Hey. It was somewhat generic, sure. But poorly written? I don’t know how you can say that. It was totally cool, and the way he approached the last fight was kind of clever! If it wasn’t for that comic, we wouldn’t have Legion Arrow, so you have to give it that.
Wait, this isn’t the Taskmaster subforum, what am I doing
Haha, yeah, I guess we’re getting a bit sidetracked… The end of the comic was pretty boss (okay, who am I kidding, it was totally awesome!) but the entire first half of him getting really upset and broken up about the death of some random bar floozy whom he met while doing a mediocre James-Bond-look-how-suave-I-am impression kinda left a sour taste in my mouth for the rest of the story.
Back on topic, since we’re discussing good assists, I’m curious if anyone’s tried out using the more non-standard horizontal assists that exist in the game to help Spencer get in and lock down the opponent. We all know that Unibeam M and Dagger Toss are fantastic assists for Spencer, but I’d really like to know what experience people have had using the less straightforward horizontal assists. You know, stuff like Rolling Buckler, Demon Missile M, Rapid Slash, or even Whirlwind M and Gamma Wave M… As I mentioned a few pages back, I’m working on a write-up I’ll post here, and I’m kinda stuck just theory-fighting because I’m Xbox-less for the next week-and-a-half As such, I would (and I’m sure anyone would) appreciate any information people could post regarding how Spencer meshes with the less well-known assists
Hm, I wonder how easy it would be to bionic bomber after an air vajra hard knockdown, is there enough time? Would you have to TK it? I’ve had fun messing around with that assist, and it obviously helps Wesker. I guess you could just H grapple to pick them up, but it’d be nice if there were enough time to bionic bomber into a more full combo after that knockdown.
I think most would prefer a projectile assist over an attacking assist since they’re easier to get a birthday on. I’ve seen Gamma Wave used by Kuuron, does it go fullscreen? I believe it was more of a combo assist for him though. Whirlwind M is a great assist in my opinion, but not for Spencer. It’s far better for teleport characters like Vergil, since it doesn’t go fullscreen and it’s hard to protect it because of it’s startup (but you do get epic THC moments).
Rolling Buckler takes the theory edge over Demon Missile because it’s a low assist… But neither of them go fullscreen and they’re not projectiles either. Felicia I feel is a really underrated character and she’s really good as an anchor. Firebrand, not so much, good in second place but his meterbuild is really weak which is unsuitable for Spencer.
Other lesser used horizontal assists? Dante’s Weasel Shot is underrated. The only thing it lacks is the range but it’s a great horizontal assist otherwise.
I still don’t see a lot of people playing Spencer with Amaterasu even though she’s a great partner.
Magneto’s Disruptor could potentially work, don’t think I’ve ever seen a Magneto/Spencer team.
the stronger assists for spencer are ones that allow him to cover holes in and extend blockstring, as well as making his wire zips safe from as many ranges as possible, most of the non-projectile assists only fill those roles from close-ish range and don’t really offer enough blockstun to warrant using them any other way.
weasel shot is great for spencer, i’m not a big fan of cold star due to how slow the start up is and how easy it is to stop being big limitations
Taskmaster arrows, as far as I can tell, do less hitstun deterioration than Hawkeye’s Greyhound. I noticed this while practicing some Spencer corner BnBs and seeing if they work off an assist to a light attack; Taskmaster’s worked, Hawkeye’s didn’t.
So that’s another factor, if you go for longer combos.
Moves don’t “do hitstun deterioration.” If you’re starting a combo with either arrow assist, they should essentially allow you to complete the same combos unless Hawkeye has some weird property on his assist that’s completely unique to him. All that should matter is how soon you followup after the initial arrows hit.
This may sound counter-intuitive, but if you want to learn other characters for Spencer try them out on different teams. I’m currently running my alt team of Nova/Frank/Task (I tried pairing Frank with Spencer/Wesker and as much as I loved it they didn’t work well). Nova/Spencer have some nice synergy and Task can potentially replace hawkeye, so I figure if I get proficient with the alt team I might be able to mix n match down the line. Having multiple characters in your pocket for use is a nice way to adapt and mixup when the situation requires it.
The problem with Frank is the damage scaling. Frank -kills- damage scaling, whereas with Hawkeye greyhound touch of death combos are still quite feasible with 2 bars. Nova takes care of the leveling (the other problem I had with Spencer/Frank/Wesker), but having Frank as anchor really makes the issue of a non-leveled frank even worse. I love Frank, he’s easily my new favorite character, and as much as I enjoyed Spencer/Frank/Wesker I realized if I wanted to reach higher potential with those characters I needed to change the teams.
You’d still run into the problem of shopping cart hurting Spencer’s overall damage. Plus Spencer really isn’t a battery anymore since he can effectively use 2 bars in a combo, but with leveling frank instead of pumping out maximum damage you’d have to DHC to get him his snapshot. I’m not saying Spencer/Frank can’t work (I ran it day 1 to quite a bit of success), but I don’t think they’re a good fit given their strengths/needs.
Not everybody makes teams/setups to maximize UVGs. And frankly, I don’t care for being told it’s “really stupid” of me to burn two bars to do combos that can TOD on most of the cast in almost all situations at a level of execution I can reliably hit. Not to mention I have enough presence of mind to know when not to burn the bar/use it to get Wesker’s shades off if the payoff isn’t there.
I wouldn’t say it’s because I like it, but rather it’s an acknowledgement of my strengths and weaknesses. An overall lack of playing capcom fighters (started on Super IV) in conjunction with being left handed (which may not be a huge deterrent but certainly isn’t an advantage) plus a few other factors make combos a weaker point of my playstyle. I’d rather do damage control and perform successful but not maximized combos and focus on catering to my strengths rather than devoting time to make a weakness slightly less weak.