It’s obvious that the Xbox One in its original state was specifically marketed to primarily cater to the brodude/casual group and try to be a half assed Steam console. They figured they could grab up casual customers quick and then pad on the hardcore later. Didn’t work out. Yet…the majority of games I play these days are digital and pretty much mostly play them at the house or someone else’s place where there’s an internet connection. Which means I only really saw benefits from such, but for those that don’t have an online connection or would like to have a physical disc that they can trade traditionally, left them out in the boat. Which it’s obvious there’s still a large portion of gamers who want to keep things traditional.
I was afraid the Xbox One after the 180 would pretty much have no real identity and just be a PS4 with less stuff, but it looks like they’re still holding onto the unique stuff while making it more consumer friendly. Microsoft was pretty good at bringing in innovation throughout the years for consoles and it seems they went too far with the innovation without thinking about the customer enough. The newer take on the system should allow innovation with a much less expense to the average consumer which should help them get past the launch struggles.
This will be the new thread to update things about Microsoft’s Xbox. Specifically the Xbox One as that is the new system and looks to have more of an emphasis towards exclusives than the 360 ever did. People say the specs for the PS4 are clearly better, but I feel it will come more down to how people utilize the different tools in each system than looking at the raw numbers. Like the difference between cars and such. Look forward to another 3 system race where innovation is pushed (without fucking up the customer).
EXCLUSIVES, KINECT, ALL IN ONE and how it works for you.
Coming up to the launch. Most of the people on SRK getting this are obviously getting this for KI. Others may be getting it for Dead Rising 3, Ryse, Forza 5, Crimson Dragon or one of the multiplats. Whichever it is it looks like the Xbox One is set to do well past the nay saying and might even put fighting games on the map in a new, fresh way. Titanfall is coming in the near future and set to be the “CoD killer”. Available only on Xboxes and PC.
The CoD Killer
Kinect 2
The Dashboard/All in One
11/13 Microsoft and Capcom join forces to make the gaming public, more salty.
Been confirmed that the Day One XBL/Shadow Jago cards are now being sold at multiple retailers. Reports are out that if you buy one at Best Buy, they give you a code for 20 dollars Microsoft Credit on your receipt.
**The hyped (well most of em) Microsoft Xbox One exclusives. What’s your take? The NEW Official Xbox® Thread: $399 system without Kinect coming in June
Xbox One features and specs wiki
Xbox One games/exclusives wiki chart.
Keep up on this to make a better decision about the One’s launch and future game and exclusive game line up to make the best buying decision for yourself.
Adam Sessler interviews product planning director Albert Penello. Breaks down what Microsoft is trying to do much more clearly than the PR suit men at E3.
Xbox One launch date set.