The only thing that I see of hers that is really good for scaling is her W though. Extra 3% per 100 AP I cannot see being worth it. I honestly think it should not be focused because glass cannon AP Elise just isn’t worth it compared to mpen+tank elise. Darius has crazy stupid scaling but I’ll be damned if I see anyone building him heavy AD.
I personally don’t like the SS+boots. 725g after your initial clear to just help for farming up seems like a waste especially if you’re in the lower divisions where there are people doing bad trades, over-extensions, and low CSing. With how flexible Elise is at ganking you might as well push it or farm it to get sorc boots and focus on putting the hurt on the enemy team early as possible. If someone wants to focus more on clearing and less on ganking with powerful dueling, I would recommend that person Udyr. Just seems like such a waste of potential to pick Elise and not push her early game power.
Her damage scaling on Q will generally be 0.5-0.9 + 0.3-0.5, 0.8-1.4~ total. Spiderlings scale 0.1 with AP which is 0.2-0.5 per hit (albeit this damage is Physical) and her own on hit damage scales 0.3. It stacks up pretty well considering it’s single target burst. I don’t advocate building AP when your team needs you to be a tanky but your statement that her AP scaling is bad isn’t correct.
For a second there I was confused as hell as to where you were getting those numbers, but after crunching out the % health compared to people’s health at different stages of the game along, yeah it does actually scale pretty well.
When people push a wave with Zyra mid, do they use seedlings? Sometimes they screw up the last hitting since they’ll target a minion and bring it low enough for a minion to steal. Other times they’ll make it easy to prime/chase away the opponent.
I usually try to place my seedlings a bit behind the melee minions and right in front of the casters minions that way they hit the minions furthest away from your own and makes it easy to harass the opponent, other than that you just have to be better at micromanaging the plants.
Maybe it’s just me but i think that if you have 30+ more losses than wins and are in a division a lot lower than your border, it’s safe to say you bought your account.
Also the plant placement seems to be helping balancing CS with harass so kudos JuuM.
ADs should be weaker early, mid-game but stronger late game if anything, was hard to carry early/early-midgame from botlane already so I’m not a fan of this. Randuins nerfs were called for since it fucked over a lot of champions not only ADCs.
Just going to be Lucian and hypercarries if those changes go through though. Fuck IE first item and fuck laning with a hypercarry.
Yeah…IE races in botlane praying for the first crit. I’ve shunned bot lane for so long now, and this doesn’t give any more incentive to go there anytime soon either…unless it’s to gank.
in my opinion, if shen and nasus fight it would be shen cause even if nasus has thornmail and sunfire, shen has a counterattack that is disadvantage to nasus
Honestly, the randuins nerf mostly just hurts fighters without gap closers. I can see the reason for the nerf, but it is frustrating playing any fighter champion that doesn’t have a gap closer because unless the adc just walks up to you its extremely difficult to get near them.
On the upside recently, Skarner is actually playable again.