The New SNK Video Thread

Okay since I am no longer resuming the SNK Storm thread in FGD (Won’t even post in FGD anymore) I’ll at least keep you all updated with what has been happening since my “return”…

Oh yeah everything is on one channel now, the DarkGeese youtube channel…so anything I record is going on that channel…let’s take a trip down memory lane at least for a few to see what’s been going on since the DFW tournament:

Casuals between me and Gualberto as well as Trainers in 98UM and other games:

NEC DENTON UPDATE: Tomorrow or tonight I will do a final edit with my NEC AFTERMATH Video…but for now…



Waku Waku 7 (Yo Bill Rizer, best WW7 matches in the world LOL!)


How to beat Young Geese’s Deadly Rave in NeoWave:

How to record in NeoWave:

Speaks for itself doesn’t it???



I have heard many times and seen a Japanese Tier list that suggested Geese in PS2 2002 is Mid Tier…I find that hard to believe and decided to just mess around with Geese playing the CPU to show my point…


Here guys plenty of stuff to look over:

Starting with QMax comboes for Rugal, Ralf, EX Mary (The TGB one), EX Mai and EX Andy:

Plenty matches between me, Gualberto, Eddy, and Juarez in Denton at Guals Grove:


KOFXI matches:

We return to play some serious KOF98UM Casuals to finish the day:

The last thing I post is the most recent:


98UM Casuals:

Set 5 too big for youtube: (My mistake not paying attention)

The rest:


Fatal Fury Special:


World Heroes Perfect:

World Heroes 1:

World Heroes 2:

Power Instinct Matrimelee 2:

Another Day-

First though my own Choi Quick Max combo and a reg. Yashiro q.max combo-



Final: (Since I know most of you are gonna skip to this anywayz lol)


World Heroes 1:

World Heroes 2:

The most recent play on 1-10-09:

Ninja Masters:


Aggressors of Dark Kombat (ADK):





Set 1: (Too big for youtube my bad)

Set 2 and Final:


This should be enough for now.(This isnt everything as subscribers know, I am leaving out 2 months of play) Subscribe to my channel, we play every weekend or so…


Thanks for all the vids DG. Your the man.

Sure thing…they’ll be more coming after this weekends DFW tournament…

All the SNK videos from the 1-24-09 Dallas Tournament:

Good stuff man, keep up the good work.

A few 98UM matches at Sanji’s in Ft Worth, Texas:

The beauty of these matches is that while they are to help Sanji learn the game (So don’t expect godlike play) he’s randomly picking teams that have DIFFERENT MUSIC…

so in other words these matches are full of special theme music!


The Arcade Infinity Jon Kyo Flash Combo match (Jon, the best player at AI in California, does this one combo I do with Kyo at 5:19 of this match)



Dont seem to be able to rate?

Unless I feel the matches are worth rating…you won’t get the option!!! :rofl:


You should had posted this link:

Tons of good stuff in there.

You know youtube better than I do lol.

Thanks for posting that up I didnt even think about that…:sweat:


Do you have any kind of trainer videos for EX Geese in 98UM? Picking him up for my team and I like playing him more than regular Geese in that game.

Yes I do…check that playlist that FsGamer put up…you are bound to find plenty of trainers in that one…


I really like that one with Eiji since Mixup here plays a NASTY team of Eiji/Beni/Shingo.

Tried to do it myself though and damn is that timing strict, out of 20 tries I got it once. Can be helpful though since I want P’kola to be the next SNK town, you gotta come down sometime DG.

Sure thing…yeah theres more in that tutorial…

As soon as you can get the Eiji timing down you can then go to the other stuff…

EDIT: Though it isn’t SNK related, I am making a new playlist on my channel entitled “Miscellaneous”…It will be for games that are NOT SNK…

So SF4, me playing HD Remix (Thats right), TVC, SCIV, T6BR, etc…

On the verge when everyone is talking about SF4, even those at Gualbertos house…we are still fiending on the Old School SNK…

Casuals between me, Gualberto, his friend and Juarez in 98UM, NeoWave (in prep for 2002UM), World Heroes 2 (I showcase my new Dragon infinite, proof he’s top tier in WH2), and Real Bout 1.

Also a quick update about what’s going on and stuff a lot of you already know:



Final: (Go ahead skip to it you know you want to, I extended the match just for the camera lol!)

KOF NeoWave: (On its lasts breaths!!!)

If Young Geese is in 2002UM…watch out!

World Heroes 2:
(This wouldve been a decent match if it wasnt for the massacre!!! lol)

[media=youtube]UUYm4oOiWNA[/media] (Uh oh I land the Dragon Infinite on Gualberto with A STYLISH FINISH!!!)

Real Bout 1:


That’s it! I’m telling you we are gonna hit the 2002UM just as hard as the 98UM when it arrives…(Maybe even harder…98UM may get less play!)


