The Nintendo DS thread v.2

I’m just lazy hahah. I think I’m around the 27-30% mark of the game.

Is the dog, Bhanga dude worth levelling up? I’ve been using the default group so far, leaving him out.

I just got a DS not too long ago and I have the following games for it:

Super Mario 64 DS - Great game, but the problem with the game is it’s intended to be played with the N64 controller, and the DS (especially the DS lite) doesn’t adapt well. I can’t tell you the number of times I died trying to do a running jump and my thumb accidentally hit “A”, making me do a retardo jumping kick to my doom…

New Super Mario Bros. - Great game.

Super Princess Peach - The most embarrassing game I’ve ever bought. “Yes, I’m a grown man and I want to play a Princess game…”

BrainAge - Pretty fun. Sudoku FTW! Though the recognition on the game can be funky sometimes. I’ll write down a 5, and it’ll register as a 9… WTF?

SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters - I’m thinking of selling this one. Why does SNK give us a fucking card game when they know we want another CVS (yes, I know it should be SvC, but who wants another one of that piece of shit?) So basically, I’m playing Yu-Gi-Oh with Ryu, Kyo, Megaman, Terry, etc…

Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney - Fucking PWN. Being a Defense Attourney is TOO GOOD in this game!

Anyone have suggestions for games I should get?

well unfortunately it seems like you don’t get him the whole game. unless there’s a way to retain him, so i wouldn’t waste a lot of energy on him. it’d be interesting to see what his special attacks are though i spose.

Advance Wars DS
The Castlevanias
Elite Beat Agents (best game on DS!)

and on June 4th, Planet Puzzle League.

If you have wi-fi, you should also think about getting Pokemon.


Ouendannnnnnnnn 2. Few more days!

helll yeah, i’m excited!!!

dont know if ppl whove already bought it are willing to buy it yet again… especially when they just released a gba port just last year.

I don’t think I have wi-fi.

In the places where there are wi-fi that I go to, no one’s ever on anyway.

I would love to get a game of NSMB (Nigga Stole My Bike?) or SM64DS against someone, but alas, no one plays. At least no-one here…

I recently got over my the psp frenzy I was in after I bought one in december. I’ve reverted back to playing way more tetris than is necessary after a brief stint with Lumines II.

I’m in the middle of a new high score with tetris, I’m at 15 mil and still climbing…

Advance wars still owns. Mario Kart is still great if you have pals to play with. But I havn’t bought a new ds game in months… actually maybe a year.


Theres no video… but i drooled…

I really cant afford any more DS games , i buy too many of them as is.

I still need to train my Pokemans.
Beat FF3
And… Play Online With My Jump and Bleach…

for the people who bought SvC Card Fighters DS you might want to take note of this…

I hope to god they don’t fuck that up like they did FF3.

someone finally agrees with me

What exactly did they do wrong with FF3?
Did they tinker with the story line? I thought it was the original FF3 that was lackluster to begin with.

My DS-Xtreme card doesn’t work anymore.

A month of play for a 100 dollar flash cart just won’t cut it. :confused: At least I got to back up my saves for when I buy a different one that doesn’t brick so quickly.


isn’t that the rom cart that uses internal memory? I can go on forever about how those suck ass.

Simcity DS out in June…
Trailer is here


Doesnt look like anything special… and having only 1 file sucks…alot!

Gameplay video (controls explained) for Ninja Gaiden DS