Apparently AP Rengar is what’s OP right now and what people are abusing before Riot nerf’s it eventually
Here’s some details someone wrote about it:
Before you read the title and think that I have no idea what I’m talking about and AP Rengar is bad just hear me out for a moment. Rengar has a refresh-able 1.0 AP ability with a stealth mechanic. What does this mean exactly? Well, you can rush a deathfire grasp max W then E and go for cdr boots. With the right masteries and items you should have 40% cdr fast for a 30 second ult cd. You can run around the map slapping 2.0 ap ratio combos in their faces along with a dfg active. This is very strong. He is also hard to gank past level 6 and he is better top than mid. Why is this? He is an auto attacker and to be in range of his W it will be easier top vs melee champs than mid. Rengar can abuse the brushes to his advantage top more than mid too. He also has built in sustain on his W which is extremely useful in lane if you go for a spirits visage vs double ap. The player FallenBandit played it a lot in 2k elo games and did extremely well. Here is his match history- after the games he palyed, Dyrus made a post about how overpowered it was on facebook- . I just thought you guys would fine this interesting and I think that Riot will be nerfing it very soon. I tried it myself in a normal game and stomped. NOTE: He is ONLY very powerful because he can go invisible and burst down ad carries. This can be countered by oracles.
AP tanky Rengar to abuse his ratios would be really, really fun actually. I’m trying to find time to get IP and grab him before Riot does the inevitable nerfing of new champs when another rolls around.
I uploaded the spreadsheet to Google Docs and made it editable, so feel free to add yourself or fix anything I got wrong. Format is really simple right now, with X’s marking champions you play and the position you play them in. Could add room for more information, like Skype info, champion statistics, available times, etc. pretty easy.
The easiest way to get yourself onto the spreadsheet is to click the down arrow next to “Template” at the bottom and choose Duplicate to make a copy of the template, then click the down arrow next to “Copy of Template” at the bottom and choose Rename. I’ve been using SRK names for the sheets so far. After you’ve named your sheet, mark the champs you play and the position you play them in and delete all the ones you don’t to keep things cleaner. To delete a row, right-click the row number and choose Delete row.
Alternatively, keep posting here and I’ll keep adding people.
Thanks i usually use ghost and flash just because i feel naked with out 2 back up escape with him. I have gotten pretty good at getting direct hits with concussions mostly by guessing if the person is intelligent enough to move out of the way or not.
Yeah so far the major nerfs have been changing her passive on (W?) so that it adds 2 seconds more slow instead of a knockup, and her ult range got nerfed from 800 to 675 I believe. Also increased cooldown on Q? Not sure about that one, that would just be stupid
I’ll throw this up, too. It’s the Gold/Time spreadsheet I mentioned awhile back. It’s got two little calculators that can be used to find how much gold you earn over time and how long it would take to earn X gold at Y rate. Tidied it up a little and added some notes.
TiKD is the account I’ll throw up here I guess. I’m constantly attempting to help players. Most of my recent games are with players who need a lot of improvement. So I hope we can play sometime. Some of you will surprise me I’m sure
Though, when I posted my previous post, I honestly thought that list was just a ‘add these guys and have a nice pool to duo/whatever queue with’ and not a ‘these guys are our likeliest picks for an SRK ranked team’. I’d like to improve my game for sure, that’s what I am practicing for, but I dunno about joining a ranked team just yet.
That’s why we’re considering at least two teams, one for our ranked gameplay and I think one or two for the lesser skilled players, sorted by availability so we can scrim with them and all that good shit and try and level everyone up.
And here I thought I was behind because I thought I needed like 100+ by 15 minutes lol, I’ve been hitting 80 no problem.
Anyway the problem with that is that if all of those players go onto one team, playing against a bunch of low ELO shitheads, where is the improvement coming from? Someone’s gotta be there to tell them what they’re doing wrong.
Better to start the team now and let everyone play together, and then decide by Season 3 who you super competitive players are gonna roll with to try and go after some cash. The lesser players will learn along the way and then can keep the old team, while you or Kona or someone heads up a more pro oriented team.