The Nintendo DS thread v.2

seriously wtf is with all the empty rooms in the rebel base in the rockman z series?? obnoxious.

Wow wtf.


…too good!

…that went well.

Holy shit, that looks sick. Guess control isn’t gonna be too much of a problem going by that video.

Iono… that looks digusting to me but I hate all touch games.


anyone fucking with etrian oddysey? what’s its story? also anyone have a release date for dq9 and ninja gaiden?

Not the kind of dungeon crawler I had in mind =!

I wouldn’t mind playing it though, need something to keep me busy since I kinda dropped from spending time on Pokemon. Going through Picross instead.

**Ninja Gaiden:Dragon Sword - 09/01/2007
Dragon Quest: Protectors of the Starry Sky - 11/20/2007 **
**According to

*…that went well.

Btw… Opera for DS is coming out next month. DAMMIT! Hoshigami Remix is coming out at the same time, so I’m debating on either or at the moment.

…that went well.

i wont tuch opera, it doesnt support flash still… and alot of images doent load. The text always does but… its still iffy.

Hoshigami looks great! Stick with that Bear… wait for a better version or something else neat to pop out of nintendo

  • Sure does! The multi-player aspect sounds like a let down, though, but the way Arksys or RPGamer explained themselves/game, as per the interview/preview, gets brownie points from Bear.

Source: RPGamer

Any videos of a battle in this game?

…nvm… got an old skool one. [media=youtube]mTbnU5pvWdQ"[/media].

…that went well.

…very well bear

Thats pretty nifty that u can trade…

Kinda woulda liked co-op wifi or a versus wifi but this is a hardcore RPG and in my opinion the old PS1 game of this was harder for me. But then again that was along time ago. and im still waiting for an RPG to have that co-op or versus wif. I think ff9 was one of the few rpg’s where u could go in and change the controls so ur friend could command characters in battle.

When does this come out again?

06.2007 is what was stated by Aksys and RPGamer, so it could mean anytime next month. FFTA2 might make up for this, but from what was seen, Hoshigami makes up for itself and the Turn-Based Strategy scene DS wise. All the more reason to cop it. I haven’t played this title on the PS1, so no one spoil it for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

…that went well.

anybody here still play tetris? I’ve always been better than my friends and only 3 people that I’ve played on wi-fi have been able to beat me. Is there any sort of like competitive tetris site or like tetris tactics explanation? I want to improve my tetris playing and unfortunately these random battles only seem to get me paired up with scrubs.

If anybody wants to play tetris against me my friend code is 765983 621641. Feel free to IM me if anybody wants to play, I’d love to have some people that could whoop me so I can improve.

Honestly I stopped playing Tetris a ways back to focus on Honeycomb Beat. Since then I’ve been caught up in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and Panel De Pon DS and haven’t looked back since.

As for Tetris tactics, from personal experience all you really need to focus on is learning how to put together solid T-spin setups as fast as possible.

If you’re not familiar with them then I suggest you check out this video:


I’d offer to play, but by now I’m sure I’d be terribly rusty and don’t feel like shaming myself. :sweat:

BTW, what times do you usually play? From what I saw last time I played you could still get decent Jap comp if you played during 3-6a.m. (eastern time). May want to give that a try.

that’s some good stuff right there. do t-spins send over more lines or something? I haven’t really focused on them and i don’t do them unless i’m in a real pinch or i get like the s and z pieces to start with.

I’ve never had any good comp in tetris and 90% of my time with the game has been in 1 player mode so I have no idea about tetris’s metagame so when I play multiplayer I just play it like if I’m playing an extended 40 line time trial. that’s been good enough to beat nearly everybody I’ve played on wi-fi. Most people can’t seem to handle my speed that well.

I play randomly from 5pm to midnight pacific whenever I’m bored. When I do get matched with a good player they usually quit after a couple of games. I changed my name to sakuraba in hopes that they would think i’m japanese and they’d play a few more games but that doesn’t work out too well haha.

Thanks for the vid, I’ll be studying these set ups.

That’s a nice video… I had no clue you could do so much with T-spins.

Monte, I’ll play against you if you want to. I haven’t played in a couple of months though, so I’ll be really rusty. I’ll PM you my friend code when I get a chance.

I don’t really use much strategy, but I can build pretty quick :wink:

1upgot around to throw up their preview for Hoshigami Remix. Some of the annoyances are being dealt with, as stated. I haven’t played this on the PS1, so I wouldn’t know if there was a problem before. Still I have anticipated this release wholeheartedly.

EDIT: EB is saying that it is pre on the 18th of June as the pre-release. Aww well. Game Stats says 08/31, which is dit seriously. I don’t believe that at all.

…that went well.

So did anyone pick up Ouendan 2? I’d imagine the mail pre-orders will be trickling in no later than the end of the week.

Few are getting it as early as Thursday. Apparently it’s out in Japan though, as of yesterday lol.