The new and improved League of Legends Thread

getting back into it. moving my talents from top/mid to jungle/jungle.

Good choice, jungle is the most important role right now in my opinion and it’s really nice to be able to feel like you have some control over the game.

Mundo feels like season 2 Mundo when you could stack Warmogs. Shit is silly.

so tsm gets bodied by cloud 9… curse is 2-0… new best team of NA inc.

Curse always starts strong and then flops in mid/end season

but this year is their year!!!
Originally Posted by Letler View Post
MF still strutting alone. Haven’t seen her in a ranked game in about all of season 3.
i have some changes for her that are almost ready for the pbe. i was hoping to have them out this week, but i got ganked by some surprise work. there should be something to play around with and discuss next week though. :3

finally some changes to an underpowered champ and not nerfs to the viable ones.

What support runes/masteries are people running nowadays? Specifically for Leona or tanky supports. Also, when I’m watching streams it looks like the ADCs attack faster than normal. Are they using AS runes now or is it just the stream that makes it look like that?

No AS runes from what I have seen mainly flat ad and life steal with the obvious defense runes. I think leona runs 21 defense and I would recommend starting dorans shield.

Not sure how to make changes to a single ADC champ that has to stand still for 3 seconds for her ult, given that you simply CANNOT do that in the current meta. She’d have to be able to run around during it like Lucian. ADCs can’t stand still for even half a second in Season 3/4. Your ass will get jumped.

Leona? Been playing her since I first picked up the game and she just got me placed into Plat 5 after my placements. MAH GURL

Start Dorans Shield / Relic (Depends on how much harass you’re gonna be dealing with. Pick up both Regardless)

Armour Reds, Armour Yellows, MR Blues and Health Quints. Though Quints? Your discretion. Nothing set in stone.

Also a word on ADC’s. What gives? This is Season 4, You have to change your game up seriously hard, every NA “Pro” I see goes on about how the current meta shits on them etc. I only ever see 1 ADC build. What happened to black cleaver? You get health and armour pen, plus some tanky stats to survive a little longer. If the meta is shifting then you need to, too. I’m seeing too many ADC’s complaining about how they don’t do damage to the Randuins + Sunfire Shyvana / Mundo whilst they build their PD into IE. Buy a fucking Last whisper and a Black Cleaver. You’ll be burned at the stake for daring to deviate from the Mobafire guide you pledged your allegience to, but holy fuck.

AD quints and AD marks are very strong on Thresh and are also a viable option on Leona, stronger than defensive runes in early all ins for sure. I agree on 0/21/9 in against most lanes, 0/9/21 nets you a lot of gold and movement speed, should be used when you can get away with it (several tanks on team, weak opposing lane).

I find it interesting that people bitch about ADCs being “useless” when they’re still pretty much one of the only mandatory classes in the game. Yeah, they’re so useless which is why you’ll never see a pro team run a comp that doesn’t include one. Then again, many ADC mains love to exaggerate and cry as soon as their class isn’t auto dumping on everything and aren’t clear cut kings of the proverbial hill.

But I should only have to right-click once!!

You’re listening to Doublelift too much lol. ADCs are still needed for consistent DPS on a team comp, they just have to be played differently. It’s tougher to put someone like MF in a team comp that has to sit still for 3 seconds when the enemy team comp likely won’t allow that to happen.

sounded like it was gonna be some changes to her kit. just not mana reductions etc. but, ya cant do that shit since every new champ has 2-3 dashes knock ups, stuns, disables, and retarded dmg

Not useless but just are straight up not as impact as before. In Solo Q games, i am sure it doesn’t matter as much.

Matters probably more in Solo Q since everyone is bandwagoning those hard engage champs, but your team doesn’t know how to peel for you or disengage/switch focus at all. So in Solo Q the effect on the position is prob worse.

Leona carries entire games through her engage, she has since release but it seems people are only realising it now. Thank fuck Annie is still stealing the show so people dont QQ about how they cant deal with Leona at Lvl 2.

LOL People said junglers would become useless in S4, when almost hte exact opposite has happened. Roaming is soooo strong now you need a fast & tanky jungler just to counter the roaming mid/support. :tup:

OMG another Riven skin! Man… Still so many other skins I want to get first…