The next batch of casuals from me and Gualberto on 2-21-09:

This time we got some…say what…STREET FIGHTER IV!!!

Uh oh…yeah don’t think I can play some Capcom? I’ve only been playing it for a day but because it closely resembles an SNK fighter it’s not hard for me to get into:

Heres the PS3 intro for those that haven’t seen it yet:




98UM Matches: Man let me tell you its weird going from SF4 to 98UM instantly…we had to readjust back to 98UM and it took some matches…so these are some matches while we are still trying to readjust…we’ll probably play 98UM FIRST next time… (Which seems like its gonna be Sunday or tomorrow evening)


Also oh yeah, how Saisyu COULD be that last hidden character in 2002 UM:


See ya Sunday and countdown to 2002UM begins NOW!


Nice vid’s, thanks for posting them

Thanks…got more!

KOF 2002 Unlimited Match Day!!!

Here are some BC combos and new stuff with some of the characters in the game already everyone:


I been telling people Nameless looks damn strong…lol.

Here’s the vids guys from yesterday, me and Gual anticipate playing some more on Friday lol…we ain’t wasting no time learning this game.



Hope everyone enjoys…I’m hitting the secret characters today and learning more about the game etc lol.


More 2002 UM!
Also here are some things I?ve discovered:

Special battle with Omega Rugal:

Matches between me and Gualberto confirming what I know about who needs to be banned and who doesnt (Geese and Goenitz):


Final Set:


Also I remember people talking about Kula not being able to combo cr.bx2,st.bxxDp+C.

I call utter bullshit…maybe it didnt work in the test versions…but she can do it in the full version…

Also as of now…due to what I?ve discovered PLUS playing Gualberto:

BANNED: Clone and O.Zero, Krizalid, O, Rugal, Igniz
Allowed: All EX Characters + Geese and Goenitz


More miscellaneous stuff like Kasumi being deadly being in the Red and having 3 bars of meter, per special request Clark?s new MAX2, Yuri vs. Chang/Jhun 100% combo (still exists), Omega Rugal?s special battle into ONLY and more Kyo-2 stuff:


Clark?s New ?Deadly Rave? MAX2:

To ban or not to ban Goenitz edition:

Omega Rugal Special Battle Intro:

99% Geese combo that Tv-kun posted:

Here are the latest matches between me and Gualberto from March 1st, 2009:

As Terrell Owens would say:“Get your popcorn ready!!” LOL.


Geese lands a big combo and it equals Death:


More proof Geese with meter changes the game:

Geese single handedly in the last slot as I predicted changes the whole match again:

Geese lands a 5 meter combo for like 99% damage in the Climactic Final:


Okay now see what I’m talking about…Geese in the last slot is serious business. I didn’t even care about dying with my other characters when Geese was last…I just wanted to strengthen him in that slot because its where he obviously belongs.

He changes the game when he’s in the last slot and has meter as it should be very very clear thus it should be very clear why Geese is the #1 playable character in KOF 2002 UM. Bao may be #2 even…hes that good…


Hey everyone more vids?ranging from Nightmare Geese BC Comboes, a Bao 70% BC combo to a Hinako infinite and more discoveries and matches between me and Gualberto in preparation for Final Round this coming weekend (Which I will be at)! I also have a new sound card and external microphone in the latter vids so the sound should be about 10x better than it has before overall.


Hinako?s Infinite + my own BC based off it:

Now there is also something PBJ Mixxa gave me the idea to explore…and he discovered that on Vanessa you can combo Hinako?s infinite ON THE FRONT…thus I took it 3 steps further and turned it into the ?Hinako Five?, which I have yet to make a video of (making one of it today possibly), meaning she can combo the infinite on the FRONT on these characters:


Reg. Geese has 2 new OTGs that Tsukagami helped me discover?then I took that even further:

SFIV Casuals: (I entered at Final Round, I?m gonna use Fei Long and Ken and try to catch people off guard hahah!)

98UM Casuals:

2002 UM:

Here are some of the matches from Final Round XII in Atlanta on the 13-15th.

Results for KOF98UM and KOF2k2UM:

1st: Dark Geese: Eiji-EX Geese-Krauser
2nd: Steve Harrison: Kyo-Ryo-Terry
3rd: Ninjamatt:?
4th: JeRon

KOF 2k2 UM
1st: Dark Geese: Choi-Bao-Geese
2nd: Earwig: Kyo-Iori-K-Benimaru-Daimon
3rd: Norm the Storm: Terry-Kasumi-Geese-Ryo
4th: DNyce: O.Chris-Chris-O.Yashiro-Vice
I cannot post Losers/Winners/Grand Finals because that?s going on the official Final Round DVD. But I can post everything else
Plenty of matches, plenty different games and I do not wanna repost them all so here are the links to the matches: