Oh no Im not sure about that. I just remember during like a demo where they explained the game. They did say you will have to mix up elements in order to fight certain enemies. I’m not sure if they were implying color coded enemies or something like “use this to break defense and then attack using whatever” But I doubt there will be color coded type niggas. But im just trying to interpret what they were saying in the demo. I’m just guessing they just mean like in any other game you may have to use a certain thing to inflict the most damage or to create an opening
Technically enemies will probably be “color coded” because that’s how things work in the Avatar universe as it is. Most benders wear clothing from their homeland.
naw at some point those niggas do damage. Idk what the people are called. But at the start of like level 3 I was texting and like there was like 3 or 4 niggas. one of them hit me a few times when i didn’t have the controller and i took HELLA damage. But from what i played you can tell its obviously a budget title. It is pretty bland, but its a decent game action wise from early impressions.
I’m sure reviews are shitting on it because i mean it is a game based off a cartoon which typically are never top quality lol. But its alright so far. I’m gonna try to put some time into later or just this weekend, and i’ll drop by with a more updated opinion. I’m only speaking from like 45 minutes of playing and just the barebones of the game
A lot of people (me included) actually agree with what you usually say. But you do in such an abrasive and annoying way most people are going to ignore you, try to get you banned or argue with you for the sake of arguing just to see what kind of stupid Bolded text Tantrum you’ll go off on.
You basically make the same post every god damn time someone brings up a few key words that get your panties in a bunch. It’s cool, your passionate or whatever, guess what though? No one cares.
Chill the fuck out and quick taking everything as an open invite to shove your opinions down everyone’s throat like they’re gospel truth.
What I’m taking away from the reviews, as others are as well is: The good stuff about the game = Platinum. The bad stuff = Activision and the show’s creators.
This feels like a stripped-down Bayonetta with an Avatar skin. Not bad, but feels like there should be more to the combat. Like…Idunno, different combos with the same element based on timed button presses, like Bayo.