The Low Level Tennessee Thread Full of Casuals :)

Congrats to the winners of King of the Bling!


Nashville Fight Night Hosted by Game Galaxy Arcade
Tuesdays, 4PM-9PM
Game Galaxy Arcade
5346 Hickory Hollow Parkway, Antioch, TN
Official Fight Night every Tuesday!

Memphis Fight Night at New Gen
Wednesdays, 6:30PM - Midnight
New Gen
8939 Midsouth Dr Olive Branch, MS
Phone: 662-404-2946
Cover: $5.00

Knoxville Fight Night at Fort Sanders Yacht Club
Tuesdays, 7PM-late
Fort Sanders Yacht Club (Barcade)
Casuals, then $2 tourney
Community Organization: Knox Fighters FACEBOOK


Official Mid TN Fighting Game Haus
Facebook page for general introductions, shit shooting, trash talking, and whatnot.

TN Gamer XBL and PSN ID list
Spreadsheet with tags/IDs. Please add yours.



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In regards to Tekken, what is CD that was mentioned at the end of the last thread?

Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk 2

Crouch Dash f n df f .Only select characters have a CD they lead to certain moves like CD 2 for Kaz is Wind God Fist. Also characters with a CD can use that to wave dash but that’s an advanced tech I believe WD is f n df f n df n f n df n f etc it’s really hard at least for on me stick idk for pad

To those of you bitching about the “dead” Nashville scene, maybe if we stop complaining about whose not there and show up we can all play together, there’s an idea. There was 15 or so people there Tuesday and I actually knew maybe three of them, and most of them are new. We need the vets back out playing and helping. You don’t show up for the events and the say “it’s dead”. You werent even there!!!

Also saying “no one is willing to play such and such game?” Phil. Was. Playing. Marvel. Last Tuesday, we haven’t seen that since it launched. Nashvilles scene was a big influence for me moving down here, and it’s very disheartening to see the guys that basically motivated my uprooting not coming to play anymore. And I’m talking about Chris brown, Andrew, graham, Eddie, Jacob sparks. Where are you guys. I know everybody gets busy, I’m on two job shit right now, but we can make one night a week to support new players and out arcade.

  • queue orgasmic hans zimmer music *

Job, school, and living an hour and a half away. I do try to make it out but it needs to not be shocking when one of us who lives a good distance doesn’t make it out everytime. And to be fair I know Andrew and I try to make it out there. If it helps I am coming out Tuesday, had three exams this week and I’m sorry but that is more important.

I know you guys make it, and I used to drive over an hour every tuesday too. I’m just saying I miss kicking it with you guys, games or no. But our scene is not dead, it just needs a fresh breath, and for new games to stop coming out. But we have to make king of bling. The cincy guys are coming, I got a friend from lexington coming, memphis needs to come strong. I don’t get on the forums much because for so long it has been incessant banter about this game and that. What’s the new FlyMike phrase that’s in the title that will be the gist of 90% of the posts (which props, I’ve never met you but you come up with some funny ass shit). But real talk there are too many good players for other scenes to be coming and taking our money.

Bruce has a CD and I’m trying to us his CD 2 more now.

The problem I had with kaz was I couldn’t do ewgf.

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EWGF is for men only lol I could do it pretty well after a few days practice the trick for me was as soon as I release the F I go to press the button so when I got to df I’d hit it at the same time I can do it about 70% of the time

See I was trying to time the button with df but still couldn’t get it I might try again in the future, but I like bruce/lei.

I figure a pocket mishima would be worth having though.

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If you are just getting into or learning the game try not to jump around to too many characters. You will hinder your ability to learn what you need to with your mains. These are not characters you can just pick up in a day or so and its gonna be worse now since you have to learn two from scratch. And IMO there really isn’t such a thing as a “pocket” Mishima unless your at super high levels. Mishimas are not easy to learn or play well.

Anybody on XBL playing narukami or aegis. I want to work on these matchups ASAP.

I will be throwing electrics and lasers with Angel tonight. Richard be ready to duck and/or sidestep…

edit: we only have ps3 setups, so if you are bringing a 360 stick/controller… uhmmmmmmm… :slight_smile:

Angel electric is 14f and Ak DU is 14f didn’t know AKs wind god was that fast damn

Lol at “pocket mishima”. Where they do that at? Smh…

With that vomit voice.


Anybody down for some tekken on XBL tonight after 10? That’s when I get off work and I ain’t got nothin to do afterwards…

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