The new and improved League of Legends Thread


Bust out top lane Teemo then.

I have been gone for nearly 6 months. Seems like a lot has changed. They messed with my Rengar quite a bit. Anything in particular I should look out for?

Also, how have you all been

New Aatrox skin coming out. Too bad Aatrox doesn’t excel at anything other than dying.

Also, I played a game with Meteos last night. #winning Kappa

And I have played maybe 6 games since I have been back and Aatrox has been in every single one. What am I missing…

Hypercarries are ruining botlane is all I know, Tristana in particular.

People are brushing the dust off of aatrox in preparation for that skin most likely.

By all means explain JuuM. My friend likes using Trist but hasn’t been able to carry any game that doesn’t go into late game.

Yeah she isn’t that strong midgame but it’s very easy to turtle around towers with her in soloq (shiv + e), your friend should focus on shoving out/taxing lanes and taking jungle creeps until he reaches 4 items.
Anyways she makes for a boring lane and game whether she is on your team or theirs which is my biggest gripe. At least Kog and Vayne have some kind of counterplay lategame unlike her. Those two are pretty interesting and dynamic to lane with as well.

yeah trist sucks if it doesn’t go to late game, honestly I prefer her to cait and lucian though, her jump is super janky and easy to stop, unlike cait whose is fast and slows you, and lucians whose is fast and removes all slows from him. Of course I’d PREFER they just unbuff all the adc items. I have no idea why they thought the strongest most important calss needed to be stronger and more important even quicker?

A quick lesson in why you shouldn’t be an asshole to random people on the internet… Shameless plug is shameless

Sounds like you need to get BM’d more if it made you play better :^)

Because James has never BM’d anyone over League lol

Now Kow, that’s just rude and totally untrue… << >>

Goddamnit, I was enjoying playing Maokai top in the prior patch, now everyone has caught on. Welp, time to play Malphite/Dr. Mundo if I want to play a tank.

Mao top has always been a sleeper hit. Then the patch and LCS rolls around and everyone is on it like a FOTM.

2014 LCS in a nut shell:

Top Lane: Gragas/Lulu/Mundo/Maokai
Mid Lane: Yasuo/Orianna/Syndra/Ziggs
ADC: Lucian/Kog’Maw/Tristiana
Support: Braum/Thresh/Nami/Morgana
Jungle: Lee Sin/Elise/Eve

He wasn’t good enough before his buffs though. His ult following him is a huge improvement and the mana changes are the ones that even made it feasible to lane with him.
Hopefully we’ll still see some regional diffrences at worlds. Stuff like mid kog and other champs being in non-traditonal lanes keep my hope up.

Didn’t they also change his W to do percent max damage? Or was it always like that?

Yeah they changed that so it would feel more rewarding to pop it on a tank instead of only gunning for a squishy.
His strong points are his q, passive and ult though. Low cd knockup and slow, high heal ratio and high damage reduction.

Hey all. Started playing again.

Garen so fun.

Dat Spin 2 Win.

For me, its Xin Xiao 99% of the time lol xD Love me some easy champs.

So essense reaver+PD+Q on Ashe is fucking dope.