn’t a comeback factor, and using him as anchor means Spencer/Wesker (or Spencer/whatever) has to pull weight in order for him to have any chance of cleaning up. Even if Spencer/Wesker/Hawkeye amplifies Spencer/Wesker more as a whole, I can’t help but question if the stability (along with other perks) doom brings to the table compares or even outweighs what Hawkeye can do.
Does Wesker have to be on the team? What about Spencer/Doom/Akuma. Tatsu is amazing for Spencer and so are missiles obviously. The downside is Doom can’t convert off tatsu all that easily, but you can call missiles while tatsu is out and use that to cover your approach. Not sure how good that is in practice though.
Well for me personally, Wesker is my best character. Been playing him from early on in vanilla. Doesn’t make sense to me to drop him now after he got buffed.
I do (lmhs, j.m, j.h, wirezip forward x3) to get people in the corner from mid screen, but reverse corner is too far. That may scale too much for that combo though. I’m still having trouble doing the (* **j.m, wirezip down forward, j.h, vertical grapple) *consistently. Is there a trick to the timing?
:eek: I don’t know why I didn’t realize this before, but the timing is eerily similar to Magneto’s initial repition of his [sj.:h:, airdash :df::h:] loop.
If you’re familiar with that, it’s close.
Regarding going from corner to corner, there are quite a few posts here regarding ways to do that, but I think the most common is:
it works from midscreen to corner, corner to corner you have to go for other options like what duckstrong recently posted, or things like lmhs, j.m wire zip downforward h, dash up tk medium grapple, zip downforward, j.s land vertical grapple, call wesker, vertical grapple, maneuvers.
All I know is I was dropping combos that work starting with Taskmaster Horizontal Arrows assist that wouldn’t work when starting with Hawkeye Greyhound assist. Basically, :a2:(all three hits):l::h::s: sj :df:[+:s: ]:h: land :qcf::h:~:l::qcf::uf::s::h::qcf::h::l:
The opponent when I was practicing this would flip out before the last grapple there hit. Haven’t tested this in a while though since I dropped using Hawkeye as my third character last month. But that’s how it was when I was practicing the combo.
I have trouble with the MH follow up after the Bionic Bomber (btw whats the proper name for this move lol, ive seen it called bomber or death from above and other names) sometimes. Does anyone know if that follow up is character dependent or is it just a timing issue?
Right now I just negate the MH -> H grapple and instead cancel the OTG into Maneuvers.
I am running captain america(charging star) Chris(gun fire) and Spencer(slant shot) as my main team. Would Spencer get more mileage with captain america shield slash assist or charging star assist.
:eek: Yeah, it’s hard to tell how early Spencer can move because of all the sparks and debris that goes flying when he lands from the bomber.
You also have to be mindful of what your combo leading into the bomber is. If it’s anything beyond a standard ground series with an air series afterward, you’ll find that you will have a hard time following up.
This is the team I’m currently working on, and so far, I’m liking it. However, I don’t really think it’s quite battle ready, so to speak. Is there any advice you can give me to make this team ready for some of the higher ranked players, and possibly even tourneys?