Please do not close this thread.I asked Pryde if it was alright to make a new thread, and he gave me the ok.
I’m making a new thread because, the other one had all important information scattered every where. With this new thread,I’ll have all important information
in the first or second post. This also includes tournaments ,match videos and combo videos.
I would like to thank "Subarashi??and ?AtTheGate?? for giving me permission toTRY and translate their German wiki on Jojo’s. I DO NOT KNOW GERMAN OR JAPANESE!I had to use free online translation sites, so nothing is a 100 % translated correctly. If you know of any good(or better) translation sites ,please post up.I’ll post the the original sites,so if my translation are off, you(the Jojo’s community) can correct them.Please do this by quoting what ever was wrong,and write your translation.Once that’s done, I’ll credit you and post it in the first post(or second).
All German info will be quoted,requested by “AtTheGates”.
“Arcade (CPS3): original version. Dreamcast: almost identical to the original version, only minimal variations, such as more time for the Tandem-attacks. Playstation1: is considered which. Basic game mechanics changed.”
“Stand: the stand button has different functions depending on character. For some it activates a 2nd Character, and for others stand if he uses a special feature (e.g. Hol Horse gun).”
“Stand-meter: [only certain character] the Stand-meter is located under the:. Each action with active Stand and especially any enemy results reduce it.”
“Stand-meter: [only certain character] the Stand-meter is located under the characters life bar. Each action with a active Stand and especially any enemy attacks will result in reducing it.When the Stand-Meter reaches zero,a stand-Crush happens, and the character for short period is completely open to attacks. The Stand-Meter quickly to rejuvenate, if simply tap the stand button off.”
“Chain Combos: [only certain characters] vary depending on character. By default, the most A,A,A, A,B,C, 2A,2B,2C.”
“Universal Stand-Attack: 236S [only] certain character solves each character, a stand in normal mode a “comboable” attack from it directly to the state mode. A possibility, quick to Stand-mode, but there are better alternatives, such as by certain links.”
“Tandem Attack: QCB+S:“You can cancel the tandem attack by pushing S after your stand has started to move”.When used by Active Stand users, you have a limited amount of time to input commands for what your Stand will preform when the input period is over. You can lengthen the time for input by holding the Stand button after QCB+S. While holding the Stand button, your Stand meter will start to drain. You can hold the Stand button until this meter runs out, but you are free to release any time before that. While the initial Tandem will give you some time with no interruption, holding the button after the normal allotted time grants you no invincibility, and your opponent is free to attack. After your input period is done,
Your Stand will become independent of your character and will rush forward, and while your Stand is preforming attacks, you retain control of your Character, who can still attack. However,if your Stand is hit by an attack by your opponent, the Stand will disappear. When used by Weapon Stand users, the attack is similar to Custom Combos seen in the Street Fighter Alpha series, in which you input attacks with little to no delay in between attacks. (Passive/No Stand users cannot preform Tandem attacks.)”
“Double Jump: Press Up again while jumping (Stand must be on to preform).”
“Stand Release: Forward+any two attack buttons: Releases your Stand to control independently of your character. You control the Stand, inputting attacks, while your character is motionless. Press Stand to cancel. (Available only to Muhammed Abdul, Kakyouin Noriaki, Jean Pierre Polnareff, and D’Bo.)”
Play mechanics & Feature
“Dash cancel: In order to interrupt a Dash, input a dash, then hold down/back.This is particularly important, if one wants to combo in from Dashes, since Dash Attacks have often more Recovery than normal attacks.”
“Negative Edge: Special moves cannot only press through a button, but also through release to be activated. Importantly for some Combos, in which one must be very fast.”
“Walk / Crouch Cancel: by the holding / tapping(Lightly?) “6” or “4” can reduce an attack recovery. This does not work on all attacks. For example with Dio: 2A, 2A, [6] reduces the recovery.”
“Instant stand Attack:[only certain character] Through simultaneous pressing “any” attack button and the S Button you can immediately combo into your stand.Does not function with Special Moves.” Here’s an example, I have Vanilla ice and if I want to combo into my stand one of the was would be like so:
S.LA,slight pause,S.LA+ Stand,S.Mp,S.Hp XX punch super(QCF + PP).
“Dash: Double tap forward, while holding forward on the second tap: Character will run toward the opponent.”
Note:“Normals have different properties during a dash, and you can even attack during a backdash (unique feature in jojos bizarre adventure afaik)”-By AtTheGates
“1. normal jump
2. short jump (tap 7 or 8 or 9)
3. hyper hop (tap down/back, then up/forward)
4. super jump (any down, any up)
5. dash jump / dash short jump”
Credit goes to AtTheGates
“Pushblock: A1+A2+A3 (while blocking an attack): This action pushes an attacking
opponent back further than normally blocking.”
“Guard Cancel: Forward,Down,Down+Foward + any attack button while blocking an attack.Your character will recover from their lengthy block animation much faster than normal, allowing you to counter attack your opponent sooner.”
