The League of Legends Thread: Winter is...coming?

Looks like Yorick to me

Dinoz1337 If anyone ever needs TeamMates.

GankPlank is my Main. But I can play Sivir, Nidalee, Yi, a lil Kayle, etc.

GankPlank is the Best. I’d rate him Top 3 in this game.

It’s either Yorick or Jax, I think.

Yeah Yorick is the pool boy.

Finally managed to even out my Ranked win rate and I’m almost back to 1200 ELO.

And it only took around 60 matches.

I want a full load of pool party skins and a pool party map change for SR. Make the river water slides, towers are obviously the Lifeguard stations, base stuff is a water park, etc.


We need this in the suggestion box at Riot now.

I wouldn’t mind a new visual change to SR, since there’s no more winter or harrowing

Maybe with the void invasion there’s gonna be some cool new shit

Posted this in the lounge but I don’t think a lot of you visit it, so


What time do people normally play? I don’t normally get on until after 6pm PST.

give us your IGN name qoqonuts

or join the channel: SRK

yes all caps


I wanted to touch on this topic for a moment.

I see a lot of people posting up that they play multiple roles, then they only know how to play one champion.

Please, please, please have a lot of champions for your role to be able to counter-pick and match up with new team compositions. Only being able to play Taric or Blitz does not make you a support player. It makes you a player that will sometimes play support, but doesn’t have a lot of variety in his/her picks in the role.

That being said. I also think we should nominate a team captain or two, more like Team SRK sages, that try to mentor and teach people their roles to a better style and help everyone progress, sure, I’m sure there’s a ton of that going on as is in little segments.

I want to see near novels filled up, pages of advice and theory and math posted up here once we get rolling with this, I want to take it as seriously as possible and don’t want to waste my time during Season 3. If we’re going to do this, I want to potentially make it go big if/when we actually do get good.

I have no problem at all nominating myself for that kind of position as I love to type up advice on gameplay, I’m intelligent, calm and perceptive when it comes to games, I’d love to try and take some of you guys to the next level along with some help from the other seasoned players on here.

Another thing. I think we have more players interested than we can actually have on a team. I think we should all get on and run a bunch of customs and see who we want to consider.

I made the team on the League Client.

Team SRK
SRGAY (couldn’t use special characters for $RK and SRK was taken :frowning: )

I’ve invited Redbeard and Kona so far as I know they’re two of the stronger players that we have that frequently post.

I support this idea. PapaRhino for President 2013.

The funny thing is that SRK was retaken during summer jam weekend. We got sniped out while mashing buttons. But YJDK was open, aswell as the name: Stupid Retarded Kids. Surprised they don’t have a word ban list.

Oh wait duh. Nevermind, I already took YJDK for Team Down Right Fierce

umthrfkr(srk) umthrfkr(lol) umthrfkr(skype) umthrfkr(facebook) umthrfkr(youtube) umthrfkr(steam)… lol you get the point.

can play all roles. some roles i play better than others. ide say it goes t1: mid/top t2: jung t3: adc/sup. i only have a t3 because i believe that lane needs the most coordination of them all and i cant really get that in solo q. although once i get adjusted with the opposite of either, should be fine. will list my top 5 in no particular order for each role according to the current meta. and i can play more than those if needed.

mid: vlad, brand, gragas, viktor, ryze

support: taric, soraka, sona, alistar, leona

bot lane ad: graves, cait, sivir, corki, trist

jungle: udyr, trundle, shyvana, alistar, rammus

top: udyr, yorick, wukong, singed, darius

ill throw my name into this cause im bored. and when im not playing 3v3, ive been playing nothing but 5 man premades or 10 man inhouses lately. should be nothing new.

although i am taking a bit of a much needed break from lol right now. havent played in like 3 days or so wont be on for a few more days. possibly be back on fri?

also an idea. i say practice 1v1 with someone on a bad matchup. like say if someone has a bad matchup with one of these chars ive listed feel free to ask to 1v1 to get the match up down. matchups are pretty important in this game imo. even if i dont end up on the team feel free to ask me for matches.

I personally wish there was 1v1 matchmaking

ive been saying that for some time now. give me 1v1 map. i guess proving grounds can kind of do that but meh…

Take away the health relics for 1v1’s and it should be fine

Bumped for read…