Mayhaps we should post a list of the champions we play and roles we play them in.
Top: Gangplank, Kayle
Mid: Right now just Ahri and Morg (lol good luck) but working on new champs
Bot: Cait, Graves, Varus, Sivir, and I want to pick up Corki soon
Support: Soraka, Sona, working on Taric and Leona this week
Top: Teemo/Xin/Nunu/Katarina/Garen/Jax
Mid: Katarina/Teemo/Ahri (coming soon)/Ryze/Lux/Eve
Bot (ADC): Teemo/Ashe/Graves (coming soon)
Jungle: I suck at it but I use Warwick/Nunu and used Diana for some stuff also Eve.
Support: hahahaha…
My main spot is Mid with Katarina since I played a lot…
Roughly ordered by confidence.
Top: Teemo
Mid: Morgana, Katarina, Cassiopeia, LeBlanc, Ahri
Bot: Ashe, Vayne, Miss Fortune
Support: Soraka, Lulu, Sona, Karma, Taric, Alistar, Janna, Nunu
Jungle: Amumu, Fiddlesticks, Nunu, and sometimes Shyvana
I’ve got others I can play, but these are the ones that I feel good about. I’m trying to decide if I want to grab Blitz or Leona next since I’ve got the points.
So I just bought Malphite, Any tips and tricks?
Also I effing hate Karthus’ Ult.
GG’s qoqo and jano. Sloppy but hilarious game. I’m QQ China.
Lol, if we all do this is someone going to keep track of it? Do we need a google spreadsheet?
Well, here we go
No particular horizontal order.
Bot Carry: Ashe, Caitlyn, Graves, AD Kennen, Kog’maw, Miss Fortune, AD Orianna, Sivir, Tristana, Varus, Vayne
Bot Support: Ashe, Gangplank, Janna, Malphite, Orianna, Sona, Soraka, Taric
Jungle: Cho’Gath, Dr. Mundo, Malphite, Shen, Shyvana, Skarner
Mid: Katarina, Kennen, Kog’maw, LeBlanc, Lux, Orianna, Ryze, Ziggs
Top: Cho’Gath, Gangplank, Garen, Kennen, AP Lulu, Malphite, Nunu, Ryze, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Skarner
I haven’t gotten many chances to play top since Fiora. 5 new top champs have been released since then, so I’m not too confident in going top anymore. But of course the confidences gap is just going to get bigger the longer I don’t play top. So one of these days I’m just going to have to bite the bullet.
On that same note, I haven’t gotten as much action in mid as I would have liked. My usual play group doesn’t like the pressure and responsibility of bot lane. So I’ve pretty much been stuck there the past few months.
I’ve also played all the ADCs in mid, but that was literally a year ago before the European meta solidified. I’m sure all the matchups are still the same, but I’m not sure I can say the same for whatever lane the AP carry has to go to.
I’m pretty much always ready to go bot or jungle, and I usual always have some sort of mid ap page setup. but if you want me to go top you should warn me ahead of time so I can setup.
Almost always get a Frozen Heart. And don’t neglect your magic resist.
And always keep your carries in mind.
Popping a red Potion is a cheap and easy counter.
Thanks,I pretty much will use my pots by mid-game, I guess it can’t hurt for 35 Gold, since I’m playing Ahri anyway.
I meant Elixir of Fortitude, not what ever the HP pot is called. It instantly ups your max HP and heals you the difference. It’s good up till mid-ish game. But by late game you/your team will hopefully have built/play around Karthus.
You have me in game, invite me, I’ll play AP mid.
That’s what I’d play every game if I had the opportunity, but solo queue doesn’t allow for you to always play one role.
Play blind pick so you actually get to use him, lol.
Also just had to dodge a game where both a LeBlanc and Akali insisted that they were following me to bot lane. Does unranked draft randomly match, or is it based on a hidden ELO rating? There’s NO WAY I’ve dropped that low.
EDIT: Forgot to mention the Akali was rolling with teleport/surge. Where they do that at?
I can play about twenty champions competently, I’m actually quite good at probably ten of them. Not about to list them all but the ones I’ve used the most recently are
Kayle, Anivia, Morgana, Irelia, Akali, Janna and Diana
My list if I was dedicated AP mid for SRK ranked would be,
Anivia, Morgana, Akali, Diana, Cassiopeia, Ahri and Annie (rarely)
I can farm mid as AP support with Karma / Lulu / Soraka as well or counter - pick with an anti - AP carry like Irelia / Fiora as well.
Or they were trying forcing you to dodge.
Mission Successful.
there is a normal game elo, it shows on your account by the badge if you are bronze/silver/gold/plat, but as for an actual number, you would have to calculate it with your W/L.
actually won a game with a revive/heal olaf up top, at about 1600 i think. so yeah, no relief in sight for you.
I didn’t know that, I’ve only got about 450 normal wins, it’s a blue colour with the flames though so it would be platinum.
Champs I play for each role?
Top: Riven, Irelia, Jax, Vlad, Rumble, Kayle
Mid: Diana, Katarina, Zyra, Ahri, LeBlanc
Bot: Ashe, Ezreal, Tristana, Miss Fortune
Support: Still haven’t started supporting properly yet, but whenever I do, Sona, Taric, Alistar, Blitz
Jungle: Diana, Jax, Shyvanna, Mundo
All the queue types have a ELO that it uses to match you. Any with an option for ranked or unranked, the unranked ELO will be hidden and capped to a maximum.
The color of your badges I don’t think it has anything to do with your hidden ELO. Or if it does, then it must just represent the highest you’ve been, not your current. Because I’ve never seen it go down. But even if it is accurate, it’s irrelevant because your ELO is capped.
there is hidden elo on normal games. they just took away the tools of finding it. sites like lolmatches and such used it till they took it away. really wanted to find my dominion elo. guess ill never know.
Buy GP5’s use Ultimate.
Also, I play every role pretty well (probably around 1500 level for my worst ones), but I am mainly into AD Carry and Jungle. I am a strong support player but I really am just not to into it at a competitive level.
My Main Champs:
Top: Rumble Jax only mainly (don’t play this often because it’s boring AF)
Mid: Ahri, Annie, Ryze (Practicing it when I can, can play a few others just not too comfortable with them)
AD Carry: Everything but Sivir, Miss Fortune. (Really good Kog/Vayne, but those comps just rare nowadays : /)
Support: Janna, Blitz, Leona and the easy stuff
Jungle: Amumu, Mundo, Hecarim, Jax, Lee Sin, Malphite, Maokai, Naut, Nunu, Olaf, Riven, Warwick, Xin (Can always buy Skarner if needed for a ranked game or something).
Just won 3 in a row with some friends (all 1500+ wins).
Did three different roles / characters. Irelia Top, Morgana Mid and Janna Bot. Had some really good games, my Morgana in particular is really sharp, she’s probably my second most played character and it shows because I never miss them snares.