The Not-So-Bionic-Comrades: MvC3 Biocom Assist and team thread

Haha, I make that mistake all the time, too :slight_smile:
I’d say that the team has three really strong characters, but really only one good assist (Tatsu M). Dorm is a fantastic anchor, but Dark Hole M isn’t really going to turn either of your other two characters into instant power-houses. As such, I’d recommend swapping the order of your team around just a bit into Spencer/Ryu/Dormammu. This way, you can at least have Spencer take advantage of Tatsu M to make his close range game much scarier (it’ll give you some pretty easy hit-confirms and even cover those half-screen overheads for you!).

Other advantages of the team order include having Bionic Lancer THC’s allowing you to blast though beams and gunfire from all the way across the screen instead of just halfway, and some pretty powerful hyper combos to DHC into (you can go for the giant laser, or into Ryu’s power-up state to just combo the day away). You won’t have similar DHC or THC potential with Ryu on point… The THC is just the same thing but without the invincible start-up, and nobody’s going to be able to follow from his OTG hyper combo…

At the same time, Ryu would probably be able to snag some spiffy benefits from Spencer’s assist… He normally prefers an OTG assist, but it could help him follow up those out-of-corner wall-bounces with even more combo!

I think he’s certainly capable, I’m using him sort of as an anchor right now even though he’s in my second spot, but that’s just because I’m not real strong with the character I’m trying to groom into being my anchor (Nova). He’s got decent comeback potential, but a lot of that might just be intimidation because of what everyone sees Combofiend doing with him. I’ve noticed opponents will get nervous when I’m left with just Spencer, even though I’m not really that good at him yet, just because it’s Spencer and BIONIC AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRM.

But yeah, he seems optimized with assists, but then again who doesn’t.

It definitely depends on the situation and your team. My team for example, if I land a hit in the corner, it’s for sure better for me to do a 2 meter combo with Spencer then to DCH to Wesker. It’s definitely something that’s dependent on the team and situation.

Any thoughts on Iron Fist (Rising Fang)/Hawkeye (Quick Shot)/Spencer (Slant Shot)?

Switch Spencer and Hawkeye and you should be good

What do you guys think of a Zero (Ryujin) / Spider-Man (Web Shot) / Spencer (slant grapple) team?

Hm, I had been using Spencer as more of my anchor than Nova, since I couldn’t really think of a good way to use the grav pulse shield to help Spencer, while Spencer’s slant shot definitely helped Nova and my point, but after experiencing the joy of Nova’s xfactor infinite, I really want to start using him as anchor. Does anyone know any good ways to work that pulse shield into helping Spencer while he’s on point? I’d like to keep that assist since it helps my point character so much, but it just seems useless for Spencer so far. I’m sure there’s something I’m missing though.

Trying to think of a team that would more efficient than my current team. My current team is Spencer(Slant Shot)/Hawkeye(Greyhound)/Wesker(Samurai Edge). I love Spencer, but my Hawkeye usually just ends up being a meat shield for meter and i’m not that confident in my Wesker play yet. But I love having an OTG assist for big damage with Spencer. I was also going to play around with different teams and was considering switching out Hawkeye for Doom with Hidden Missle assist. But maybe it’s because i’m just not that good with Hawkeye yet. Thoughts? Completely different team suggestions?

I think Spencer is pretty bad as anchor, especially compared to the notable ones (ala Wesker, Dark Phoenix, Dormammu, etc). He can’t Bionic Arm > DHC out of trouble, and he doesn’t have an assist to make his approach safe (ala ziplines or overhead or dashes). He doesn’t really overwhelm the opponent either and his mixups aren’t the best so if he needs to mix up the opponent multiple times, he might be lacking.

Instead, I think he’s best in the second slot. Can be used for good damage DHCs, supplies a combo extending assist, and can benefit from an assist, and you can still pop XF in this slot to murder the enemy.

My worry with spencer in the second slot is you probably won’t have an assist for covering your approach and for more vertical grapples. Damage will still be very good, just not insane. Because of that he seems ideal first, unless you have someone on point that really benefits from spencer’s assists.

Well your third character could provide an assist to cover your approach.

For instance, I run Nova/Spencer/Taskmaster. Nova and Spencer benefit from Taskmaster’s arrows. Nova also benefits from Spencer to extend combos.

