The Nintendo DS thread v.2

Just got some DS goodness…

** Bleach 2nd** - Holy shit this game rocks…finally, a decent fighter on the DS. Too damn good…but its in Japanese so I have no idea what the hell is going on.

** Electroplankton** - Hooked it up to my PA system through the headphone jack. Sickness…can’t wait for the sequel to come out.

** Resident Evil **- This shit is still good after all this time. Got owned by those fucking dogs again.

** PPL** - I was skeptical at first…but after playing it for 2 hours straight I’m hooked.

I guess I’m going to get a DS now (going to Best Buy later to pick one up) and a PSP later (after the redesign).

  • about PPL…daily play for the untimely win. I’m so religious to it. I’d even play when I’m tired , drunk, doing a marathon, or slightly decapitated. You can’t beat the Birthday Battle. And the modes are ridiculous. There’s so much to do! That’s what sells PPL! If you only buy one Puzzle game, buy this. Thank yourself later.

I’m usually on during 8:15am EST in the weekday if you would like to battle.

  • I’m getting it in the mail, so I’ll be able to let you know about the first stages of Hoshigami Remix later on in the next two weeks. Famitsu didn’t like(20s/40) it and the American game publications have been mixing up their stories on what it should be like. Praising it with one hand(it’s for serious SRPGers), yet damning it in their rating systems.

Everyone should pick up Picross next week. I have the japanese version and that game is soooooo fun.

…did I mention how much ass Bleach 2nd kicks?



Oh yeah.

Fullmetal Alchemist TCG for the DS is supposed to come out tomorrow. For those that like TCGs, this will probably be a great game to get into especially with online play.

How forgiving is the learning curve of this particular TCG? Marvel was harsh. I’m looking forward to it though along with a future PSP purchase for YGO Tag Force and the soon-to-be released sequel. Any word on the Naruto or Bleach TCGs? BTW is this game current in terms of sets because I heard it was discontinued sometime ago.

I officially own a DS now! I have Mario Kart and Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow. It’s a lot better than what I expected and I have the sexy black:lovin:!! has a basic tutorial up for how to a round typically plays out. It’s rather boring as with all tutorials on how to play, but at least it was done in a way where you don’t fall asleep after seeing pages of text blocked together that you have to read to figure out how to play. Probably a huge downfall of the Marvel TCG was just that. The game so far doesn’t seem really hard to play, but there’s enough depth in it to get me excited about it.

That was pretty dope, and it seems that the game is only going to be $20. I think I’m definitely going to have to check it out. I agree with you that it seems easy enough to pick up but there is the potential for some depth. I could go for some depth after all of the SNK vs. Capcom Card Fighters that I’ve been playing lately. :rofl: I mean, the game is fun but there really isn’t much of a strategy for playing against the AI other than shove as many cards as possible into play as quickly as possible and rape them in about five turns.

Damn, alright so both Fullmetal Alchemist TCG AND Persona 3 are delayed until Aug 14th apparently which really sucks. Guess i’ll find something else to do for now to hold me over for another 3 weeks =_=

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Ah well. At least I managed to figure out Goomba so the Pokemon TCG should tide me over until then. It’s the only reason I bothered to download it. MEEMMOOOORRRIEESS. Oh honey suckle sweet memories indeed.

I’m thinking about picking Bleach up, but I’m still working my way through JUS and I need to get online with that shit soon.

I hear they are releasing one of the DS Bleach games in the US down the line, don’t know if it is this fall or spring or which one, though.

They’re releasing the 1st one… most will tell you to just import the 2nd though, since the 1st is apparently broken as fuck.

New Tales game coming out for DS, check it out on The Magic Box. Apparently all of the main games in the Tales series are now switching from being on PS2 to being on DS, as well. Which sucks because they should be on Wii, but whatever.

Oh yeah, and for you Wii owning folks, Tales of Symphonia sequel on Wii.


Trailer to above-mentioned game: Tales of Innocence

It’s a Wonderful World or whatever the fuck they’re calling it, I want to play that!

Yep, that’s what I’ve heard.