The New SNK Video Thread

Here are more casuals from 3-28-09 me and Gualberto in the following games: Street Fighter IV, KOF 94 Rebout, NGBC, and 2k2UM.

Hope you guys enjoy you know another batch of matches is coming very soon!

More 2k2UM Stuff I posted up the past week or so:

Bao?s Training Mode Unblockable lol:







This is the best tutorial vid for basic KOF I’ve ever seen. (okay, this is the ONLY video I’ve ever seen. :p) but it shows a lot of basics for people who don’t play KOF games normally.

It is a good video! Props to Dandy J, not only is it a great video, he has an awesome youtube channel in general.

Okay guys since my Saturn PS2 pads are broken there won?t be any matches until they get fixed. What I am working on is modding a PS3 Saturn Pad into a brand new PS2 Saturn pad but I have to wait on the parts from Japan. So as soon as I have a brand new Saturn PS2 pad then we can begin playing plenty other SNK games. However, the only games it seems we can play are Street Fighter 4 and Samurai Showdown 1. I?ll take playing Sam Sho 1 over not playing an SNK game at all.

So here?s SF4 and Sam Sho 1 matches over 4-05-09 and 4-07-09:

4-05-09 SF4:



Sam Sho 1:

More stuff this weekend?now let?s see if this crappy Mad Catz pad will let me play another simple SNK game lol.


The end of the Crappy Mad Catz controller! Me and my friend have successfully modded My broken Ps2 Saturn pad with PS3 parts, thus no more using the Mad Catz controller from this point forward! Back to KOF and other stuff like usual the next time me and Gualberto play!!!

For the time being the Last Mad Catz casuals, and yes we will keep playing Sam Sho and other stuff:
Street Fighter IV Tournament matches and casuals from the Denton, Texas UNT tournament on 4-17-09:

Now for the SNK action, sure it?s between me and Gualberto but we got newcomers such as Jake that play KOF thus we are gonna grow and grow! The Denton Crew shall be reborn!

98UM Casuals between Newcomer Jake and Gualberto:

Samurai Shodown I Casuals:

Sam Sho III Casuals:

Final Round XII Pimp Cups for 2k2UM, 98UM plus a successful modded PS2 Saturn Pad with PS3 Saturn pad parts.



Hi guys just got back from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico this week and I have quite a bit of footage to share with you. Last time I played Kane9999 in KOFXI he was about 5 times better than me. This time we are an even match. This time also I get to play Rodo, and we are all evenly matched. Only way we aren?t evenly matched is if Kane9999 plays Eiji hahaha. Due to how I play Eiji in 98UM I am surely gonna consider him a valuable backup in KOFXI now. I got a lot of other footage from my new camcorder I?m trying to get ready for youtube so this is not done yet so stay tuned. We all got to play KOFXI, 98UM, and 2k2UM.

Also yes I know about the stupid swine flu and I do not have it!!!

Reg. Geese 2k2UM new 99% and 100%:

Older stuff like me discussing going to EVO World and why:

Me talking about my twist of fate heading to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico instead of Atlanta for Impact Clash w/my new lagless camcorder:

Here are the matches:

Saturday 4-25-09 KOFXI Ciudad Juarez, Mexico matches:

Me vs. Kane9999:

Final for just the day more coming Sunday:

Sunday 4-26-09 98UM matches between me and Luis:


2k2UM Casuals-

Me vs. Luis:

Me vs. Kane9999:

Me. Vs. Kane9999:

Me vs. Rodo (the other top KOFXI player in CD. Juarez):

Final before playing both of them in one set:

Me. Vs. Both of them before I step out and it becomes Kane vs. Rodo:

Kane9999 vs. Rodo:


Up to date stuff I did on 4-29-09 in response to one of Khannibal?s comments on my vid claiming I can use Igniz vs. him in money match:

99% BC Combo with Nightmare Geese:

That should be enough for now I?ll see you guys later!


Please tell me you guys played some World Heroes and FFS

We didnt have too much time really, I was only there for two days, but I intend on going back there when KOFXII comes out to play there and play various different games.

Great stuff as usual DG, hey anyone down there play a real mean Ryo or Ben?

In CD. Juarez I didn’t see one but its possible.

Hey everyone here are a few small documentaries from Ciudad Juarez, Mexico for you to check out plus some matches upon returning home to America between newcomers me, Jake, and Cordero:

Another 2k2UM Reg. Geese discovery:

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico Documentaries:

And the Final at the border hahaha Catching people trying to cross illegally:

Directors Cut from the Documentary + Current Update:

Here are the matches between me and the newcomers to the Denton Crew in KOFXI and 98UM:



Thats it for now Ill keep you all posted when more stuff hits!


The Return to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico on 5-22-09 to 5-23-09!!! You want more Mexico matches? You got it!