Spencer in turn can rely on Taskmaster to provide arrows coverage. He can also use Tasky’s forward arrows super to make random Bionic Arms safe if blocked. Also, if you can land a hit on the opponent’s key character, you can pop XFactor early in level 2 (since I don’t keep Nova to stay alive normally) to get the win.

But that’s just me. I do agree that Spencer can benefit from the first slot, perhaps with a combo extender assist and a projectile/space control assist. I just prefer him in the second slot since he doesn’t really need that extra assist since he does major damage anyway.

However, I still think anchor is the worst slot for Spencer. Big damage, sure, but more defensive players have a field day against him.

Your team makes sense since nova greatly benefits from spencer’s assists (I guess almost everyone likes slant shot?). I’m doing wolverine/spencer/akuma for similar reasons. Spencer/wesker/akuma is probably a stronger team though, but I’m a wolverine fan and I love bionic commando (non-dreadlock edition), if they work on the same team I’m doing it :eek:

Can you tell me what trouble you were having using Spencer/Frank/Wesker? i just started messing with that team.

They’re all strong characters (though Frank arguably being the weakest/most demanding) but they don’t mesh properly. Shopping cart helps Spencer or Wesker get in, but it absolutely kills scaling and limits Spencer’s on point damage potential (I had him running on point, and Spencer’s ability to hit so hard in that spot is one of his biggest strengths now).

Assists/meter management is also an issue. Frank can easily do double snap shots with Spencer’s alpha or armor piercer assist, but Wesker gains so much more from Beta Slant Shot (Frank can snapshot twice off beta, but it’s a lot harder and spacing dependent). Likewise Frank could use Wesker’s wallbounce assists for 2 snaps, but who in their right mind doesn’t use Wesker’s gun (which while Spencer benefits a ton from Frank is pretty self sufficient with wallbounces and groundbounces with minimal spacing issues).

Ultimately the biggest problem is leveling. If you put frank on point, he has no coverage and even if you optimize assists for snapshots, you’re putting it all on Frank to get the job done himself. If you put Spencer or Wesker on point, you either have to TAC (an unreliable strategy as a whole, and again will kill either of their respective damages) or use the old DHC trick with Spencer. Problem is even if damage wasn’t a consideration, you’d only get to level 3 off it (you still had an assist left by the time frank got in, but that would mean either not having Spencer covered by Frank during the approach, or having saved Wesker’s assist for the end and it not being gunshot). Frank’s a viable character in level 3, but it severely limits his potential. I don’t think I ever got him to level 4 in a single ranked match using this setup.

The long and short of it is with this setup they’re all fighting over resources instead of working together. Frank has quite a few demands that Spencer/Wesker can’t meet, and Frank’s assist while good comes at a cost. I eventually came the conclusion to keep the Wesker/Spencer duo and find a new home for Frank (which is currently Nova/Frank/Taskmaster. I honestly believe Nova is the best buddy for leveling Frank, even over Dante. Taskmaster I might swap out but I think he has the potential to properly round out the team).

Ah… Thanks for the info. I was able to get to level 4 with Frank using the Slant Shot assist from Spencer, but as you said, you would have to not use Frank to get in with Spencer to get that done.

Unfortunately, I’m starting to think that there is no perfect assist to use with Spencer/Wesker. All viable assists for this pair have there problems. It’s just a matter of which ones you want to deal with.

Akuma was the perfect assist in Vanilla IMO. Fantastic priority, took care of projectiles and scaled really well. Made an excellent anchor to boot. Taskmaster/Sentinel have good coverage but both have really high startup. Hawkeye’s great with the quick triple shot but he makes a pretty mediocre anchor if the opponent has enough presence of mind to hold up back and turtle out the chip if they have a life lead (Arthur’s the same concept as assist/anchor though not as good overall). Really think the winner is Doom; unscaled grapples don’t care about missile’s scaling, and doom is a good comeback anchor.

Even having Doom with missles isn’t perfect because you have to set up your approach. Against zoning teams, its hard to get the missles on screen because Doom gets hit and retreats Also, Doom is out there forever. You really have to be able to protect him a well. I should make a list of the pros and cons of the viable assists that could work with Spencer/Wesker. But again I believe there is no assist that works perfect with this pair. You’ll have to pick as a player what issues you want to deal with.

spencer wesker hawkeye is about a trillion times better than spencer wesker doom with missiles heh

This is one of the teams I’ve been running myself. Hawkeye’s assist just works perfectly for Spencer. And I try to fit Wesker in to all my Spencer teams (bc of the damage and being able to really easily corner to corner push with the wesker assist.)

The other teams I’ve been running are:


Ok, here’s the list I’ve come up with when running Spencer/Wesker and this is totally from my point of view. What I look for and what problems I’ve run into so far. Things taken into account are :

Hit Stun Deterioration (How much you have to adjust your combo)
Damage Scaling
DHC damage (being able to do at least a total of 1 million damage off of Spencer’s Bnb. My Spencer bnb does 850k.)
Usefulness of assist
Team synergy
How good of an anchor is the assist character
Among other things

Hawkeye - Grayhound
Arrows are VERY fast. Can easily combo down forward zipline with this assist.
Very slight damage scaling (Bnb does a little over 800k)
If it hits on the ground, No Hit Stun Deteration
Provides safe DHC’s (mostly)
Works well with Wesker’s teleport mixups

With this team, DHC damage is poor and you can’t kill average health characters.
Arrow miss smaller characters
THC damage with Wesker is poor
A mediocre anchor. If it’s 1 on 1 and Hawkeye has X-Factor, you can chip out your opponent most likely. But don’t expect many 1 against 3 comebacks

Dr. Doom - Plasma Beam
Beam comes out relatively fast (But not fast enough to combo down forward zipline without a delaying your jump)
Doom comes out behind the point character so he’s usually out of harms way most times
DHC damage is HUGE (Over 1 million off of Spencer’s BNB)
Safe DHC’s
OK anchor
Can help both Wesker and Spencer extend combo’s

Hard damage scaling (reduced to 630k)
Hard Hit Stun deterioration. You will have to adjust your combo when using this assist
THC damage witih Wesker is poor

Dr. Doom - Hidden Missiles
Damage output is HUGE. More then any other assist. Will one touch kill every character in the game. (generally)
Safe DHC’s
OK anchor

No horizontal coverage with your approch
Doom stays on the field for a VERY long time
Doesn’t allow Wesker’s core mixup to be effective
THC damage witih Wesker is poor

Frank - Shopping Cart
VERY fast assist. Can easily combo down forward zipline with this assist.
Very good lock down assist
Level 4 or 5 Frank with Wesker sets up great unblockables
No hit stun deterioration since your combo will start on the ground.

Scales combos HARD. Down to around 400k! Most damage scaling of all assists on this list
Must give up damage to level Frank up
DHC damage does not hit 1 million until Frank is leveled up
No safe DHC’s
Not a projectile
Does not travel full screen

Taskmaster - H. Arrows
Slight Damage Scaling
No Hit Stun Deterioration
Great DHC damage with Spencer
Safe DHC depending on distance from the wall

Assist comes out very slow
Gets beat out by faster beam assist OFTEN
Does not work well with Wesker
-Arrows are slow so teleport mix ups aren’t as effective
-THC Damage with Wesker is VERY poor

Chris - Gun Fire
No Hit Stun Deterioration
Great DHC Damage
Can help both Wesker and Spencer extend combos (?)
Safe DHC (?)

Relatively hard damage scaling (Down to 650k)
Dunno if Chris makes a good anchor or not (I know Bum163 makes him looks like a great anchor, but that’s just one player so far)

Sentinel - Drones
Very light damage scaling. Down to 830k
No hit stun scaling
Very good lock down assist
Can help extend Spencer’s combos including UVG. Leads to pretty high damage output
Great assist for Wesker to run teleport mix ups with
Great DHC damage (over 1 million)
Decent anchor
Mostly safe DHC’s

Sentinel is a walking mixup
Hard to use at high level play
Sentinel is left on the field for longer then average

and this last one I just started messing with so I’m not sure I have all the facts yet…

Magneto - EM Disruptor
No damage scaling since it is a one hit projectile.
Fast (Can combo with down forward zipline)
Works well with Wesker’s Teleport mixups
Generally safe DHC’s when done from a distance
Decent anchor

DHC can not break 1 million damage with my Spencer bnb (only 950k). There does not seem to be a way to get all hits of Magnetic Tempest after Bionic Maneuvers.
Some Hit Stun Deterioration, but this is minor. You will have to adjust your combo, but since there is no damage scaling, the combo will still end up doing MORE damage with this as a starter then if you landed a hit on your own
THC damage is poor with Wesker

That’s it so far. I’ll be messing around some more just to see what I find. But I doubt there is a perfect 3rd character for this team. If I made any mistakes or you have another suggestion. Please let me know!