"Recovery: “ABC simultaneously to tech, either neutral or with back/forward” succession after being hit with an attack in the air.Hold a direction while using Recovery to move in held direction. "
“Tech:A+B+C in succession while being thrown by opponent. Tech will lessen damage from the throw.”
“Dodge: A1+A2+A3: Character will preform an evasive maneuver toward the opponent, where attacks, excluding throws, will not hit them. (Stand must be off, with one exception, Joseph Jostar)”
“Throw: A3+Forward or Back (next to opponent): Character will grab and preform damage to the opponent. The opponent will be tossed a distance to the left or right depending on the character using Throw.”
Damage Reduction
“The Jojo engine contains two stages of the Damage Reduction. Becomes the damage, which results from each kind of attacks starting from certain energy conditions of the opponent accordingly down scaled. The appropriate values one can infer from the tables in the respective character article. Starting from this point the own attacks make for no longer as much damage as at the beginning of the Matches. The opponent has more than 56.25% energy begins the first stage lost in such a way (yellow). The second stage (red) begins with 78,472% loss of energy.”
Character Damage table
"The character are for the sake of the accuracy very differentiated in groups specified. They are divided in eight classes and take according to these also damage. There is however again and again character dependent moves and super, which fall from this pattern and produce other values. These are noted
in the future in the individual character-specific articles. The values are to serve only a rough overview.The following listing illustrates the damage relationship.
A = a character little damage takes.
F = basis (majority of the characters) for all damage tables on the character sides.
H = a character much damage takes.
A (~15%) = Midler (Stand), Jotaro (Stand), Dio (stand)
B (~11%) = DEVO, HolHorse, HolHorse & Boingo, Vanilla Ice (stand) (*), Kakoyin (stand),
Abdul (stand) -
C (~8%) = Joseph, Joseph (stand), Polnareff (stand), Iggi (stand)
D (~5%) = RubberSoul, Mariah, Shadow Dio, Chaka (stand), Alessi (stand)
E (~3%) = Anubis Polnareff, Dio
F (100%) = Abdul, Midler, Jotaro, Kakoyin, Young Joseph, Chaka, Alessi, Vanilla Ice, Polnareff,
NewKakoyin (stand), DEVO (stand) (**) -
G (~4%) = Iggi
H (~6%) = punt, NewKakoyin
I (~19%) = Petshop
“some chars for some unknown reason do full damage to vanilla ice (stand), some others do reduced damage.”
** The damage for DEVO with activated conditions depends on the opposing character. This amounts to partly 200%."
ALL above information was found here
credit goes to "Subarashi?and ?AtTheGate?.?
These are the sites used to help me translate the above info from German to English.
And AtTheGates.
The Following info I found are from these Japanese sites.
Thanks to kenhakuma(I hope that’s how he had his name) on ggpo for the
Japanese sites.
I feel the translations are not good enough to post anything from the above sites yet.Right now i’m looking for the best possible Japanese to English translation.If you happen to know a good site that can help ,again please post a link or two.
Up to date new tier list. 11/2/14
1 ペットショップ 155(+50) (Petshop)
2 花京院典明 149(+44) (Noriaki Kakyoin)
3 J・P・ポルナレフ 128(+23) (Polnareff)
3 モハメド・アヴドゥル 128(+23) (Avdol)
5 ヴァニラ・アイス 126(+21) (Vanilla Ice)
6 空条承太郎 123(+18) (Jotaro Kujo)
7 DIO 113(+8) (Dio)
8 邪悪の化身ディオ! 111(+6) (S.Dio)
9 恐怖を乗り越えた花京院 109(+4) (N.Kakyoin)
10 アレッシー 107(+2) (Alessi)
11 イギー 102(-3) (Iggy)
12 チャカ 101(-4) (Chaka)
13 ミドラー 100(-5) (Middler)
14 ホル・ホース 99(-6) (Hol Horse)
15 呪いのデーボ 97(-8) (Ebony & Devo)
16 ホル・ホース&ボインゴ 94(-11) (B.Hol)
17 誇り高き血統ジョセフ 85(-20) (O.Joseph)
18 ジョセフ・ジョースター 83(-22) (Joseph)
18 アヌビス二刀流ポルナレフ 83(-22) (A.Pol)
20 ラバーソール 77(-28) (R.Soul)
21 カーン 71(-34) (Khan)
22 マライア 69(-36) (Mariah)
New match up chart 11/2/14
Credit goes to Kane for giving us a updated tier list, translating and a match chart
Bnb combo videos for all characters, for those that do not want to bother with youtube.
29 Combo videos of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Visit my youtube account for the Match videos,combo vids and other Jojo’s stuff.
-=Character Move Lists=-
Google “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure faq” to get a move list.
Arcade button layout for Jojo’s(from wiki hardedge)

Check out these youtube accounts if you’re interested in watching top JoJo’s players play.