The new and improved League of Legends Thread

Why don’t I see Zac more often? I jungled the other day with him and he still has such a presence throughout every phase of the game due to his kit

He lost a lot of sustain and tankieness from the change to passive. Still very viable but not the stupid tower diver of before.

Anyone else been lagging constantly since that small patch?

I’ve been waiting for something like this

Well shit Quas is gonna get Poppy nerfed.

yup and its happening often

Season4 is coming…

We’ve been lagging on on EUW for the past 3 months.

Hasn’t EU had lag issues since like 2 years ago. I know they eventually stabilized NA but I’ve never heard of EU being fixed. There’s just waves of complaints when the service begins to fail.

I still can’t work out why they struggle to fix EUW. Glad to hear they’re planning to add over 100Gbps bandwith per month to the servers but whether this will fix it quick or still take more time to work out remains to be seen. It’s getting to the point where I’ve started to adapt to playing in the random lag conditions that EUW is plagued with. Just getting ready for those changes tonight, still sucks I won’t be able to play some League when I’ve woken up because of that 6 hour downtime.

I just love all the crying on Reddit about it. “EUW lagging? BETTER GIVE NA FREE RP!”

My ranked story.

I think I loss at least 16 games in a row and I drop to the bot of silver. I just learned from each loss and got better. Now I am rising up to maybe s2.

How to watch entire battlefield. How to watch cooldowns. Stop raging on losses. Thinking about how to prevent not only your death but everyone else. Watching cooldowns.

And more. Hope I can keep it up.

Oh my…

oh man, condemn fixed/nerfed.

@Snowman afaik NA players are spread out over more time zones than EuW, our peak is pretty concentrated and they need a huge buffer to support that which they don’t have yet.

@JuuM sounds about right. I just hope the constant development they do to EUW helps it in the long run. I was never after a 2 day fix, I just want it to work.

Well, aside from latency issues still not being resolved, supports are getting a ton of gold. The 3 ward cap is definitely noticeable to everyone except the people who never paid attention to warding in the first place.

Man the new support items are bonkers, fed like hell in a normal and still ended up with more gold than our top laner.

I’m terrified of bot lane now. All the “normal” supports got nerfed, so the unconventional supports that didn’t get touched that can buy these support items to get more gold are going to be scary as fuck.

On another note, time to try to bring jungle Taric back.

The only one that got genuinely *nerfed *was Janna which is a good thing. Sona/Lulu both get stronger early levels with AP runes than before and the ratios nerfs are well deserved since they’re bonkers with a decent amount of gold, they would be even stronger than Annie/Zyra with prechange ratios to be frank.
I’m looking forward to play Leona again, she seems pretty strong with the new W scaling and low tier defensive masteries.

On another note they’ll have nerf the support income, the team that snowballs botlane have too much of an impact right now.
Oh yeah remember to ban Evelynn, otherwise your botlane will have a bad time.

Yeah, I’m banning Eve as much as possible until they figure out what they’re going to do about the power spike of stealth champs.

love fucking Lucian… so much deeps and mobility.
how does vayne counter him exactly?