The most broken characters in (competitive) fighting games

I expected #R Eddie. Not Slash Eddie.

What does the OP mean by competitive though, more elaboration might help people post up some legit ones for you.


Mortal Kombat Deception

He is the Tier list, the Tier list is done with his moves. If you want to win, you are probably using him. Honorable mentions are Bo Rai Cho(Fat Dude with the stick, broken since MKDA; how they f’ed him up 2 releases in a row is beyond my thinking power.) Noob_Smoke just break the game’s engine itself; the mear creation of that character shouls have told them the game’s engine needed fine-tuning. Other characters have some stupid shit but Darriou is just stupid dumb big, his god tier status rooms got rooms.

Tomb Stone Drop. Combo setups out the ass crack.

I thought Slash Eddie was supposed to be pretty weak compared to his other versions?

slash eddie, tho?

Too bad the entire cast of DOA was broken as shit.

Just go with the safe bets like Nakoruru in CvS1, Akuma in ST (and maybe even HDR). Maj’s article on balance over at Sonic Hurricane is a good place to start.

Eddie is low tier on GGXX Slash

Always mixed Slash up with #Reloaded because Reloaded sounds more like a 2nd version.

Petshop is like an Old Old Sagat

Well, isn’t it?

XX, #Reload, Slash, Accent Core

More like CE Bison or even WW Guile, but Petshop can still lose. so he isn’t a win button.


[media=youtube]iuaayiyUiII#t=2m41s[/media]Yes, tournaments do allow him

actually is
XX, #Reload, Isuka, Slash, Accent Core

but i can understand why almost everyone would ignore the game :rofl:

IDK, I don’t play Blazblue, it’s just having an infinite is the definition of “broken” right?

If being broken means being way better than everyone else, I guess Carl isn’t broken.

But if being broken means having something that isn’t intended by the developers(infinite), then I guess he is.

Some characters in the cast do ok against him (dio with knives for example) but some are hopeless. That’s why I compared him to old sagat.

ST Akuma

deadfrog posted something about the subject awhile ago

metaknight from super smash bros brawl

To clear some things up:

What I mean by competitive is that it was built for tournament play, instead of being a cheap cash in for blood and gore (so stuff like primal rage, Killer instinct, clay fighters is out).

The same goes for games that may have been good, but never really had a big scene (like Eternal Champions or Mortal Kombat, and don’t get mad about Mortal Kombat, everyone knows that it will never reach Evo Status although MK9 may change that).

So yeah, characters like Sentinel, Bison CE, etc are all along the lines of what I’m refering to.

And yeah I think Metaknight could make the list… even though I despise Brawl.

World Warrior Guile

SC4 Hilde