The NEW Official Xbox® Thread: $399 system without Kinect coming in June

Now that Microsoft has pulled a 180 on a lot of their intended plans, I don’t think it’s gonna fail as much as many people wanted to. Honestly the main thing pushing me to get a ps4 over a Xbox 1 Microsoft exclusives don’t really excite me. Killer instinct is cool and I’m happy that its back, but outside of that there’s nothing else i can think of to justify getting it. Also the variety of xbox exclusives in the past have been very lacking.

Kinect might be really cool hardware but as of now I am still convinced that it has no place on a gaming console. I can’t really see any viable applications of its technology in any meaningful way in most games aside from the random voice command or hand gesture.

I dont get why anyone would want it to fail, thats just silly.

P.S. I really dont plan to get either one. Lately sony has been doing a really good job of convincing me to pick up a PS4 in the future. Never know…

That’s the thing M$ is going for the all-in-one entertainment device…Its for gaming, movies, music, internet, & chat…With the Kinect seems like it will make the experience more user friendly. Kinect can also be used as a microphone during gaming, so no headset needed. Im pretty sure next gen Kinect will improve on last one on gaming. It was frustrating at times but also quite fun to use when it worked. Anyway, didn’t M$ tookout the whole Kinect thing being needed?

Minecraft isnt exclusive. Also coming to Playstation all across the board.
Titanfall is a timed exclusive.
Kinect fighting games dont work.
Fable will continue to bomb hard
Call me when Quantum Break shows some fucking gameplay for once
Rhythm games are dead.
Not sure about Killer Instinct tbh. Never played the originals.
Dont like racing games that much anymore.
Halo is dead to me since Reach and Halo 4.

Thats what i think of the Xbone exclusives. PM me when i dont have to pay an extra $100 for a faulty webcam. Then i might consider continuing my Xbox library. Got OG Xbox and 360. I dont want this one

The only exclusive I’m hype for is Titan fall. Everything else I want is multiplat

You gotta look at it like this too - its not just the games that sell a system anymore.

Everything I like about the PS4 really has nothing to do witb any specific game. The features and shit man…im more interested in the hardware and shit this time around.

^ I agree. Live TV through the Xbox is a big deal now, as are VoD apps like Netflix and Vudu.

Exclusive launch games won’t be remembered 1-2 years down the line, they’re just something to do for appetizers. They really don’t mean shit at all to a console that isn’t limited to just playing games. I know people that are pre-ordering just for the apps and Blu-ray.

Jesus, video games have changed.

Years ago when I was considering buying a console, my only concern was which system Final Fantasy was going to be on.

Now we have all this other shit.

I might just stick to PC.

That’s fine. I mainly just care for the games, but I do like the idea of the kinect recognizing you as your Xbox Live profile and setting up your specifications for a tournament match in Killer Instinct. The dedicated servers and allowing for external hard drives sounds great also.

I haven’t really seen anything drastically different in hardware between either system. I think people trying to number crunch should have just bought a PC and will be disappointed at how quickly it surpasses both systems. The only thing that will actually surprise us is the cloud in the long term IMO.

I think people will catch on to Kinect more as devs get craftier with how to use it. Its really more of a why not thing for me.

Allsooo, I think you’ll b surprised at how well Xbox One does in the long run. Especially since its now a relateable system for disc and offline gamers again.

i just bought a $2k laptop, so the only incentive for me getting a xbone, titanfall, is now taken care of.

but i don’t think the console is worth dumping on. at this point i’ll wait and see if i invest in it later on. it will come down to:

  1. how multiplatform games end up swaying towards.
  2. how much the system relies on “the cloud”. if it will gimp games played offline, then you will see a decrease in quality for games to account for this.
  3. if the platform exceeds in something that isn’t an fps. yes, i’m excited about titanfall and love borderlands, but that’s because they genuinely add an extra element to the genre that interests me, but halo/gow/cod have bored me since fuck all.
  4. how little i need to use kinect. cuz fuck kinect. buttons are the best and buttons can do anything you want it to do.

right now, these questions are all up in the air, but i’m interested to see what they show in the first year of development.