98UM Best in CD. Juarez in May 2009:
#1- Dark Geese (USA)
#2- Kane9999
#3- TIE: Kira/Rodo

The best in CD. Juarez in KOFXI May 2009
#1- Rodo
#2- Kane9999
#3- Dark Geese (USA)
#4- TIE: 40 and Xame

**The Best in 2002 UM in May 2009: **
#1- Dark Geese (USA)
#2- Kane9999
#3- Fory

Guys I had an absolute blast, I?d have to put this as the #2 best time I?ve had in Ciudad Juarez. Are you guys ready for a serious amount of videos? I have probably over 100+ matches so get ready guys. We had a Playoffs to determine the top 6 in 98UM and KOFXI, and we all talked about a lot of things such as all this ?talk about Morelia? and how many cities are really better than Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in 2002 and KOFXI. We talk about a lot of this in my documentary footage to dispel a lot of the BS I hear a lot of you spewing on SRK and other sites just because you want me to lose. But I won?t spoil the documentary footage for you, I will let you see it for yourself, we also found out and talk about Esteban and others, BUT, I am not gonna spoil it, you gotta see it yourself and it?s a lot more this time than the last. Okay now to the games. I am gonna break it down by days and the title itself.

Friday May 22nd, 2009:
KOFXI Casuals:


KOF 2k2UM:

Saturday 5-23-09 Casuals:


Hinako Goes wild!

Next batch of 2k2UM casuals between me and Kira:

Fatal Fury Special:

Fatal Fury 3:

KOF NeoWave:

And here are the KOF 98UM Ciudad Juarez, Mexico Playoffs!!! This is a playoff to determine the best player in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico in KOF 98UM!!! The match between me and Xame set the stage for the rest! Here?s the first playoff match and the rest:

98UM Ciudad Juarez, Mexico Playoffs:

3rd Place Match: (Which yielded the tie because they didn?t finish)

98UM Casuals: (Them using Omega Rugal is like the only way of them beating me consistently hahahah!)

May 2009 Ciudad Juarez, Mexico KOF 98UM Super Bowl-Dark Geese (USA) vs. Kane9999 (MEX):

Ciudad Juarez, Mexico May 2009 KOFXI Playoffs (To determine the top 6):


Semi Finals (Loser gets 3rd) - Dark Geese (USA) vs. Kane9999 (MEX)

May 2009 Ciudad Juarez, Mexico KOFXI Super Bowl- Kane9999 (MEX) vs. Rodo (MEX):

So now you understand the rankings I have at the very beginning!!! It is my goal to have playoffs every time I go to Cd. Juarez!! It brings out the best in everyone when this happens! Okay I ain?t done yet, here is documentary footage from El Paso to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico:


There you go hope you all enjoy!!


All results from the Raging Storm 2009 Phoenix SNK Major:

1st- Dark Geese: Kula-Gato-Duo Lon (L) (Never Lost)
2nd- THE ANSWER: Oswald- Kula-Gato(L)-King-Malin (Lost to Dark Geese, Dark Geese)
3rd: Aaron (AZ): Kasumi-Shen-Gato (L)
4th: Webster: Eiji-Mr.Big-K
5th: Saikyo-??

Decided- Dark Geese LOL.

1st- Dark Geese: Eiji-EX Geese-Krauser (Never Lost)
2nd- THE ANSWER: EX Geese-Chris-Iori-Orochi Yashiro (Lost to Raven Tactic, Dark Geese)
3rd- Raven Tactic - O.Yashiro-??? (Lost to Dark Geese, THE ANSWER)
4th: Aaron(Tucson, Arizona): Shermie-Kyo-Rugal
5th: Darth Dez: King-Kyo-??
5th- Webster: Eiji, Andy, Joe

Garou MOTW: (34 entrants)
1st: Nocturnal: Kain (Never Lost)
2nd: Giby- Grant/Kevin (Lost to Nocturnal, Nocturnal)
3rd: Buktooth: Dong Hwan
5th: Justin Wong- B. Jenet
5th: RickDawg: Terry
7th: Burning: ??

KOFXII Randomly generated tournament that I didnt get to play in lol:
2nd: Fubarduck-?

KOFXI FT3 Rematch between Dark Geese and THE ANSWER:

-Dark Geese wins 3-0.

All videos can be found here:

Assuming you saw the EVO World SNK 2009 footage, here’s more footage such as the EVO World SNK Documentary footage, talking about my trip to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, and KOFXII stuff and casuals:


Trip to CD. Juarez, Mexico August 14-17th:


Casuals at Sanji’s Birthday Bash:

Good stuff man, when r u gonna put up a review of KOF12?

KOF12 vids are always welcome. I’ll check them out.

Here?s stuff I?ve been experimenting with the last week in KOFXII:
[media=youtube]0GhP8S-cfG4[/media] (I?ve got a midscreen now based off this!)

Here are matches between me and MightyMar from the Midwest in the New Geese Tower location:

The first set of matches:

The second and probably final set before next week post-Ciudad Juarez, Mexico:



KOF 2k2UM:


I’m going to put in a lot of work to learn these games. However, I currently do not own a ps2 so I can only learn arcade style for the older kof games (beat down city). I did rent KOF 12 and for now I can put some work in for the characters so that they won’t look as bad for the next session.

All CD. Juarez, Mexico Videos from 8-14-09 through 8-17-09:

needs more KOF98UM haha

Both Gualberto and MightyMar return!!! Part I

Your wish my command:

To catch up on what you?ve been missing:

First some other things:

Then Both Gualberto and MightyMar return!!!

Let?s first start with matches vs. Gualberto- (Matches in KOFXI, 98UM, 2k2UM, and KOFXII)

Now matches vs. MightyMar (Date 9-27-09):

KOFXI, KOF2000, KOF1999:


Sam Sho I:

Sam Sho II:

Sam Sho III:


KOF 2k2UM:
