The new Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Thread

hol Horse runs too.

Pet Shop can also air dash.

I’m currently filling in basic character info on the Wiki; doing Abdul at the moment.

Edit: Kay, is done now. I’ve added some basic combos as well.

I’ll move onto someone else when I get the chance.

update on the hardedge wiki - new kak:

also, movement list is done and should be up soon - it’s kind of hard to format it.

dio the world bug explained (must see if you don’t know about this): [media=youtube]kR3KziDFV-4[/media]

been a long while since I’ve played this game, I didn’t have anyone to really play against so I stopped. I would try GGPO and 2df and stuff, but I got rid of all my emu games a long while ago.

I mainly used hol horse, but outside of running and spamming his ceiling shot to break the opponent’s guard and using d+A and hanged man for spacing. I’m not sure how to play him. haha

i pretty much quit the game myself. Lack of players + 1-3 frame links killed it for me.:sad:

WTF guys. You can learn a character easily in about 2 weeks and you stop? Just practice a bit D: I’m also learning New Kakyoin and get better every time I practice/play.

yeah i hear u. I really like Jojo’s but the thing is,No American players = waste of time.Every time i go in the Jojo’s room it’s either empty,or 3-5 players playing that’s not from America.If Jojo’s would run as good as CPS2 games, I could play people from the UK and even japan.

Give JJBA another try and play with us on 2df freeplay. Some of us can’t go on GGPO since we can’t port forward due to ISP problem. I’m usually on 2df a lot and if i’m not, I’m always up for a game if you PM me here on SRK.

time to make my return

lets set something up for FR AHEAD of time people =}

i said we’re gonna do it, and here it is:'s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Movement_List

the (almost complete) movement list / comparison. Dash Jumps, dash smalljumps, dash superjumps both with and without stand still need to be done, but when you see the list, you’ll understand why it took us so long.

© Subarashii & AtTheGates.

yeah maybe I should start trying 2df more,but having the extra delay is a turn off.

can i post this up on the first page?

you mean link it on the first post? sure.'s_Bizarre_Adventure:_Heritage_for_the_Future

wiki now has pages for HH and HH&Boingo. Nothing groundbreaking - just a combination of japanese wiki combos as well as the BBC tutorials. the longer combos are untested (weird specific conditions, like “only against vanilla, only corner, stand ON, 100% stand gauge, 3 supers” etc.)

edit: rubber soul added as well. just a quick writeup.

this guy is right :wgrin:

I’m almost there everyday if I can. look for me next time :wonder:

please contribute to SRK’s wiki

i’d play this game if i wasn’t so clueless about combos… and getting murdered by those while i do simple shit is not so fun :slight_smile:

The German wiki AtTheGates linked is really good for basic (and some not so basic) stuff. You can figure out most of it anyways, but babelfish does a pretty decent translation of it.

But how can you cancel moves.I saw jotaro do qcb A and qcf S few times in a row.He probably canceled those moves but how?There is nothing about canceling in JoJo FAQ’s.

Afaik this is down to the PSX version (providing we’re thinking of the same vid, which we may well be). I haven’t played it so I can’t say anything concrete about differences in gameplay between the PSX and DC/arcade versions, but from what I’ve seen the PSX version handles elements such as cancels entirely differently.
This may also be down to differences between JJV and HFTF, but I’m not sure of that either.

In the DC/arcade versions (well, HFTF at least), the vast majority of the movecancels I know of are performed with a basic attack or special; tandem attacks and certain specials can be canceled with the Stand button; and certain misc animations (turning Stand Mode on/off, etc) can be walkcanceled, as can some attacks.

Talking of Hol, I may well try to improve his frankly pathetic SRK wiki page.

i finally started gathering frame data. it’s a long and painful process - about 4,5 hours just for the “basic” stuff for a character.
since my method is only reliable for startup, i am not 100% certain about ± on hit and block, numbers could be off by 1f for some of the crouching normals.
also, active time is almost impossible to find out without any means of programming frame by frame inputs. i still could find out active time for some obvious normals, but i always put a “?” whenever i am not sure.

i guess i will eventually release the data on the wiki, right now, it is heavly under construction - only jotaro and dio basics so far.

some WTF info for you guys:

dio’s 2A gives +8 on hit if you walk cancel
dio’s s.5A gives +10 on block, and the link into d.s.2B is truly 1F (2f dash startup + 7f d.s.2B)
dio’s 236S has 2F startup, making it his fastest move together with d.5A

edit: dio’s d.s.2B link into stand OFF, 2A = 2f timing.

jotaro’s 5A gives +7 on hit, +6 on block
jotaro’s 2A gives +6 on hit, +5 on block
jotaro’s d.5C gives +12 on hit, +11 on block (!!!)
jotaro’s jet punch super gives +25 on block
when jotaro’s stand is active, his 2B&2C and his d.2B and d.2C are the same moves, respectively