The most broken characters in (competitive) fighting games

from what little I’ve seen yunfei in SS5 is really stupid good. Like one poke into fly away all day. He doesn’t even have to play the second round cause a draw awards you both a win, if I remember correctly. So he can start the match with fly away. Maybe somebody else is top tier in that, but he was really good.

I think petshop has to be at the top of this list. Jojos is still loved and played by people, so I think it qualifies.

Sentinel doesn’t deserve it. Yeah he cuts a lot of characters out, but he isn’t alone at the top.


SC4 Hilde was dropped for the same reason Old Sagat was in Japan. It wasn’t that she was truly broken, was merely obviously top tier, and boring as fuck.

Correct. Dairou is probably one of the most broken characters in fighting game history. Very rarely do you see 10:0 match ups, even in absurdly unbalanced and broken fighting games, but Dairou has multiple of them. His zoning and keep away game are laughably overpowered. People have no idea. Dairou makes O.Sagat, WW/CE Guile, and ST Akuma look like mid tier characters. The vast majority of characters never has the chance to beat him simply because they’ll never have the chance to approach him to set up any meaningful offense.

Mortal Kombat: Deception has never been a competitive fighting game, though. If it had been, Dairou would have been banned in a heart beat. BRC and Noob-Smoke would have been banned too. The game must be one of the worst fighting games ever made in the last 10-15 years.

With that said, the Tekken series has been very balanced recently (i.e., Tekken 5:DR and Tekken 6: BR), but it’s had its share of broken characters. Tekken 5.0 Steve is amazingly powerful; great advantageous pokes, safe launchers, and the damage is off the charts. He also has an [media=youtube]tFnfw__6_Xo[/media]. He is still the best character without it. Multiple SSL [3],1,1 repetitions were banned at Evo at the end of the game’s life span. No one wanted to die from a single combo just because Steve randomly side stepped to the left side.

Tekken 4 Jin is another different story. The Just Frame Laser Scraper (JFLS) made the Tekken community pull its hair out for years. The JFLS must be the best move ever implemented to a Tekken game. Tekken 4 Steve is also overpowered. He is the only character who can beat Jin in a series, so that says a lot right there.

PS: Any high level videos of SC4 Hilde?

Check out Evo 2k9 top 8.

worst id say was Jin in tekken 4. Then eddie in reload. Sentenal in MVC2.

pet shop comes to mind
as does HDR Akuma since he was tourney legal for a while
as for tekken 4 JFLS was avoidable by most characters if you werent put against the wall, then again if you were you’re pretty much done so i guess he qualifies as well.

Current Contenders (in no particular order):

ST/HDR Akuma
CE Bison
Tekken 5.0 Steve
SC4 Hilde
Eddie (Just about every GG except Slash, the only one where he’s not top tier I think)
3S Yun

Some would consider shooting fish in a barrel to put any of the top four from MvC2 in there, but not only is it a toss up of who’s more broken, but they do have counters, and certain teams do well against each other. Such is the hard thing about making a tier list for a team based fighting game.

Most broken legal KoF characters anyone? I kinda only want one character per game, and I’ve only seen one mention of KoF in this thread IIRC.

I’m no 3S expert, but isn’t Chun usually seen as the best of that game with Yun at only second place?

It’s really a toss up… Chun and Yun are the two best in the game. While Chun is cheesy, Yun has more damage potential with the grossly overpowered Genai Jin. In my opinion he’s the more broken of the two. Chun is more popular because she’s much much easier to play.

Does anyone have any vids of CvS1 Nakoruru? I’ve been trying to look on YT but all I find are crappy Mugen vids. :
Edit: I found two vids on YT but are there any more?

Ivan Ooze, Gill, Gogeta in BT3.

The problem is that KOF games that have a broken god tier character, tend to have more than one. For example, KOF 97, in which a whole bunch of characters have broken ass infinites/100% combos.
Also certain KOFs have really broken characters, but weren’t really played competitively (KOF 94 with Heidern, Takuma, and Ralf/Clark/Daimon).

As such, I think the best example would be KOF 03 Duo Lon, as KOF 03 was actually played at SBO.

Haven’t found any myself. However, if you want an explanation, then it simply boils down to how the ratio system in that game works. Characters in that game were given default “ratios” which was meant to help out characters that were deemed to be weaker. However, it didn’t turn out quite as well as planned.

Doesn’t really count since he’s a boss character that was never meant to be used competitively.

I see, I see. As a non-3S player, it’s usually Chun you hear about/see doing mirrors.

Wait wait wait…
Pet Shop of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure…is GOOD?

I never kept up with the tiers for that game too much (just know that Vanilla Ice and Kakyoin are downright scary).
But PET SHOP?!?! I personally thought he was weak cause no one ever used him in all the multitudes of videos I’ve seen.
Just curious, what makes that damn little hawk that badass?!

Petshop is basically Storm with flight mode always on. He has an unblockable super also. In Jojo’s there is alot of broken things you don’t see unless they are about to lose like Mariah’s super loop.

Good point. The move is undoubtedly unbalanced, though. Tekken 4 is supposed to be about poking and reduced juggle potential and damage yet Jin has this mid, hit-confirmable, semi-safe launcher that leads into simple 50%+ juggles. The risk vs. reward ratio is severely skewed. Jin has other good moves too. 2,1 is +1 on block and +12 on hit, but his parry (b+2+4) is the main reason why most characters in Tekken 4 cannot fight him. It only has 1 or 2 frames of recovery, so punishing it is practically impossible. He can parry the “laggier” attacks and follow up with guaranteed damage, which includes the JFLS.

Steve is arguably even more broken than Jin is in Tekken 4, but he is not a beginner friendly character. Neither does he dominate other characters as much as Jin does. However, Steve has virtually no recovery frames on any attack that transitions into FLK. Thus, many of his moves cannot be whiff punished making him the ultimate turtling character. NiN’s Steve was unbeatable at the end of Tekken 4’s life span, and Steve vs. Jin is a 6:4 match up because of Steve’s speed and the fact that parrying Steve’s attacks is useless (i.e., no recovery frames).

Nah. Broly was worse. But that game is balls anyway. Impenetrable defense mechanics ftw!

Oh, and Piccolo in SB/SBAR was broke.

3s Yun and Chun aren’t even close to being broken. Half the reason they’re placed as they are is because of Genei Jin/Houyoukou Sen. They’re nowhere near as dangerous if they don’t have meter.

I’d say NG Ibuki is pretty close to being broken what with the “Mash Jab=Win!!” thing she has going on in that game
