The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

I honestly have no idea what you guys are doing.

Why does barely anyone use Jayce? He sounds so fucking strong.

Trying to learn heimer anyone got tips?

Oh yeah they fixed his changing issues in the last patch, should mess with him today. Personally I like Jayce, I think it’s that he requires a little more thinking and more than five minutes to learn and most LoL’ers will not stand for that.

Also what the heck are you a mod of?

Oh, so he is/was buggy, that explains it.

And I mod the SFxT section.

How horrible. =/

I like SFxT, a lot actually, so does Jamp. Why would it be horrible anyway? Most of the people that post in the SFxT forums are a lot nicer than many of the other sub - forums.

Jayce is under - rated, especially as a top lane, he just suffers from the Riot release schedule burying him under new champs.

I don’t know how accurate it is anymore, but you can try using this thing to calculate your normal game ELO.

So, in normal I have like 1771 of ELO…

I’m always searching that Penta on Normal Blind… On Draft I play more calm… XD

Do you really want to start that crap here? I made my snide remark and Jampington knows I am messing.

Actually, you started it, but whatever, I’ll let it slip.

Not really, I made a comment about modding a probably hostile area early on to someone that wasn’t you, you interceded yourself in thinking it was a huge insult.

I think it would be a good idea to have 2 Teams for SRK. A squad and B squad so that way scrimmages would be easier and we can learn a lot from each other before we do this shit live. Also once we have a main team running it would be easier to have subs if someone cant play that day or whatever.


Mid(preferred): Zyra, Cass, Swain, Viegar
Jungle: Volibear, Skarner
Adc: Ashe
Support(preferred): Nunu, Naut, Janna, Soraka

Or the Mongooses.

Had no idea you guys were forming LoL teams, send me an invite to one even if I don’t play, I’ll be there for emotional support.

I agree…the way I see it is…there’s a big skill gap on SRK. And I like to help people still. But I don’t like to team up with newbies for competitive ranked matches.

I say we have a Team A for the more experienced members that are looking to take their game to a competitive level…

And we have a Team B for people that still need to learn how to get 80 CS at 15 minutes…and what time dragon comes up…and stuff like that.

I think Team A should scrim with Team B and then we’ll mix it up, give criticism of course and the like.

We’ve been talking about it for the past few pages :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t play Heimer. Not, but seriously. Heimer is my favorite champ, and I can barely even justify picking him. He’s good in protect the carry comps, and he’s okay in poke comps, and he’s hella strong against melee, but he’s too easy to gank and he can’t force kills in lane or assist ganks very well. He still has good buff control, but since his turret shred doesn’t work on Dragon/Baron anymore it’s a lot lower than it was.

If you really want to play Heimer, you HAVE to get good at last hitting with wrench. If you rely on spells you will run out of mana and push the lane way too hard and be free money for any decent jungler. Once you have ward coverage you can put turrets up past the river and lock them under their turret if you want, but don’t do it early unless you are covering for your jungler to invade or something. Speaking of invades and jungle fights, you are useless at that, other than your lane control, so make sure people realize that.

You should be levelling Missiles in lane and harassing with it when you can, which really only works against people that don’t understand missiles. In general I level W first, then Q, take a point in E if you feel like you need the lockdown/protection, and then take ult before the first major teamfights start, if possible, but generally not at 6. There’s also no reason to level ult first, so take one level and then max it last. The other important trick to Heimer is throwing turrets over walls. Practice that a lot, and learn what walls you can and cannot do it on. You should keep turrets stocked whenever possible. Even if you have no turrets down, if you think there’s going to be a fight soon, don’t waste your stock on lane turrets that are probably going to die anyway. Basically think of turrets like Smite. If you need it for Dragon/Baron soon, never waste it on other shit.

As for builds, on a team with strong protect you can go straight AP for troll damage, but I generally build a RoA for tank stats since Heimer’s turrets die if he dies. Summoners should be Ghost/Flash or Exhaust/Flash. When someone dives on you, Exhaust them or Ghost and kite around turrets like a troll.

Heimer rework should be coming Soon™

Also, I don’t think SRK is probably the best outlet for forming a League of Legends team, even in it’s thread. There’s just like, no tools for it, iunno, I’m really inexeperienced with spreadsheets and stuff like that too.

Schedule ideas? Skype names? Characters per Role? In game names? SRK Handles? Weaknesses? Strengths?

There’s a lot of shit to keep track of. ^ That, that’s nothing.

My mind has been very stressed lately, I haven’t been paying attention to a lot of stuff sir. Lol

I mainly jungle with Malphite.
-Start armor+5 pots and W or E. Get a strong leash on blue and level W/E next. Max Q first since that is your ganking tool.
-Get double gp items, philo and HoG, then try to work on glacial shroud (if laning phase is starting to end) or phage (if laning phase is still happening)
-Don’t pick Malphite if the enemy team does not have a lot of attack speed reliant champions or mainly AP champs.
-If at all possible, try to build him bruiser. He can be a tank sure, but the reason people hate him is because he neutralizes the AD carry so easily. His R is like Fizz’s trickster or Maokai’s W in that it ignores anything that happens to him once he starts his ult, so he can get on the AD carry with relative ease. Flash if you have to. Don’t try to wait until everyone is clumped in a nice delicious pile if you can get at least 3 people (including the AD carry) since people try to space out against him. R will still activate even if nobody is there, so think of it as a skillshot flash as opposed to a set and forget spell.
-If you do not want to give a free kill to karthus, then ult when karthus ult is about to finish
-I enjoy fratma’s, frozen heart, randuin’s, and GA on Malphite but the main thing is frozen heart.
-Solo top, I do not know too much. All I know from experience is that Q harass is nice but don’t run yourself oom. Certain champs Malphite wants to go toe to toe since his passive, W, and E give him a strong advantage against melee. His early burst from R to everything also makes shit ridiculous or easy to gank.

There are a few ways to avoid Karthus ult depending on champion. Some, like maokai, malphite, fizz, shaco, and vladmir have moves that make them untargetable for a brief moment. Nocturne and Sivir have shields that 100% negate the damage while giving you a buff. Item-wise Zhonya’s for AP is a brain dead choice. For AD people, you should think about investing into a hexdrinker->maw because of the delicious shield and damage. If you are a lifesteal champ, you might want to be wary of nearby creeps and start hitting as many as possible to regain health. If you are a tank, banshee’s is an option, albeit gimmicky since anything can remove the shield. If all else fails and you are completely down to nail and tooth, carrying a fortitude pot will increase your max health by a small margin in hopes that it will be enough to save you from Karthus. Soraka ult, Morgana E, and other shields are obvious methods for saving people.

EDIT: Of course, for Karthus initiating with R, you’re kind of screwed. Karthus is a hypercarry and probably the number 1 AP mid.