The New Tennessee Thread - We have Acrade Edition and tournaments out the anus

Good luck to everyone tomorrow. Sorry I can’t make. If only I could use that portal gun.

I won’t be able to make it tomorrow, sorry guys. My grandma was placed in the ER tonight and I want to be here the whole time she’s here.

It’s too damn early to be awake right now. Why haven’t we invented teleporters, yet? o_o

At least you get to be driving to the ville. I get to take dogs to the vet to have their anal glads expressed…there I figured that would bea good earl morning mental image.

C’mon dude, express yourself.

Hey everyone I’m making my first introductory post I suppose. I’m a newbie when it comes to MvC3 and I’m wanting to get better by playing with real people considering there really isn’t much of a scene in my town. From the first post I see that there are people in Clarksville that play(1hr drive from here). I suppose once I work up the confidence I may try to stop by a couple wednesdays from now to check it out. I figure I may as well post in this section considering I live much closer to TN :D. But anyways it’s nice to meet everyone here!

lol cool reply bro

cool story pukes his guts out

headed out to gg


how do you even express an anal glad?

The vet puts a glove on, lubes it up then sticks a finger in their anus and “gently” presses on the back of the gland, about a half an inch or so in, so the excess fluid comes out. Its very important to have done since it can build up over time and start to hurt them if they get full. Its the only “regular maintenance” we dont do ourselves for obvious reasons.

Edit: If you have ever seen a dog do that thing where they sit down and drag their ass along the carpet it usually means the glads are full or they have worms.

With the utmost care.

Off topic: I’m running late and will be missing the mk9 tournament. Sorry guys.

Yo there’s some epic traffic at about mile 30 going down I-24. All I know is there had better be a bloody crash at the end of this or I will be highly disappointed.

Been in traffic for about an hour, I’m just now at mile marker 33 lol

Ditto. Not sure which mile marker I’m at.

Checked @nashville511 on twitter and they said there was an overturned vehicle at exit 40 about three hours ago. So if that’s what’s causing all this traffic, well… That’s just pathetic.

Looks like I’ll be missing super too. This is where I start to get angry.

Thanks for all the Birthday wishes!

Sucks so hard that I couldn’t come to Nashville, brother’s graduation and family shit got in the way…

I believe that is what makes the song!

:rofl: This guy…

Results for MK so far: (17 people)

1st-Cody (King Kung Lao Mein)
2nd-Jacob Ford (BoRaiden)
3rd-Bishop (Smoked Out, BlackJax)
4th-Richard (Smoked Out, BoRaiden, Kabal’s Deep)
5th-tie (Andrew Smith)-(ErmacsTheBest)
5th tie (Cale)-(BoRaiden)

So since a Jax made it to third is he good now? :wink:

Yo announcement to all Memphis peeps here, a bunch of us are going to go see Thor tonight and then go to Abe’s after and fight streets, engage in combat with mortals, etc, so if you wanna come let us know. So far (according to Jas) it’s me, Jas, Justin, Josh, Abe and possibly Squabb. Rukus and Johnny will be at Abe’s later but not at the movie. If your up for this shiz then let us know, homos.

Oh and happy birthday Squabb, fuckin love you bro mighty homo.