Exclusives won’t make me overlook a console’s faults. I don’t care how good something like Crimson Dragon ends up being if I need to pay $60 year just to use the basic features of my console. I likely end up doing what I did in the previous two generations and just play my friends Xbox. KI is the only game I gave a shit about on launch anyway.

Just get it when the price comes down.

This looks like the gen for Microsoft to break out of being an FPS machine. Looking forward to it.
You won’t need to use Kinect to play a game, but there are only so many buttons on a controller and there’s a lot of things that you can do with your body (even small gestures or sounds) to add a lot of functions without using buttons on your controller. It should make more sense as games release.

To each his own, but again the majority of people buying these systems are going to pay for their online servicing. They’re still game machines in the end and if you’re buying either one of these systems to not play the big games online…then yeah not sure why you’re buying them.

Paying for online is shitty that’s not the only problem I have with LIVE. It’s the fact that I need it for basic features like video and party chat, and access services that are generally free everywhere else. The console might as well be a paperweight if you don’t want LIVE. Outside of Fighting games and Racers I don’t do much online gaming.

I’m not trying to get into it, just wanted to say

It’s all E3 panic…If M$ didn’t try to go all digital, then the discussion would just be about the pricing. Cutting thru the 3E stuff - just like last gen, the differences between the systems will be minimal. Folks can talk nu8mbers, but like I mentioned earlier the more powerful PS3 typically underwhelmed to the 360. M$ has the money and has thrown it around, so they won’t be in the ‘Wii U’ boat in terms of software and 95% of software that people want will be multi-plat. So real talk, people are going to buy the PS4 hardware and then sit around wai6ting for games. The same will happen for the XBOne honestly. It won’t be until ‘next’ Xmas that IMO a winner will forge. Most of my friends are getting M$, so that’s what I’m rolling with. IT’s got KI, so that’s what I’m rolling with. By next holidays I hope to have both shrug

And hopefully some new Wii U games :sigh: doubtful

  • :bluu:

Again, that’s not really the biggest issue since for

  1. Microsoft is realizing that this is a new era of video games where the consumers are picking up on what things they are paying for that they could do without paying. It’s very likely before a year goes by that they will change their Xbox Live Silver so that it provides all of the apps and general functions for those just wanting to use it as a home theater/TV app system. More 180 stuff etc.

  2. If you’re buying a PS4 or Xbox One and don’t want PSN+ or Xbox Live, I’m not sure why you bought one if you’re into games at all. I definitely play more indie/arcade titles as of late, but i wouldn’t be buying the system without looking forward to some of the next gen titles any way. If I didn’t want to buy PSN+/Xbox Live I wouldn’t be buying a next gen system. For anyone who’s really trying to next gen game, it doesn’t make sense to buy one of those systems and then not purchase their online service.

To me the PS4+Vita+Vita TV = fuckin’ super dope. Thats why im starting to get hype for a PS4.

The only reason they would change their xbl gold service around is if they weren’t doing good. If they’re even doing ok everything will continue to be behind a pay wall.

P.S. I think XBL is a joke and I wont pay for it…basically rendering all features on the Xbox One useless. Thats why I have little interest in Xbox One.

Nah, Microsoft has proven that they want to be consumer savvy now. If people make an uproar about the “paywall” they will change face. If an uproar can make them change the unchangeable DRM, the consumers can fight for this also. It’s just a matter of whether or not they choose to.

Never cared for handheld systems. Can’t get hype for that. Rather just use my cell phone or tablet for a second screen like the smartglass is doing. Don’t have to use the company’s peripheral/device.

I actually have PS+. I get real value for my PS+ subscription. Free games, discounted prices on the PSN store, access to beta, and a couple of other perks. It paid for itself on day one for me. That’s the value I don’t get from LIVE.

For me most my other favorite genres like RPGs, Platformers, Sandbox and action games tend to fall on the single player side of things. The acquisition of the paywall PS+/LIVE isn’t going to be a big deal to me. I’ll get the paywall PS+ once something like Guilty Gear Xrd rolls around.

I don’t want to being anymore negativity to this thread so I’ll leave it to those hype for Xbone. I’ll support KI on my buddy’s Xbone.

Well it’s a new system so those things could come about with Microsoft also. They were basically inspired by Steam with their original plan so a lot of that stuff will fall into place pretty soon for the One.

You weren’t doing anything negative, but sure.